Class ScheduledEventQueue

  • public class ScheduledEventQueue
    extends Object
    Simple, lightweight event scheduler that does not maintain any executor threads of its own, but rather makes it the responsibility of the caller to run the events as the queue hands them over. Fully thread safe for multiple readers and writers.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ScheduledEventQueue

        public ScheduledEventQueue()
      • ScheduledEventQueue

        public ScheduledEventQueue​( timer)
    • Method Detail

      • pushTask

        public void pushTask​(Runnable task)
      • pushTask

        public void pushTask​(Runnable task,
                             long milliSecondsToWait)
      • isWaiting

        public boolean isWaiting()
      • getNextTask

        public Runnable getNextTask()
        Waits until the queue has a task that is ready for scheduling, removes that task from the queue and returns it.
        The next task.
      • popTask

        public Runnable popTask()
        If there is a task ready for scheduling, remove it from the queue and return it.
        The next task.
      • wakeTasks

        public void wakeTasks()
        For unit testing only
      • shutdown

        public void shutdown()
      • isShutdown

        public boolean isShutdown()
      • size

        public long size()