Interface NullDerefAndRedundantComparisonCollector

All Known Implementing Classes:
FindNullDeref, NoiseNullDeref

public interface NullDerefAndRedundantComparisonCollector
Callback interface for collecting null pointer derefs and redundant null comparisons.
David Hovemeyer
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • foundNullDeref

      @Deprecated void foundNullDeref(Location location, ValueNumber valueNumber, IsNullValue refValue, ValueNumberFrame vnaFrame)
      Subclasses should override this method to capture locations where a null pointer is dereferenced.
      location - the Location of the null dereference
      valueNumber - the ValueNumber of the possibly-null value
      refValue - the kind of possibly-null value dereferenced
      vnaFrame - The ValueNumber Frame at the point where the dereference occurred
    • foundNullDeref

      void foundNullDeref(Location location, ValueNumber valueNumber, IsNullValue refValue, ValueNumberFrame vnaFrame, boolean isConsistent)
      Subclasses should override this method to capture locations where a null pointer is dereferenced.
      location - the Location of the null dereference
      valueNumber - the ValueNumber of the possibly-null value
      refValue - the kind of possibly-null value dereferenced
      vnaFrame - The ValueNumber Frame at the point where the dereference occurred
      isConsistent - true if the refValue is identical at all clones of the same instruction
    • foundRedundantNullCheck

      void foundRedundantNullCheck(Location location, RedundantBranch redundantBranch)
      Subclasses should override this method to capture locations where a redundant null comparison is performed.
      location - the Location of the redundant null check
      redundantBranch - the RedundantBranch
    • foundGuaranteedNullDeref

      void foundGuaranteedNullDeref(@Nonnull Set<Location> assignedNullLocationSet, @Nonnull Set<Location> derefLocationSet, SortedSet<Location> doomedLocations, ValueNumberDataflow vna, ValueNumber refValue, @CheckForNull BugAnnotation variableAnnotation, NullValueUnconditionalDeref deref, boolean npeIfStatementCovered)
      Subclasses should override this method to capture values assigned null (or that become null through a comparison and branch) that are guaranteed to reach a dereference (ignoring implicit exception paths).
      assignedNullLocationSet - set of locations where the value becomes null
      derefLocationSet - set of locations where dereferences occur
      doomedLocations - locations at which the value is doomed
      vna - ValueNumberDataflow
      refValue - the null value
      variableAnnotation - TODO
      deref - TODO
      npeIfStatementCovered - true if doom location is a statement