

package commands

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  2. By inheritance
  1. commands
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. class AsyncCommandExecutor[T <: Command, S] extends AsyncExecutor[T, S]

    A command executor that doesn't block while executing the command

  2. abstract class AsyncExecutor[T <: Command, S] extends CommandExecutor[T, Future[ModelValidation[S]]]

  3. class AsyncModelExecutor[T <: Command, S] extends AsyncExecutor[T, S]

    A command executor that can potentially block while executing the command, uses a model as input value for the handler function.

  4. class BasicFieldDescriptor[T] extends FieldDescriptor[T]

  5. sealed trait Binding extends AnyRef

  6. type BindingAction = () ⇒ Any

  7. class BindingException extends ScalatraException

  8. trait BindingImplicits extends DefaultImplicitConversions with BindingValidatorImplicits

    Commonly-used field implementations factory.

  9. trait BindingSyntax extends BindingValidatorImplicits

  10. type BindingValidator[T] = (String) ⇒ (FieldValidation[T]) ⇒ FieldValidation[T]

  11. trait BindingValidatorImplicits extends AnyRef

  12. class BlockingCommandExecutor[T <: Command, S] extends BlockingExecutor[T, S]

    A command executor that can potentially block while executing the command

  13. abstract class BlockingExecutor[T <: Command, S] extends CommandExecutor[T, ModelValidation[S]]

  14. class BlockingModelExecutor[T <: Command, S] extends BlockingExecutor[T, S]

    A command executor that can potentially block while executing the command, uses a model as input value for the handler function.

  15. class BoundFieldDescriptor[S, T] extends DataboundFieldDescriptor[S, T]

  16. trait Command extends BindingSyntax with ParamsValueReaderProperties

    Trait that identifies a Command object, i.

  17. abstract class CommandExecutor[T <: Command, S] extends AnyRef

    A typeclass for executing commands.

  18. trait CommandExecutors extends AnyRef

  19. trait CommandSupport extends ParamsValueReaderProperties with CommandExecutors

    Support for org.scalatra.commands.Command binding and validation.

  20. trait DataboundFieldDescriptor[S, T] extends FieldDescriptor[T]

  21. trait DateParser extends AnyRef

  22. class DefVal[T] extends AnyRef

  23. class Field[A] extends AnyRef

  24. trait FieldDescriptor[T] extends AnyRef

  25. type FieldValidation[T] = Validation[ValidationError, T]

  26. trait JacksonJsonParsing extends CommandSupport with JacksonJsonValueReaderProperty

  27. trait JsonBindingImplicits extends BindingImplicits with JsonImplicitConversions

  28. trait JsonCommand extends Command with JsonTypeConverterFactories

  29. trait JsonTypeConverterFactories extends JsonBindingImplicits

  30. class JsonTypeConverterFactoriesImports extends JsonTypeConverterFactories

  31. trait JsonTypeConverterFactory[T] extends TypeConverterFactory[T] with JsonBindingImplicits

  32. type ModelValidation[T] = Validation[NonEmptyList[ValidationError], T]

  33. trait NativeJsonParsing extends CommandSupport with NativeJsonValueReaderProperty

  34. trait ParamsOnlyCommand extends TypeConverterFactories with Command

  35. trait ParamsOnlyCommandSupport extends CommandSupport

  36. trait TypeConverterFactories extends BindingImplicits

  37. trait TypeConverterFactory[T] extends BindingImplicits

  38. class ValidatedBoundFieldDescriptor[S, T] extends ValidatedFieldDescriptor[S, T]

  39. trait ValidatedFieldDescriptor[S, T] extends DataboundFieldDescriptor[S, T]

  40. type Validator[T] = (FieldValidation[T]) ⇒ FieldValidation[T]

  41. trait CommandHandler extends AnyRef


    (Since version 2.2.1) This approach is not fully type-safe. The compiler can't enforce that the handle method returns a S. Please use the >> or apply method on a command.

  42. abstract class ModelCommand[T] extends Command


    (Since version 2.2.1) This was meant for usage with the org.scalatra.commands.CommandHandler, but that approach is not fully compiler verified. Look at using the execute method on a command instead.

Value Members

  1. object Binding

  2. object BindingImplicits extends BindingImplicits

  3. object BindingSyntax extends BindingSyntax

  4. object BindingValidators

  5. object BoundFieldDescriptor

  6. object CommandExecutors extends CommandExecutors

  7. object DefVal

  8. object FieldDescriptor

  9. object JodaDateFormats extends DateParser

  10. object TypeConverterFactories extends TypeConverterFactories

  11. object ValueSource extends Enumeration

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
