Class CyclicTimeout

All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class CyclicTimeout extends Object implements Destroyable

This class is a clone of

An abstract implementation of a timeout.

Subclasses should implement onTimeoutExpired().

This implementation is optimised assuming that the timeout will mostly be cancelled and then reused with a similar value.

This implementation has a CyclicTimeout.Timeout holding the time at which the scheduled task should fire, and a linked list of CyclicTimeout.Wakeup, each holding the actual scheduled task.

Calling schedule(long, TimeUnit) the first time will create a Timeout with an associated Wakeup and submit a task to the scheduler. Calling schedule(long, TimeUnit) again with the same or a larger delay will cancel the previous Timeout, but keep the previous Wakeup without submitting a new task to the scheduler, therefore reducing the pressure on the scheduler and avoid it becomes a bottleneck. When the Wakeup task fires, it will see that the Timeout is now in the future and will attach a new Wakeup with the future time to the Timeout, and submit a scheduler task for the new Wakeup.

  • Constructor Details

    • CyclicTimeout

      public CyclicTimeout(Scheduler scheduler)
      scheduler - A scheduler used to schedule wakeups
  • Method Details

    • getScheduler

      public Scheduler getScheduler()
    • schedule

      public boolean schedule(long delay, @NonNull TimeUnit units)
      Schedules a timeout, even if already set, cancelled or expired. If a timeout is already set, it will be cancelled and replaced by the new one.
      delay - The period of time before the timeout expires.
      units - The unit of time of the period.
      true if the timeout was already set.
    • cancel

      public boolean cancel()
      Cancels this CyclicTimeout so that it won't expire. After being cancelled, this CyclicTimeout can be scheduled again.
      true if this CyclicTimeout was scheduled to expire
      See Also:
    • onTimeoutExpired

      public abstract void onTimeoutExpired()
      Invoked when the timeout expires.
    • destroy

      public void destroy()
      Destroys this CyclicTimeout. After being destroyed, this CyclicTimeout is not used anymore.
      Specified by:
      destroy in interface Destroyable