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AbstractComponent - Class in com.yahoo.component
Superclass of destructible components.
AbstractComponent() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.component.AbstractComponent
Creates a new component which is invalid until AbstractComponent.initId(com.yahoo.component.ComponentId) is called on it.
AbstractComponent(ComponentId) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.component.AbstractComponent
Creates a new component with an id.
addFreezeListener(Runnable, Executor) - Method in interface com.yahoo.component.provider.ListenableFreezable
Adds a listener which will be called when this is frozen
addFreezeListener(Runnable, Executor) - Method in class com.yahoo.component.provider.ListenableFreezableClass
Adds a listener which will be invoked when this has become frozen.
allComponents() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.provider.ComponentRegistry
Returns an unmodifiable snapshot of all components present in this registry.
allComponentsById() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.provider.ComponentRegistry
Returns an unmodifiable snapshot of all components present in this registry, by id.


clone() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.AbstractComponent
Clones this by returning a new instance which does not have an id.
clone() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.provider.FreezableClass
Clones this.
clone() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.provider.FreezableComponent
Clones this.
clone() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.provider.FreezableSimpleComponent
Clones this.
clone() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.provider.ListenableFreezableClass
Clones this.
com.yahoo.component - package com.yahoo.component
com.yahoo.component.provider - package com.yahoo.component.provider
com.yahoo.container.util - package com.yahoo.container.util
commitDate - Static variable in class com.yahoo.component.Vtag
commitSha - Static variable in class com.yahoo.component.Vtag
compareTo(Component) - Method in class com.yahoo.component.AbstractComponent
Order by id order.
compareTo(ComponentId) - Method in class com.yahoo.component.ComponentId
compareTo(Version) - Method in class com.yahoo.component.Version
Compares this Version object to another version.
compareTo(VersionSpecification) - Method in class com.yahoo.component.VersionSpecification
Compares this VersionSpecification object to another.
Component - Interface in com.yahoo.component
A named, versioned, identifiable component.
ComponentId - Class in com.yahoo.component
The id of a component.
ComponentId(String) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.component.ComponentId
Creates a component id from the id string form: name(:version)?(@namespace)?, where version has the form 1(.2(.3(.identifier)?)?)? and namespace is a component id
ComponentId(String, Version) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.component.ComponentId
Creates a component id from a name and version.
ComponentId(String, Version, ComponentId) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.component.ComponentId
ComponentRegistry<COMPONENT> - Class in com.yahoo.component.provider
A generic superclass for component registries.
ComponentRegistry() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.component.provider.ComponentRegistry
ComponentSpecification - Class in com.yahoo.component
The specification of a wanted component.
ComponentSpecification(String) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.component.ComponentSpecification
Creates a component id from the id string form: name(:version?), where version has the form 1(.2(.3(.identifier)?)?)?
ComponentSpecification(String, VersionSpecification) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.component.ComponentSpecification
Creates a component id from a name and version.
ComponentSpecification(String, VersionSpecification, ComponentId) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.component.ComponentSpecification
createAnonymousComponentId(String) - Static method in class com.yahoo.component.ComponentId
Creates a componentId that is unique for this run-time instance
currentVersion - Static variable in class com.yahoo.component.Vtag


deconstruct() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.AbstractComponent
Implement this to perform any cleanup of structures or resources allocated in the constructor, before this component is removed.


emptyVersion - Static variable in class com.yahoo.component.Version
The empty version
emptyVersionSpecification - Static variable in class com.yahoo.component.VersionSpecification
The empty version
ensureNotFrozen() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.provider.FreezableClass
Throws an IllegalStateException if this is frozen
ensureNotFrozen() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.provider.FreezableComponent
Throws an IllegalStateException if this is frozen
ensureNotFrozen() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.provider.FreezableSimpleComponent
Throws an IllegalStateException if this is frozen
equals(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.component.ComponentId
equals(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.component.ComponentSpecification
equals(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.component.Version
Compares this Version to another.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.component.VersionSpecification
Compares this VersionSpecification to another.


findBestMatch(VersionSpecification, Set<Version>) - Static method in class com.yahoo.component.provider.ComponentRegistry
Finds the best (highest) matching version among a set.
firstNonNull(T...) - Static method in class com.yahoo.container.util.Util
Freezable - Interface in com.yahoo.component.provider
A class which may be irreversibly frozen.
FreezableClass - Class in com.yahoo.component.provider
Convenience superclass of non-component freezables
FreezableClass() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.component.provider.FreezableClass
FreezableComponent - Class in com.yahoo.component.provider
Superclass for freezable components
FreezableComponent() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.component.provider.FreezableComponent
FreezableComponent(ComponentId) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.component.provider.FreezableComponent
FreezableSimpleComponent - Class in com.yahoo.component.provider
Superclass for simple freezable components
FreezableSimpleComponent() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.component.provider.FreezableSimpleComponent
FreezableSimpleComponent(ComponentId) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.component.provider.FreezableSimpleComponent
freeze() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.provider.ComponentRegistry
Freezes this registry to prevent further changes.
freeze() - Method in interface com.yahoo.component.provider.Freezable
Freezes this component to prevent further changes.
freeze() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.provider.FreezableClass
Freezes this class to prevent further changes.
freeze() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.provider.FreezableComponent
Freezes this component to prevent further changes.
freeze() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.provider.FreezableSimpleComponent
Freezes this component to prevent further changes.
freeze() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.provider.ListenableFreezableClass
Freezes this class to prevent further changes.
fromFileName(String) - Static method in class com.yahoo.component.ComponentId
Creates an id from a file first name string encoded in the standard translation (see ComponentId.toFileName()).
fromString(String) - Static method in class com.yahoo.component.ComponentId
Creates a component id from the id string form: name(:version)?(@namespace)?, where version has the form 1(.2(.3(.identifier)?)?)? and namespace is a component id.
fromString(String) - Static method in class com.yahoo.component.ComponentSpecification
Creates a component id from the id string form: name(:version?), where version has the form 1(.2(.3(.identifier)?)?)?
fromString(String) - Static method in class com.yahoo.component.Version
Returns new Version(versionString), or Version.emptyVersion if the input string is null or ""
fromString(String) - Static method in class com.yahoo.component.VersionSpecification


getClassName() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.AbstractComponent
getComponent(ComponentId) - Method in class com.yahoo.component.provider.ComponentRegistry
getComponent(ComponentSpecification) - Method in class com.yahoo.component.provider.ComponentRegistry
Returns a component.
getComponent(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.component.provider.ComponentRegistry
See getComponent(ComponentSpecification)
getComponentCount() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.provider.ComponentRegistry
Returns the number of components in this
getId() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.AbstractComponent
Do NOT call at construction time.
getId() - Method in interface com.yahoo.component.Component
Returns the id of this component
getIdString() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.AbstractComponent
DO NOT CALL, for internal use only,
getMajor() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.Version
Returns the major component of this version, or 0 if not specified
getMajor() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.VersionSpecification
Returns the major component of this version, or 0 if not specified
getMicro() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.Version
Returns the micro component of this version, or 0 if not specified
getMicro() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.VersionSpecification
Returns the micro component of this version, or 0 if not specified
getMinor() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.Version
Returns the minor component of this version, or 0 if not specified
getMinor() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.VersionSpecification
Returns the minor component of this version, or 0 if not specified
getName() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.ComponentId
Returns the name of this.
getName() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.ComponentSpecification
Returns the name of this.
getNamespace() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.ComponentId
The namespace is null if this is a top level component id
getNamespace() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.ComponentSpecification
The namespace is null if this is to match a top level component id
getQualifier() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.Version
Returns the qualifier component of this version, or "" if not specified
getQualifier() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.VersionSpecification
Returns the qualifier component of this version, or "" if not specified
getSpecifiedMajor() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.VersionSpecification
Returns the specified major component, which may be null
getSpecifiedMicro() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.VersionSpecification
Returns the specified micro component, which may be null
getSpecifiedMinor() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.VersionSpecification
Returns the specified minor component, which may be null
getSpecifiedQualifier() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.VersionSpecification
Returns the specified qualifier component, which may be null
getVersion() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.ComponentId
Returns the version of this id, or emptyVersion if no version is specified
getVersionSpecification() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.ComponentSpecification
Returns the version of this id, or null if no version is specified


hashCode() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.ComponentId
hashCode() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.ComponentSpecification
hashCode() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.Version
hashCode() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.VersionSpecification
hasInitializedId() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.AbstractComponent
DO NOT CALL, for internal use only,


initId(ComponentId) - Method in class com.yahoo.component.AbstractComponent
Initializes this.
initId(ComponentId) - Method in interface com.yahoo.component.Component
Initializes this.
intersect(ComponentSpecification) - Method in class com.yahoo.component.ComponentSpecification
intersect(VersionSpecification) - Method in class com.yahoo.component.VersionSpecification
isAfter(Version) - Method in class com.yahoo.component.Version
Returns whether this version number is strictly higher than the given version.
isAnonymous() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.ComponentId
isBefore(Version) - Method in class com.yahoo.component.Version
Returns whether this version number is strictly lower than the given version.
isDeconstructable - Variable in class com.yahoo.component.AbstractComponent
isDeconstructable() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.AbstractComponent
isEmpty() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.Version
Returns whether this equals the empty version
isEmpty() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.VersionSpecification
check if the Version specification is equal to the empty spec ("match anything")
isFrozen() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.provider.ComponentRegistry
returns whether this is currently frozen
isFrozen() - Method in interface com.yahoo.component.provider.Freezable
Inspect whether this object can be changed.
isFrozen() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.provider.FreezableClass
Returns whether this is currently frozen
isFrozen() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.provider.FreezableComponent
Returns whether this is currently frozen
isFrozen() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.provider.FreezableSimpleComponent
Returns whether this is currently frozen


ListenableFreezable - Interface in com.yahoo.component.provider
A freezable which supports listening
ListenableFreezableClass - Class in com.yahoo.component.provider
A convenience superclass for listenable freezables.
ListenableFreezableClass() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.component.provider.ListenableFreezableClass
lowestMatchingVersion() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.VersionSpecification
Returns the lowest possible Version object that matches this spec


matches(ComponentId) - Method in class com.yahoo.component.ComponentSpecification
Checks if a componentId matches a given spec
matches(Version) - Method in class com.yahoo.component.VersionSpecification
Returns true if the given version matches this specification.


nestInNamespace(ComponentId) - Method in class com.yahoo.component.ComponentId
nestInNamespace(ComponentId) - Method in class com.yahoo.component.ComponentSpecification


quote(Object) - Static method in class com.yahoo.container.util.Util


register(ComponentId, COMPONENT) - Method in class com.yahoo.component.provider.ComponentRegistry
Registers a component unless this registry is frozen.
resetGlobalCountersForTests() - Static method in class com.yahoo.component.ComponentId
WARNING: For testing only: Resets counters creating anonymous component ids for this thread.


setIsDeconstructable() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.AbstractComponent
singleton(ComponentId, COMPONENT) - Static method in class com.yahoo.component.provider.ComponentRegistry
Returns a frozen registry with a single component, for convenience
stringValue() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.ComponentId
Returns the string value of this id.
stringValue() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.ComponentSpecification
Returns the string value of this id.


toFileName() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.ComponentId
Returns this id's stringValue (i.e the id without trailing ".0"'s) translated to a file name using the standard translation:
toFullString() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.Version
Returns the string representation of this version identifier as major.minor.micro.qualifier, omitting .qualifier if qualifier empty or unspecified
toId() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.ComponentSpecification
Converts the specification to an id
toSpecification() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.ComponentId
toSpecification() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.Version
Creates a version specification that only matches this version
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.AbstractComponent
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.ComponentId
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.ComponentSpecification
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.Version
Returns the string representation of this version identifier as major.minor.micro.qualifier, omitting the remaining parts after reaching the first unspecified component.
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.VersionSpecification
Returns the string representation of this version specification as major.minor.micro.qualifier, where trailing unspecified components are omitted
toUtf8() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.Version


unregister(ComponentId) - Method in class com.yahoo.component.provider.ComponentRegistry
Unregisters a component unless this registry is frozen.
Util - Class in com.yahoo.container.util
TODO: What is this?
Util() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.container.util.Util


V_TAG - Static variable in class com.yahoo.component.Vtag
V_TAG_ARCH - Static variable in class com.yahoo.component.Vtag
V_TAG_BUILDER - Static variable in class com.yahoo.component.Vtag
V_TAG_COMMIT_DATE - Static variable in class com.yahoo.component.Vtag
V_TAG_COMMIT_SHA - Static variable in class com.yahoo.component.Vtag
V_TAG_COMPONENT - Static variable in class com.yahoo.component.Vtag
V_TAG_DATE - Static variable in class com.yahoo.component.Vtag
V_TAG_PKG - Static variable in class com.yahoo.component.Vtag
V_TAG_SYSTEM - Static variable in class com.yahoo.component.Vtag
V_TAG_SYSTEM_REV - Static variable in class com.yahoo.component.Vtag
Version - Class in com.yahoo.component
A component version
Version() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.component.Version
Creates an empty version
Version(int) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.component.Version
Creates a version identifier from the specified numerical components.
Version(int, int) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.component.Version
Creates a version identifier from the specified numerical components.
Version(int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.component.Version
Creates a version identifier from the specified numerical components.
Version(int, int, int, String) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.component.Version
Creates a version identifier from the specified components.
Version(Utf8Array) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.component.Version
Creates a version identifier from the specified string.
Version(String) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.component.Version
Creates a version identifier from the specified string.
VersionSpecification - Class in com.yahoo.component
A component version specification.
VersionSpecification() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.component.VersionSpecification
Creates an empty version
VersionSpecification(Integer) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.component.VersionSpecification
Creates a version specification from the specified numerical components.
VersionSpecification(Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.component.VersionSpecification
Creates a version specification from the specified numerical components.
VersionSpecification(Integer, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.component.VersionSpecification
Creates a version specification from the specified numerical components.
VersionSpecification(Integer, Integer, Integer, String) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.component.VersionSpecification
Creates a version specification from the specifed components.
VersionSpecification(String) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.component.VersionSpecification
Creates a version specification from the specified string.
Vtag - Class in com.yahoo.component
Vtag() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.component.Vtag


withoutNamespace() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.ComponentId
Returns a copy of this id with namespace set to null
withoutNamespace() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.ComponentSpecification
Returns a copy of this spec with namespace set to null
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