All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract implementation of the Marshaller and Unmarshaller interface.
XStream Converter that supports all classes, but throws exceptions for (un)marshalling.
Subinterface of Marshaller that has support for generics.
Subinterface of Unmarshaller that has support for generics.
Implementation of the GenericMarshaller interface for JAXB 2.2.
Defines the contract for Object XML Mapping Marshallers.
Base class for exception thrown when a marshalling or unmarshalling error occurs.
Exception thrown on marshalling failure.
Source implementation that uses a Marshaller.Can be constructed with a Marshaller and an object to be marshalled.
Represents a container for MIME attachments Concrete implementations might adapt a SOAPMessage or an email message.
Subinterface of Marshaller that can use MIME attachments to optimize storage of binary data.
Subinterface of Unmarshaller that can use MIME attachments to optimize storage of binary data.
NamespaceHandler for the 'oxm' namespace.
Convenient utility methods for dealing with SAX.
Exception that indicates that the cause cannot be distinguished further.
Defines the contract for Object XML Mapping unmarshallers.
Exception thrown on unmarshalling failure.
Exception thrown on marshalling validation failure.
Root of the hierarchy of Object XML Mapping exceptions.
Implementation of the Marshaller interface for XStream.