Class MethodReturnValueStreamFactory

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class MethodReturnValueStreamFactory extends Object implements StreamFactory
StreamFactory for streams that are created as the result of calling a method on an object.
  • Constructor Details

    • MethodReturnValueStreamFactory

      public MethodReturnValueStreamFactory(String baseClass, String methodName, String methodSig)
      Constructor. The Streams created will be marked as uninteresting.
      baseClass - base class through which the method will be called (we check instances of the base class and all subtypes)
      methodName - name of the method called
      methodSig - signature of the method called
    • MethodReturnValueStreamFactory

      public MethodReturnValueStreamFactory(String baseClass, String methodName, String methodSig, String bugType)
      Constructor. The Streams created will be marked as interesting.
      baseClass - base class through which the method will be called (we check instances of the base class and all subtypes)
      methodName - name of the method called
      methodSig - signature of the method called
      bugType - the bug type that should be reported if the stream is not closed on all paths out of the method
  • Method Details

    • createStream

      public Stream createStream(Location location, org.apache.bcel.generic.ObjectType type, org.apache.bcel.generic.ConstantPoolGen cpg, RepositoryLookupFailureCallback lookupFailureCallback)
      Description copied from interface: StreamFactory
      Determine if a Stream is created at given location.
      Specified by:
      createStream in interface StreamFactory
      location - the Location
      type - the ObjectType associated with the instruction at the location; the StreamResourceTracker prescreens for TypedInstructions that are associated with ObjectTypes, since they are the only instructions that could conceivably create a stream object
      cpg - the ConstantPoolGen for the method
      lookupFailureCallback - used to report missing classes in the class hierarchy
      a Stream created at the Location, or null if no stream is created there