Interface IsNullValueAnalysisFeatures

All Known Implementing Classes:
IsNullValue, IsNullValueAnalysis

public interface IsNullValueAnalysisFeatures
Knobs for null value analysis.
David Hovemeyer
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final boolean
    Keep track of an extra branch, so we can distinguish conditionally-null values with two branches from conditionally-null values with three or more branches.
    static final boolean
    Do not downgrade "null on simple path" values to "null on complex path" on control splits.
    static final boolean
    Don't consider switch default cases as exception paths.
    static final boolean
    If this property is true, then we assume parameters and return values can be null (but aren't definitely null).
    static final boolean
    If this property is true, then resolution of nullness annotations is based on JSR-305 type qualifiers rather than an AnnotationDatabase.
  • Field Details


      static final boolean NO_SPLIT_DOWNGRADE_NSP
      Do not downgrade "null on simple path" values to "null on complex path" on control splits.

      static final boolean NO_SWITCH_DEFAULT_AS_EXCEPTION
      Don't consider switch default cases as exception paths.

      static final boolean NCP_EXTRA_BRANCH
      Keep track of an extra branch, so we can distinguish conditionally-null values with two branches from conditionally-null values with three or more branches.

      static final boolean UNKNOWN_VALUES_ARE_NSP
      If this property is true, then we assume parameters and return values can be null (but aren't definitely null).

      static final boolean USE_TYPE_QUALIFIERS
      If this property is true, then resolution of nullness annotations is based on JSR-305 type qualifiers rather than an AnnotationDatabase.
      See Also: