Class FindInconsistentSync2

All Implemented Interfaces:
Detector, Priorities

public class FindInconsistentSync2 extends Object implements Detector
Find instance fields which are sometimes accessed (read or written) with the receiver lock held and sometimes without. These are candidates to be data races.
David Hovemeyer, Bill Pugh
  • Constructor Details

    • FindInconsistentSync2

      public FindInconsistentSync2(BugReporter bugReporter)
  • Method Details

    • isServletField

      public static boolean isServletField(XField field)
    • visitClassContext

      public void visitClassContext(ClassContext classContext)
      Description copied from interface: Detector
      Visit the ClassContext for a class which should be analyzed for instances of bug patterns.
      Specified by:
      visitClassContext in interface Detector
      classContext - the ClassContext
    • report

      public void report()
      Description copied from interface: Detector
      This method is called after all classes to be visited. It should be used by any detectors which accumulate information over all visited classes to generate results.
      Specified by:
      report in interface Detector
    • isGetterMethod

      public static boolean isGetterMethod(ClassContext classContext, org.apache.bcel.classfile.Method method)
      Determine whether or not the given method is a getter method. I.e., if it just returns the value of an instance field.
      classContext - the ClassContext for the class containing the method
      method - the method