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AbstractData - Class in com.yahoo.processing.response
Convenience superclass for implementations of data.
AbstractData(Request) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.response.AbstractData
Creates some data marked with the request that created it
AbstractDataList<DATATYPE extends Data> - Class in com.yahoo.processing.response
A convenience superclass for dataList implementations which handles references to the request and to incoming data.
AbstractDataList(Request) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.response.AbstractDataList
Creates a simple data list which does not allow late incoming data
AbstractDataList(Request, IncomingData<DATATYPE>) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.response.AbstractDataList
Creates a simple data list which receives incoming data in the given instance
AbstractDataList(Request, IncomingData<DATATYPE>, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.response.AbstractDataList
Creates a simple data list which receives incoming data in the given instance
AbstractDataList.DrainOnGetFuture<DATATYPE extends Data> - Class in com.yahoo.processing.response
accept(VISITOR) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution.Trace
Visits the entire trace tree
add(DATATYPE) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.ArrayDataList
add(DATATYPE) - Method in interface com.yahoo.processing.response.DataList
Adds a child data item to this.
add(DATATYPE) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.DefaultIncomingData
Adds new data without completing this
add(DATATYPE) - Method in interface com.yahoo.processing.response.IncomingData
Add new data without completing this
add(DATATYPE) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.IncomingData.NullIncomingData
add(List<DATATYPE>) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.DefaultIncomingData
Adds new data without completing this
add(List<DATATYPE>) - Method in interface com.yahoo.processing.response.IncomingData
Add new data without completing this.
add(List<DATATYPE>) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.IncomingData.NullIncomingData
addDataListener(Runnable) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.ArrayDataList
addDataListener(Runnable) - Method in interface com.yahoo.processing.response.DataList
Adds a listener which is invoked every time data is added to this list.
addLast(DATATYPE) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.DefaultIncomingData
Adds new data and marks this as completed
addLast(DATATYPE) - Method in interface com.yahoo.processing.response.IncomingData
Add new data and mark this as completed
addLast(DATATYPE) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.IncomingData.NullIncomingData
addLast(List<DATATYPE>) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.DefaultIncomingData
Adds new data and marks this as completed
addLast(List<DATATYPE>) - Method in interface com.yahoo.processing.response.IncomingData
Add new data and mark this as completed
addLast(List<DATATYPE>) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.IncomingData.NullIncomingData
addNewDataListener(Runnable, Executor) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.DefaultIncomingData
addNewDataListener(Runnable, Executor) - Method in interface com.yahoo.processing.response.IncomingData
Add a listener which will be invoked every time new data is added to this.
addNewDataListener(Runnable, Executor) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.IncomingData.NullIncomingData
Adds a new data listener to this - this is a no-op as new data can never be added to this implementation.
after - Variable in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains.Phases.Builder
after - Variable in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Components.Dependencies.Builder
after() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.chain.dependencies.Dependencies
after() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.chain.Phase
after() - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains.Phases
after() - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Components.Dependencies
after(int) - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains.Phases
after(int) - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Components.Dependencies
after(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains.Phases.Builder
after(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Components.Dependencies.Builder
after(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains.Phases.Builder
after(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Components.Dependencies.Builder
After - Annotation Type in com.yahoo.component.chain.dependencies
Components or phases providing names contained in this list must be placed earlier in the chain than the component that is annotated.
append(CompoundName) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.CompoundName
Returns a compound name which has the given compounds appended to it
append(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.CompoundName
Returns a compound name which has the given compound string appended to it
ArrayDataList<DATATYPE extends Data> - Class in com.yahoo.processing.response
A data list backed by an array.
ArrayDataList(Request) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.response.ArrayDataList
Creates a simple data list which does not allow late incoming data
ArrayDataList(Request, IncomingData<DATATYPE>) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.response.ArrayDataList
Creates a simple data list which receives incoming data in the given instance
ArrayDataList(Request, IncomingData<DATATYPE>, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.response.ArrayDataList
Creates a simple data list which receives incoming data in the given instance
asBoolean(Object, boolean) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Converts a value to boolean - this will be true only if the value is either the empty string, or any Object which has a toString which is case-insensitive equal to "true"
asDouble(Object, Double) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
asInteger(Object, Integer) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
asList() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.CompoundName
Returns an immutable list of the components of this
asList() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.ArrayDataList
Returns a reference to the list backing this.
asList() - Method in interface com.yahoo.processing.response.DataList
Returns the content of this as a List.
asLong(Object, Long) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
assignOwner(DataList<DATATYPE>) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.DefaultIncomingData
Assigns the owner of this.
asString(Object, String) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
AsyncExecution - Class in com.yahoo.processing.execution
Provides asynchronous execution of processing chains.
AsyncExecution(Chain<? extends Processor>, Execution) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.execution.AsyncExecution
Create an async execution of a chain
AsyncExecution(Execution) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.execution.AsyncExecution
Creates an async execution from an existing execution.
AsyncExecution(Processor, Execution) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.execution.AsyncExecution
Create an async execution of a single processor


before - Variable in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains.Phases.Builder
before - Variable in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Components.Dependencies.Builder
before() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.chain.dependencies.Dependencies
before() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.chain.Phase
before() - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains.Phases
before() - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Components.Dependencies
before(int) - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains.Phases
before(int) - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Components.Dependencies
before(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains.Phases.Builder
before(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Components.Dependencies.Builder
before(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains.Phases.Builder
before(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Components.Dependencies.Builder
Before - Annotation Type in com.yahoo.component.chain.dependencies
Components or phases providing names contained in this list must be placed later in the chain than the component that is annotated.
build() - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Builder
build() - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains.Builder
build() - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains.Phases.Builder
build() - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Components.Builder
build() - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Components.Dependencies.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains.Phases.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Components.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Components.Dependencies.Builder
Builder(ChainsConfig) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Builder
Builder(ChainsConfig.Chains) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains.Builder
Builder(ChainsConfig.Chains.Phases) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains.Phases.Builder
Builder(ChainsConfig.Components) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Components.Builder
Builder(ChainsConfig.Components.Dependencies) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Components.Dependencies.Builder


cancel(boolean) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.AbstractDataList.DrainOnGetFuture
Returns false as this is not cancellable
cancel(boolean) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.IncomingData.NullIncomingData.ImmediateFuture
chain() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution
Returns the chain this executes
chain(Properties) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Sets the properties chained to this.
Chain<COMPONENT extends ChainedComponent> - Class in com.yahoo.component.chain
An immutable ordered list of components
Chain(ComponentId, COMPONENT...) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.component.chain.Chain
Create a chain directly.
Chain(ComponentId, Collection<COMPONENT>, Collection<Phase>) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.component.chain.Chain
Create a chain by using a builder.
Chain(ComponentId, List<COMPONENT>) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.component.chain.Chain
Create a chain directly.
Chain(COMPONENT...) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.component.chain.Chain
Create a chain directly.
Chain(String, COMPONENT...) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.component.chain.Chain
Create a chain directly.
Chain(String, List<COMPONENT>) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.component.chain.Chain
Create a chain directly.
Chain(List<COMPONENT>) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.component.chain.Chain
Create a chain directly.
CHAIN - Static variable in class com.yahoo.processing.Request
The name of the chain of Processor instances which will be invoked when executing a request.
chained() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Returns the properties chained to this, or null if this is the last in the chain
ChainedComponent - Class in com.yahoo.component.chain
Component with dependencies.
ChainedComponent() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.component.chain.ChainedComponent
ChainedComponent(ComponentId) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.component.chain.ChainedComponent
chainRegistry() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution.Environment
Returns the processing chain registry of this execution environment.
ChainRegistry<T extends ChainedComponent> - Class in com.yahoo.processing.execution.chain
A registry of chains
ChainRegistry() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.execution.chain.ChainRegistry
chains - Variable in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Builder
chains() - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig
chains(int) - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig
chains(ChainsConfig.Chains.Builder) - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Builder
Add the given builder to this builder's list of Chains builders
chains(List<ChainsConfig.Chains.Builder>) - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Builder
Set the given list as this builder's list of Chains builders
Chains(ChainsConfig.Chains.Builder) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains
ChainsConfig - Class in com.yahoo.container.core
This class represents the root node of chains Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings.
ChainsConfig(ChainsConfig.Builder) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig
ChainsConfig.Builder - Class in com.yahoo.container.core
ChainsConfig.Chains - Class in com.yahoo.container.core
This class represents chains.chains[]
ChainsConfig.Chains.Builder - Class in com.yahoo.container.core
ChainsConfig.Chains.Phases - Class in com.yahoo.container.core
This class represents chains.chains[].phases[]
ChainsConfig.Chains.Phases.Builder - Class in com.yahoo.container.core
ChainsConfig.Chains.Type - Class in com.yahoo.container.core
This class represents chains.chains[].type The type of this chain
ChainsConfig.Chains.Type.Enum - Enum in com.yahoo.container.core
ChainsConfig.Components - Class in com.yahoo.container.core
This class represents chains.components[]
ChainsConfig.Components.Builder - Class in com.yahoo.container.core
ChainsConfig.Components.Dependencies - Class in com.yahoo.container.core
This class represents chains.components[].dependencies
ChainsConfig.Components.Dependencies.Builder - Class in com.yahoo.container.core
ChainsConfig.Producer - Interface in com.yahoo.container.core
ChainsConfigurer - Class in com.yahoo.component.chain
Configures a registry of chains.
ChainsConfigurer() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.component.chain.ChainsConfigurer
clearAll(CompoundName) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Sets all properties having this name as a compound prefix to null.
clearAll(CompoundName, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Sets all properties having this name as a compound prefix to null.
clearAll(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Sets all properties having this name as a compound prefix to null.
clearAll(String, Object, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Sets all properties having this name as a compound prefix to null.
clone() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.Request
Returns a clone of this request.
clone() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.ErrorMessage
clone() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Clones this instance and recursively all chained instance.
clone() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.properties.PropertyMap
clone() - Method in interface com.yahoo.processing.request.properties.PublicCloneable
clone(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.CloneHelper
Clones this object if it is clonable, and the clone is public.
clone(Object) - Static method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Clones this object if it is clonable, and the clone is public.
CloneHelper - Class in com.yahoo.processing.request
Helps to deep clone complex objects The following classes and their subclasses does have a fastpath - com.yahoo.component.provider.FreezableClass - com.yahoo.processing.request.properties.PublicCloneable BTW, this is the one you should implement too if you want the fastpath.
CloneHelper() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.request.CloneHelper
cloneMap(Map<CompoundName, Object>) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.CloneHelper
Clones a map by deep cloning each value which is cloneable and shallow copying all other values.
cloneMap(Map<CompoundName, Object>) - Static method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Clones a map by deep cloning each value which is cloneable and shallow copying all other values.
close() - Method in interface com.yahoo.processing.response.DataList
Notify this list that is will never be accessed again, neither for read nor write.
com.yahoo.component.chain - package com.yahoo.component.chain
com.yahoo.component.chain.dependencies - package com.yahoo.component.chain.dependencies
com.yahoo.container.core - package com.yahoo.container.core
com.yahoo.processing - package com.yahoo.processing
com.yahoo.processing.execution - package com.yahoo.processing.execution
com.yahoo.processing.execution.chain - package com.yahoo.processing.execution.chain
com.yahoo.processing.request - package com.yahoo.processing.request
com.yahoo.processing.request.properties - package com.yahoo.processing.request.properties
com.yahoo.processing.response - package com.yahoo.processing.response
complete() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.AbstractDataList
complete() - Method in interface com.yahoo.processing.response.DataList
Returns a future in which all incoming data in this has become available.
completed() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.DefaultIncomingData
completed() - Method in interface com.yahoo.processing.response.IncomingData
Returns a future in which all the incoming data that will be produced in this is available.
completed() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.IncomingData.NullIncomingData
components - Variable in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Builder
components - Variable in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains.Builder
components() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.chain.Chain
components() - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains
components() - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig
components(int) - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains
components(int) - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig
components(ChainsConfig.Components.Builder) - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Builder
Add the given builder to this builder's list of Components builders
components(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains.Builder
components(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains.Builder
components(List<ChainsConfig.Components.Builder>) - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Builder
Set the given list as this builder's list of Components builders
Components(ChainsConfig.Components.Builder) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Components
CompoundName - Class in com.yahoo.processing.request
An immutable compound name of the general form "a.bb.ccc", where there can be any number of such compounds, including one or zero.
CompoundName(String) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.request.CompoundName
Constructs this from a string which may contains dot-separated components
CompoundName(List<String>) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.request.CompoundName
Constructs this from a list of compounds.
CONFIG_DEF_MD5 - Static variable in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig
CONFIG_DEF_NAME - Static variable in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig
CONFIG_DEF_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig
CONFIG_DEF_SCHEMA - Static variable in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig
CONFIG_DEF_VERSION - Static variable in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig
create(Request) - Static method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.ArrayDataList
Creates a simple data list which does not allow late incoming data
createAsync(Request) - Static method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.ArrayDataList
Creates an instance of this which supports incoming data through the default mechanism (DefaultIncomingData)
createAsyncNonstreamed(Request) - Static method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.ArrayDataList
Creates an instance of this which supports incoming data through the default mechanism (DefaultIncomingData) and where this data cannot be returned to clients until this is completed.
createAsyncUnordered(Request) - Static method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.ArrayDataList
Creates an instance of this which supports incoming data through the default mechanism (DefaultIncomingData), and where this data can be rendered in any order.
createChild() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution.Trace
Creates a trace node below a parent
createEmpty() - Static method in class com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution.Environment
Creates an empty environment.
createRoot(int) - Static method in class com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution.Trace
Creates an empty root trace with a given level of tracing
createRoot(Chain<? extends Processor>, int, Execution.Environment<? extends Processor>) - Static method in class com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution
Creates an execution which is not in the context of an existing execution
createRoot(Processor, int, Execution.Environment<? extends Processor>) - Static method in class com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution
Creates an execution of a single processor which is not in the context of an existing execution


data() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.Response
Returns the top level list of data items of this response
Data - Interface in com.yahoo.processing.response
A data item created due to a processing request.
DataList<DATATYPE extends Data> - Interface in com.yahoo.processing.response
A list of data items created due to a processing request.
DefaultIncomingData<DATATYPE extends Data> - Class in com.yahoo.processing.response
The default incoming data implementation
DefaultIncomingData() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.response.DefaultIncomingData
Creates an instance which must be assigned an owner after creation
DefaultIncomingData(DataList<DATATYPE>) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.response.DefaultIncomingData
defaultResponse(Request) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution
Creates the default response to return from this kind of execution when there are no further processors.
defaultResponse(Request) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.execution.ExecutionWithResponse
delegate() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.FutureResponse
dependencies - Variable in class com.yahoo.component.chain.Phase
dependencies - Variable in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Components.Builder
dependencies() - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Components
dependencies(ChainsConfig.Components.Dependencies.Builder) - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Components.Builder
Dependencies - Class in com.yahoo.component.chain.dependencies
Constraints for ordering ChainedComponents in chains.
Dependencies - com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution.Trace.Level
The before/after dependencies of each processing step is traced on every invocation
Dependencies(ChainsConfig.Components.Dependencies.Builder) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Components.Dependencies
Dependencies(Collection<String>, Collection<String>, Collection<String>) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.component.chain.dependencies.Dependencies
Create from collections of strings, typically from config.
dispatchGetConfig(ConfigInstance.Producer) - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Builder
DOCPROC - com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains.Type.Enum
DOCPROC - Static variable in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains.Type
doSetValue(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains.Type
drain() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.DefaultIncomingData
Gets and removes all the data currently available in this.
drain() - Method in interface com.yahoo.processing.response.IncomingData
Get and remove all the data currently available in this
drain() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.IncomingData.NullIncomingData
DrainOnGetFuture(DataList<DATATYPE>) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.response.AbstractDataList.DrainOnGetFuture


empty - Static variable in class com.yahoo.processing.request.CompoundName
The empty compound
emptyDependencies() - Static method in class com.yahoo.component.chain.dependencies.Dependencies
environment() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution
Environment(ChainRegistry<COMPONENT>) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution.Environment
Creates a new environment
equals(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.component.chain.Chain
equals(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.CompoundName
equals(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.ErrorMessage
Two error messages are equal if they have the same code and message.
ErrorMessage - Class in com.yahoo.processing.request
An error encountered while processing a request.
ErrorMessage(int, String) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.request.ErrorMessage
Creates an error
ErrorMessage(int, String, String) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.request.ErrorMessage
Creates an error
ErrorMessage(int, String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.request.ErrorMessage
Creates an error
ErrorMessage(int, String, Throwable) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.request.ErrorMessage
Creates an error
ErrorMessage(String) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.request.ErrorMessage
Creates an error
ErrorMessage(String, String) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.request.ErrorMessage
Creates an error
ErrorMessage(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.request.ErrorMessage
Creates an error
ErrorMessage(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.request.ErrorMessage
Creates an error
errors() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.Request
Returns the list of errors encountered while processing this request, never null.
excludes - Variable in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains.Builder
excludes() - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains
excludes(int) - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains
excludes(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains.Builder
excludes(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains.Builder
Execution - Class in com.yahoo.processing.execution
An execution of a chain.
Execution(Chain<? extends Processor>, int, Execution.Trace, Execution.Environment<? extends Processor>) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution
Creates a new execution by setting the internal state directly.
Execution(Chain<? extends Processor>, Execution) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution
Creates an execution of a chain
Execution(Execution) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution
Creates an execution from another.
Execution(Processor, Execution) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution
Creates an execution of a single processor
Execution.Environment<COMPONENT extends Processor> - Class in com.yahoo.processing.execution
Holds the static execution environment for the duration of an execution
Execution.Trace - Class in com.yahoo.processing.execution
Tre trace of this execution.
Execution.Trace.Level - Enum in com.yahoo.processing.execution
Defines what information is added at which trace level
Execution.Trace.LogValue - Class in com.yahoo.processing.execution
An immutable access log value added to the trace
ExecutionWithResponse - Class in com.yahoo.processing.execution
An execution which has a response which is returned when this gets to the end of the chain.
ExecutionWithResponse(Chain<? extends Processor>, Response, Execution) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.execution.ExecutionWithResponse
Creates an execution which will return a given response at the end of the chain.


first() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.CompoundName
Returns the name before the first dot.
first(int) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.CompoundName
Returns the first n components of this.
freeze() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.ArrayDataList
Irreversibly prevent further changes to the items of this.
fromComponents(String...) - Static method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.CompoundName
Constructs this from an array of name components which are assumed not to contain dots
FutureResponse - Class in com.yahoo.processing.response
A processing response which will arrive in the future.
FutureResponse(Callable<Response>, Execution, Request) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.response.FutureResponse


get() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.AbstractDataList.DrainOnGetFuture
Wait until all data is available.
get() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.FutureResponse
get() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.IncomingData.NullIncomingData.ImmediateFuture
get(int) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.CompoundName
Returns the compound element as the given index
get(int) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.ArrayDataList
Returns the data element at index
get(int) - Method in interface com.yahoo.processing.response.DataList
get(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.AbstractDataList.DrainOnGetFuture
Wait until all data is available.
get(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.FutureResponse
get(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.IncomingData.NullIncomingData.ImmediateFuture
get(CompoundName) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Gets a named value from the first chained instance which has one by calling get(name,null,this)
get(CompoundName, Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Gets a named value from the first chained instance which has one, or the default value if no value is set, or if the first value encountered is explicitly set to null.
get(CompoundName, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Gets a named value from the first chained instance which has one by calling get(name,context,this)
get(CompoundName, Map<String, String>, Properties) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Gets a named value which (if necessary) is resolved using a property context.
get(CompoundName, Map<String, String>, Properties) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.properties.PropertyMap
get(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Gets a named value from the first chained instance which has one by calling get(name,null,this)
get(String, Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Gets a named value from the first chained instance which has one, or the default value if no value is set, or if the first value encountered is explicitly set to null.
get(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Gets a named value from the first chained instance which has one by calling get(name,context,this)
get(String, Map<String, String>, Properties) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Gets a named value which (if necessary) is resolved using a property context
getAnnotatedDependencies(Class<? extends Annotation>, Class<? extends Annotation>, Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class com.yahoo.component.chain.ChainedComponent
getApplyOnRestart() - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Builder
getBoolean(CompoundName) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Gets a property as a boolean - if this value can reasonably be interpreted as a boolean, this will return the value.
getBoolean(CompoundName, boolean) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Gets a property as a boolean.
getBoolean(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Gets a property as a boolean - if this value can reasonably be interpreted as a boolean, this will return the value.
getBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Gets a property as a boolean.
getCause() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.ErrorMessage
Returns the throwable associated with this error, or null if none
getCode() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.ErrorMessage
Returns the code of this message, or 0 if no code is set
getConfig(ChainsConfig.Builder) - Method in interface com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Producer
getDefaultAnnotatedDependencies() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.chain.ChainedComponent
This method is here only for legacy reasons, do not override.
getDefMd5() - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Builder
getDefMd5() - Static method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig
getDefName() - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Builder
getDefName() - Static method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig
getDefNamespace() - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Builder
getDefNamespace() - Static method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig
getDefVersion() - Static method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig
getDependencies() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.chain.ChainedComponent
Returns the configured and declared dependencies of this chainedcomponent
getDetailedMessage() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.ErrorMessage
Returns detailed information about this error, or null if there is no detailed message
getDouble(CompoundName) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Returns a property as a Double
getDouble(CompoundName, Double) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Returns a property as a Double
getDouble(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Returns a property as a Double
getDouble(String, Double) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Returns a property as a Double
getException() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.execution.RunnableExecution
Returns the exception from executing this, or null if response is set or run() has not been called yet
getForceTimestamps() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution.Trace
getId() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.chain.Chain
getInstance(Class<T>) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Returns the first instance of the given class in this chain, or null if none
getInteger(CompoundName) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Returns a property as an Integer
getInteger(CompoundName, Integer) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Returns a property as an Integer
getInteger(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Returns a property as an Integer
getInteger(String, Integer) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Returns a property as an Integer
getKey() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution.Trace.LogValue
getLong(CompoundName) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Returns a property as a Long
getLong(CompoundName, Long) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Returns a property as a Long
getLong(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Returns a property as a Long
getLong(String, Long) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Returns a property as a Long
getLowerCasedName() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.CompoundName
getMessage() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.ErrorMessage
Returns the error message, never null
getName() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.chain.Phase
getOwner() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.DefaultIncomingData
getOwner() - Method in interface com.yahoo.processing.response.IncomingData
Returns the owner (target DataList) of this.
getOwner() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.IncomingData.NullIncomingData
getProperty(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution.Trace
Returns a property set anywhere in the trace tree this points to.
getRequest() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.FutureResponse
Returns the query used in this execution, never null
getResponse() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.execution.RunnableExecution
Returns the response from executing this, or null if exception is set or run() has not been called yet
getString(CompoundName) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Returns this property as a string
getString(CompoundName, String) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Returns this property as a string
getString(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Returns this property as a string
getString(String, String) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Returns this property as a string
getTraceLevel() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution.Trace
Returns the maximum trace level this will record
getValue() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution.Trace.LogValue


hashCode() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.chain.Chain
hashCode() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.CompoundName
hashCode() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.ErrorMessage
hasPrefix(CompoundName) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.CompoundName
Returns whether the given name is a prefix of this.


id() - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains
id() - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains.Phases
id() - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Components
id(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains.Builder
id(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains.Phases.Builder
id(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Components.Builder
IllegalInputException - Exception in com.yahoo.processing
Thrown on illegal input received from the requesting client.
IllegalInputException(String) - Constructor for exception com.yahoo.processing.IllegalInputException
IllegalInputException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.yahoo.processing.IllegalInputException
IllegalInputException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.yahoo.processing.IllegalInputException
ImmediateFuture(DataList<DATATYPE>) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.response.IncomingData.NullIncomingData.ImmediateFuture
includes(int) - Method in enum com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution.Trace.Level
Returns whether this level includes the given level, i.e whether traceLevel is this.value() or more
incoming() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.AbstractDataList
Returns the holder of incoming data to this.
incoming() - Method in interface com.yahoo.processing.response.DataList
Returns the buffer of incoming/future data to this list.
IncomingData<DATATYPE extends Data> - Interface in com.yahoo.processing.response
A data list own once instance of this which can be used to provide data asynchronously to the list, and consume, wait for or be notified upon the arrival of such data.
IncomingData.NullIncomingData<DATATYPE extends Data> - Class in com.yahoo.processing.response
Creates a null implementation of this which is empty and complete at creation: Provides immediate return without incurring any memory synchronization for any read method.
IncomingData.NullIncomingData.ImmediateFuture<DATATYPE extends Data> - Class in com.yahoo.processing.response
A future which is always done and incurs no synchronization.
inherits - Variable in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains.Builder
inherits() - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains
inherits(int) - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains
inherits(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains.Builder
inherits(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains.Builder
initDependencies(Dependencies) - Method in class com.yahoo.component.chain.ChainedComponent
Called by the container to assign the full set of dependencies to this class (configured and declared).
isCancelled() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.AbstractDataList.DrainOnGetFuture
Returns false as this is not cancellable
isCancelled() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.IncomingData.NullIncomingData.ImmediateFuture
isComplete() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.DefaultIncomingData
Returns whether the data in this is complete
isComplete() - Method in interface com.yahoo.processing.response.IncomingData
Returns whether this is complete
isComplete() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.IncomingData.NullIncomingData
Returns true
isCompound() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.CompoundName
Returns whether this name has more than one element
isDone() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.IncomingData.NullIncomingData.ImmediateFuture
isEmpty() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.CompoundName
isOrdered() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.AbstractDataList
isOrdered() - Method in interface com.yahoo.processing.response.Ordered
Returns false if the data in this list can be returned in any order.
isStreamed() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.AbstractDataList
isStreamed() - Method in interface com.yahoo.processing.response.Streamed
Returns false if the data in this list can not be returned until it is completed.


JDISC_REQUEST - Static variable in class com.yahoo.processing.Request
The name of the request property used in the processing framework to store the incoming JDisc request.


last() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.CompoundName
Returns the name after the last dot.
listProperties() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Lists all properties of this with no context, by delegating to listProperties("")
listProperties(CompoundName) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Returns a snapshot of all properties by calling listProperties(path,null)
listProperties(CompoundName, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Returns a snapshot of all properties by calling listProperties(path,null)
listProperties(CompoundName, Map<String, String>, Properties) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Returns a snapshot of all properties of this having a given path prefix
listProperties(CompoundName, Map<String, String>, Properties) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.properties.PropertyMap
listProperties(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Returns a snapshot of all properties by calling listProperties(path,null)
listProperties(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Returns a snapshot of all properties by calling listProperties(path,null)
listProperties(String, Map<String, String>, Properties) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Returns a snapshot of all properties of this having a given path prefix
listProperties(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Returns a snapshot of all properties of this - same as listProperties("",context)
logValue(String, String) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution.Trace
Adds a key-value which will be logged to the access log of this request.
LogValue(String, String) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution.Trace.LogValue
logValueIterator() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution.Trace
Returns the values that should be written to the access log set in the entire trace node tree


markComplete() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.DefaultIncomingData
Marks this as completed and notify any listeners
markComplete() - Method in interface com.yahoo.processing.response.IncomingData
Mark this as completed and notify any listeners.
markComplete() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.IncomingData.NullIncomingData
Do nothing as this is already complete
mergeWith(Response) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.Response
Processors which merges another request into this must call this method to notify the response.


nested() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution.Environment
Returns an environment for an execution spawned from the execution having this environment.
next() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution
Returns the next searcher to be invoked in this chain, or null if we are at the last
nextIndex() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution
Returns the index into the chain of processors which is currently next
nextProcessor() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution
Move this execution to the next processor
NullIncomingData(DataList<DATATYPE>) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.response.IncomingData.NullIncomingData


objectClone(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.CloneHelper
onInvoking(Request, Processor) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution
A hook called when a processor is to be invoked.
onReturning(Request, Processor, Response) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution
A hook called when a processor returns, either normally or by throwing.
Ordered - Interface in com.yahoo.processing.response
This is an optional marker interface.


Phase - Class in com.yahoo.component.chain
Used for many to many constraints on searcher ordering.
Phase(String, Dependencies) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.component.chain.Phase
Phase(String, Set<String>, Set<String>) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.component.chain.Phase
phases - Variable in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains.Builder
phases() - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains
phases(int) - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains
phases(ChainsConfig.Chains.Phases.Builder) - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains.Builder
Add the given builder to this builder's list of Phases builders
phases(List<ChainsConfig.Chains.Phases.Builder>) - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains.Builder
Set the given list as this builder's list of Phases builders
Phases(ChainsConfig.Chains.Phases.Builder) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains.Phases
prepareChainRegistry(ComponentRegistry<Chain<COMPONENT>>, ChainsModel, ComponentRegistry<COMPONENT>) - Static method in class com.yahoo.component.chain.ChainsConfigurer
prepend(String...) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.CompoundName
Returns a compound name which has the given name components prepended to this name, in the given order, i.e new ComponentName("c").prepend("a","b") will yield "a.b.c".
previousProcessor() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution
Move this execution to the previous processor
process(Request) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.execution.AsyncExecution
Performs an async processing.
process(Request) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution
Calls process on the next processor in this chain.
process(Request, Execution) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.Processor
Performs a processing request and returns the response
Processor - Class in com.yahoo.processing
Superclass of chainable components processing Requests to create Responses.
Processor() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.Processor
properties() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.Request
Returns the properties set on this request.
Properties - Class in com.yahoo.processing.request
The properties of a request
Properties() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
PropertyMap - Class in com.yahoo.processing.request.properties
A HashMap backing of Properties.
PropertyMap() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.request.properties.PropertyMap
provides - Variable in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Components.Dependencies.Builder
provides() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.chain.dependencies.Dependencies
provides() - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Components.Dependencies
provides(int) - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Components.Dependencies
provides(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Components.Dependencies.Builder
provides(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Components.Dependencies.Builder
Provides - Annotation Type in com.yahoo.component.chain.dependencies
Mark this component as providing some named functionality.
PublicCloneable<T> - Interface in com.yahoo.processing.request.properties
This interface publicly exposes the clone method.


recursiveComplete(DataList<D>) - Static method in class com.yahoo.processing.Response
Returns a future in which the given data list and all lists nested within it are completed.
request() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.AbstractData
Returns the request that created this data
request() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.AbstractDataList
Returns the request which created this data
request() - Method in interface com.yahoo.processing.response.Data
Returns the request that created this data
Request - Class in com.yahoo.processing
A generic processing request.
Request() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.Request
Creates a request with no properties
Request(Properties) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.Request
Create a request with the given properties.
Response - Class in com.yahoo.processing
A Response to a Request.
Response(Request) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.Response
Creates a request containing an empty array data list
Response(Request, ErrorMessage) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.Response
Convenience constructor which adds the given error message to the given request
Response(DataList<?>) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.Response
Creates a response containing a list of data
ResponseReceiver - Interface in com.yahoo.processing.execution
An interface for classes which can be given responses.
rest() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.CompoundName
Returns the name after the first dot, or "" if this name has no dots
rest(int) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.CompoundName
Returns the name starting after the n first components (i.e dots).
run() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.execution.RunnableExecution
Calls process on the execution of this.
RunnableExecution - Class in com.yahoo.processing.execution
An adaptor of an Execution to a runnable.
RunnableExecution(Request, Execution) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.processing.execution.RunnableExecution


SEARCH - com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains.Type.Enum
SEARCH - Static variable in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains.Type
set(int, String) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.CompoundName
Returns a compound which have the name component at index i set to the given name.
set(CompoundName, Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Sets a value to the first chained instance which accepts it by calling set(name,value,null).
set(CompoundName, Object, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.properties.PropertyMap
set(CompoundName, Object, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Sets a value to the first chained instance which accepts it.
set(String, Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Sets a value to the first chained instance which accepts it by calling set(name,value,null).
set(String, Object, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties
Sets a value to the first chained instance which accepts it.
setApplyOnRestart(boolean) - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Builder
setForceTimestamps(boolean) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution.Trace
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution.Trace
Adds a property key-value to this trace.
setResponse(Response) - Method in interface com.yahoo.processing.execution.ResponseReceiver
setTraceLevel(int) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution.Trace
Sets the maximum trace level this will record
shouldSet(CompoundName, Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.properties.PropertyMap
Return true if this value should be set in this map, false if the set should be propagated instead This default implementation always returns true.
size() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.CompoundName
Returns the number of compound elements in this.
Step - com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution.Trace.Level
Every processing step initiated is traced
Streamed - Interface in com.yahoo.processing.response
This is an optional marker interface.


Timestamp - com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution.Trace.Level
All trace messages are timestamped
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.chain.Chain
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.component.chain.dependencies.Dependencies
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution.Trace.LogValue
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution.Trace
Returns a short string description of this
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.CompoundName
Returns the string representation of this - all the name components in order separated by dots.
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.request.ErrorMessage
Returns a formatted message containing the information in this
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.AbstractDataList
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.DefaultIncomingData
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.response.IncomingData.NullIncomingData
trace() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution
trace(Object, int) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution.Trace
trace(String, int) - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution.Trace
Adds a trace message to this trace, if this trace has at most the given trace level
traceNode() - Method in class com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution.Trace
Returns the trace node peer of this
type() - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains
type(ChainsConfig.Chains.Type.Enum) - Method in class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains.Builder
Type() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains.Type
Type(ChainsConfig.Chains.Type.Enum) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains.Type


union(Dependencies) - Method in class com.yahoo.component.chain.dependencies.Dependencies
union(Phase) - Method in class com.yahoo.component.chain.Phase


value() - Method in annotation type com.yahoo.component.chain.dependencies.After
value() - Method in annotation type com.yahoo.component.chain.dependencies.Before
value() - Method in annotation type com.yahoo.component.chain.dependencies.Provides
value() - Method in enum com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution.Trace.Level
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains.Type.Enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution.Trace.Level
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.yahoo.container.core.ChainsConfig.Chains.Type.Enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.yahoo.processing.execution.Execution.Trace.Level
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


waitForAll(Collection<FutureResponse>, long) - Static method in class com.yahoo.processing.execution.AsyncExecution
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