Class CookieLocaleResolver

All Implemented Interfaces:
LocaleContextResolver, LocaleResolver

public class CookieLocaleResolver extends AbstractLocaleContextResolver
LocaleResolver implementation that uses a cookie sent back to the user in case of a custom setting, with a fallback to the configured default locale, the request's Accept-Language header, or the default locale for the server.

This is particularly useful for stateless applications without user sessions. The cookie may optionally contain an associated time zone value as well; alternatively, you may specify a default time zone.

Custom controllers can override the user's locale and time zone by calling #setLocale(Context) on the resolver, e.g. responding to a locale change request. As a more convenient alternative, consider using RequestContext.changeLocale(java.util.Locale).

Juergen Hoeller, Jean-Pierre Pawlak, Vedran Pavic, Sam Brannen
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • CookieLocaleResolver

      public CookieLocaleResolver(String cookieName)
      Constructor with a given cookie name.
    • CookieLocaleResolver

      public CookieLocaleResolver()
      Constructor with a default cookie name.
  • Method Details

    • setCookieName

      @Deprecated public void setCookieName(String cookieName)
      as of 6.0 in favor of CookieLocaleResolver(String)
      Set the name of cookie created by this resolver.
      cookieName - the cookie name
    • setCookieMaxAge

      public void setCookieMaxAge(Duration cookieMaxAge)
      Set the cookie "Max-Age" attribute.

      By default, this is set to -1 in which case the cookie persists until browser shutdown.

      See Also:
      • ResponseCookie.ResponseCookieBuilder.maxAge(Duration)
    • setCookieMaxAge

      @Deprecated public void setCookieMaxAge(@Nullable Integer cookieMaxAge)
      as of 6.0 in favor of setCookieMaxAge(Duration)
      Variant of setCookieMaxAge(Duration) with a value in seconds.
    • setCookiePath

      public void setCookiePath(@Nullable String cookiePath)
      Set the cookie "Path" attribute.

      By default, this is set to "/".

      See Also:
      • ResponseCookie.ResponseCookieBuilder.path(String)
    • setCookieDomain

      public void setCookieDomain(@Nullable String cookieDomain)
      Set the cookie "Domain" attribute.
      See Also:
      • ResponseCookie.ResponseCookieBuilder.domain(String)
    • setCookieSecure

      public void setCookieSecure(boolean cookieSecure)
      Add the "Secure" attribute to the cookie.
      See Also:
    • setCookieHttpOnly

      public void setCookieHttpOnly(boolean cookieHttpOnly)
      Add the "HttpOnly" attribute to the cookie.
      See Also:
      • ResponseCookie.ResponseCookieBuilder.httpOnly(boolean)
    • setCookieSameSite

      public void setCookieSameSite(String cookieSameSite)
      Add the "SameSite" attribute to the cookie.

      By default, this is set to "Lax".

      See Also:
      • ResponseCookie.ResponseCookieBuilder.sameSite(String)
    • setLanguageTagCompliant

      public void setLanguageTagCompliant(boolean languageTagCompliant)
      Specify whether this resolver's cookies should be compliant with BCP 47 language tags instead of Java's legacy locale specification format.

      The default is true, as of 5.1. Switch this to false for rendering Java's legacy locale specification format. For parsing, this resolver leniently accepts the legacy Locale.toString() format as well as BCP 47 language tags in any case.

      See Also:
    • isLanguageTagCompliant

      public boolean isLanguageTagCompliant()
      Return whether this resolver's cookies should be compliant with BCP 47 language tags instead of Java's legacy locale specification format.
    • setRejectInvalidCookies

      public void setRejectInvalidCookies(boolean rejectInvalidCookies)
      Specify whether to reject cookies with invalid content (e.g. invalid format).

      The default is true. Turn this off for lenient handling of parse failures, falling back to the default locale and time zone in such a case.

      See Also:
    • isRejectInvalidCookies

      public boolean isRejectInvalidCookies()
      Return whether to reject cookies with invalid content (e.g. invalid format).
    • setDefaultLocaleFunction

      public void setDefaultLocaleFunction(Function<HttpServletRequest,Locale> defaultLocaleFunction)
      Set the function used to determine the default locale for the given request, called if no locale cookie has been found.

      The default implementation returns the configured default locale, if any, and otherwise falls back to the request's Accept-Language header locale or the default locale for the server.

      defaultLocaleFunction - the function used to determine the default locale
      See Also:
    • setDefaultTimeZoneFunction

      public void setDefaultTimeZoneFunction(Function<HttpServletRequest,TimeZone> defaultTimeZoneFunction)
      Set the function used to determine the default time zone for the given request, called if no locale cookie has been found.

      The default implementation returns the configured default time zone, if any, or null otherwise.

      defaultTimeZoneFunction - the function used to determine the default time zone
      See Also:
    • resolveLocale

      public Locale resolveLocale(HttpServletRequest request)
      Description copied from interface: LocaleContextResolver
      request - the request to resolve the locale for
      the current locale (never null)
    • resolveLocaleContext

      public org.springframework.context.i18n.LocaleContext resolveLocaleContext(HttpServletRequest request)
      Description copied from interface: LocaleContextResolver
      Resolve the current locale context via the given request.

      This is primarily intended for framework-level processing; consider using RequestContextUtils or RequestContext for application-level access to the current locale and/or time zone.

      The returned context may be a TimeZoneAwareLocaleContext, containing a locale with associated time zone information. Simply apply an instanceof check and downcast accordingly.

      Custom resolver implementations may also return extra settings in the returned context, which again can be accessed through downcasting.

      request - the request to resolve the locale context for
      the current locale context (never null
      See Also:
    • setLocaleContext

      public void setLocaleContext(HttpServletRequest request, @Nullable HttpServletResponse response, @Nullable org.springframework.context.i18n.LocaleContext localeContext)
      Description copied from interface: LocaleContextResolver
      Set the current locale context to the given one, potentially including a locale with associated time zone information.
      request - the request to be used for locale modification
      response - the response to be used for locale modification
      localeContext - the new locale context, or null to clear the locale
      See Also:
    • parseLocaleValue

      @Nullable protected Locale parseLocaleValue(String localeValue)
      Parse the given locale value coming from an incoming cookie.

      The default implementation calls StringUtils.parseLocale(String), accepting the Locale.toString() format as well as BCP 47 language tags.

      localeValue - the locale value to parse
      the corresponding Locale instance
      See Also:
      • StringUtils.parseLocale(String)
    • toLocaleValue

      protected String toLocaleValue(Locale locale)
      Render the given locale as a text value for inclusion in a cookie.

      The default implementation calls Locale.toString() or Locale.toLanguageTag(), depending on the "languageTagCompliant" configuration property.

      locale - the locale to convert to a string
      a String representation for the given locale
      See Also:
    • determineDefaultLocale

      @Deprecated(since="6.0") protected Locale determineDefaultLocale(HttpServletRequest request)
      as of 6.0, in favor of setDefaultLocaleFunction(Function)
      Determine the default locale for the given request, called if no locale cookie has been found.

      The default implementation returns the configured default locale, if any, and otherwise falls back to the request's Accept-Language header locale or the default locale for the server.

      request - the request to resolve the locale for
      the default locale (never null)
      See Also:
    • determineDefaultTimeZone

      @Deprecated(since="6.0") @Nullable protected TimeZone determineDefaultTimeZone(HttpServletRequest request)
      Determine the default time zone for the given request, called if no locale cookie has been found.

      The default implementation returns the configured default time zone, if any, or null otherwise.

      request - the request to resolve the time zone for
      the default time zone (or null if none defined)
      See Also: