All Classes and Interfaces

An abstract JMS MessageListener adapter providing the necessary infrastructure to extract the payload of a JMS Message.
Base JmsListenerContainerFactory for Spring's base container implementation.
Base model for a JMS listener endpoint.
Common base class for all containers which need to implement listening based on a JMS Connection (either shared or freshly obtained for each attempt).
Exception that indicates that the initial setup of this container's shared JMS Connection failed.
Abstract base class for Spring message listener container implementations.
Base class for listener container implementations which are based on polling.
DestinationResolver implementation based on a Spring BeanFactory.
Callback for browsing the messages in a JMS queue.
SingleConnectionFactory subclass that adds Session caching as well as MessageProducer and MessageConsumer caching.
Extension of the DestinationResolver interface, exposing methods for clearing the cache.
Implementation of the JMS ExceptionListener interface that supports chaining, allowing the addition of multiple ExceptionListener instances in order.
Helper class for managing a JMS ConnectionFactory, in particular for obtaining transactional JMS resources for a given ConnectionFactory.
Callback interface for resource creation.
A JmsListenerContainerFactory implementation to build a JCA-based JmsMessageEndpointManager.
Default implementation of the JmsActivationSpecFactory interface.
Message listener container variant that uses plain JMS client APIs, specifically a loop of MessageConsumer.receive() calls that also allow for transactional reception of messages (registering them with XA transactions).
ConnectionFactory implementation that delegates all calls to a given target ConnectionFactory, adapting specific create(Queue/Topic)Connection calls to the target ConnectionFactory if necessary (e.g.
Thrown by a DestinationResolver when it cannot resolve a destination name.
Strategy interface for resolving JMS destinations.
Simple DestinationResolver implementation resolving destination names as dynamic destinations.
Enable JMS listener annotated endpoints that are created under the cover by a JmsListenerContainerFactory.
Runtime exception mirroring the JMS IllegalStateException.
Runtime exception mirroring the JMS InvalidClientIDException.
Runtime exception mirroring the JMS InvalidDestinationException.
Runtime exception mirroring the JMS InvalidSelectorException.
Base class for JmsTemplate and other JMS-accessing gateway helpers, defining common properties such as the JMS ConnectionFactory to operate on.
Common configuration object for activating a JMS message endpoint.
Strategy interface for creating JCA 1.5 ActivationSpec objects based on a configured JmsActivationSpecConfig object.
@Configuration class that registers a JmsListenerAnnotationBeanPostProcessor bean capable of processing Spring's @JmsListener annotation.
Base class for JmsTemplate and other JMS-accessing gateway helpers, adding destination-related properties to JmsAccessor's common properties.
Base class for exception thrown by the framework whenever it encounters a problem related to JMS.
Convenient superclass for application classes that need JMS access.
Strategy interface for mapping Message headers to an outbound JMS Message (e.g.
Pre-defined names and prefixes to be used for setting and/or retrieving JMS attributes from/to generic message headers.
Annotation that marks a method to be the target of a JMS message listener on the specified JmsListener.destination().
Bean post-processor that registers methods annotated with JmsListener to be invoked by a JMS message listener container created under the cover by a JmsListenerContainerFactory according to the attributes of the annotation.
Optional interface to be implemented by a Spring managed bean willing to customize how JMS listener endpoints are configured.
Configuration constants for internal sharing across subpackages.
Factory of MessageListenerContainer based on a JmsListenerEndpoint definition.
Model for a JMS listener endpoint.
Helper bean for registering JmsListenerEndpoint with a JmsListenerEndpointRegistry.
Creates the necessary MessageListenerContainer instances for the registered endpoints.
Container annotation that aggregates several JmsListener annotations.
JMS-specific implementation of the JCA 1.7 MessageEndpointFactory interface, providing transaction management capabilities for a JMS listener object (e.g.
Internal exception thrown when a ResourceException has been encountered during the endpoint invocation.
Extension of the generic JCA 1.5 GenericMessageEndpointManager, adding JMS-specific support for ActivationSpec configuration.
A MessageHeaderAccessor implementation giving access to JMS-specific headers.
A specialization of MessageSendingOperations, MessageReceivingOperations and MessageRequestReplyOperations for JMS related operations that allow to specify a destination name rather than the actual Destination.
An implementation of JmsMessageOperations.
A NamespaceHandler for the JMS namespace.
Specifies a basic set of JMS operations.
Resource holder wrapping a JMS Connection and a JMS Session.
Return type of any JMS listener method used to indicate the actual response destination alongside the response itself.
Runtime exception mirroring the JMS JMSSecurityException.
Helper class that simplifies synchronous JMS access code.
PlatformTransactionManager implementation for a single JMS ConnectionFactory.
Generic utility methods for working with JMS.
DestinationResolver implementation which interprets destination names as JNDI locations (with a configurable fallback strategy).
Exception to be thrown when the execution of a listener method failed.
Message converter that uses Jackson 2.x to convert messages to and from JSON.
Spring JMS MessageConverter that uses a Marshaller and Unmarshaller.
Thrown by MessageConverter implementations when the conversion of an object to/from a Message fails.
Strategy interface that specifies a converter between Java objects and JMS messages.
Creates a JMS message given a Session.
Runtime exception mirroring the JMS MessageEOFException.
Runtime exception mirroring the JMS MessageFormatException.
Message listener adapter that delegates the handling of messages to target listener methods via reflection, with flexible message type conversion.
Internal abstraction used by the framework representing a message listener container.
Runtime exception mirroring the JMS MessageNotReadableException.
Runtime exception mirroring the JMS MessageNotWriteableException.
To be used with JmsTemplate's send method that converts an object to a message.
Constants that indicate a target message type to convert to: a TextMessage, a BytesMessage, a MapMessage or an ObjectMessage.
Convert a Message from the messaging abstraction to and from a Message using an underlying MessageConverter for the payload and a JmsHeaderMapper to map the JMS headers to and from standard message headers.
A MessageListener adapter that invokes a configurable InvocableHandlerMethod.
A JmsListenerEndpoint providing the method to invoke to process an incoming message for this endpoint.
Callback for sending a message to a JMS destination.
Gather the Quality-of-Service settings that can be used when sending a message.
Exception to be thrown when the reply of a message failed to be sent.
Runtime exception mirroring the JMS ResourceAllocationException.
Variant of the standard JMS MessageListener interface, offering not only the received Message but also the underlying JMS Session object.
Callback for executing any number of operations on a provided Session.
Subinterface of Session to be implemented by Session proxies.
Simple implementation of JmsHeaderMapper.
A JmsListenerContainerFactory implementation to build a standard SimpleMessageListenerContainer.
A JmsListenerEndpoint simply providing the MessageListener to invoke to process an incoming message for this endpoint.
A simple message converter which is able to handle TextMessages, BytesMessages, MapMessages, and ObjectMessages.
Message listener container that uses the plain JMS client API's MessageConsumer.setMessageListener() method to create concurrent MessageConsumers for the specified listeners.
A JMS ConnectionFactory adapter that returns the same Connection from all SingleConnectionFactory.createConnection() calls, and ignores calls to Connection.close().
Extension of the jakarta.jms.ConnectionFactory interface, indicating how to release Connections obtained from it.
An extended MessageConverter SPI with conversion hint support.
Standard implementation of the JmsActivationSpecFactory interface.
Interface to be implemented by message listener objects that suggest a specific name for a durable subscription that they might be registered with.
Exception thrown when a synchronized local transaction failed to complete (after the main transaction has already completed).
Proxy for a target JMS ConnectionFactory, adding awareness of Spring-managed transactions.
Runtime exception mirroring the JMS TransactionInProgressException.
Runtime exception mirroring the JMS TransactionRolledBackException.
JmsException to be thrown when no other matching subclass found.
An adapter for a target JMS ConnectionFactory, applying the given user credentials to every standard createConnection() call, that is, implicitly invoking createConnection(username, password) on the target.