Interface ReadChangeStreamResponse.DataChangeOrBuilder

All Superinterfaces:,
All Known Implementing Classes:
ReadChangeStreamResponse.DataChange, ReadChangeStreamResponse.DataChange.Builder
Enclosing class:

public static interface ReadChangeStreamResponse.DataChangeOrBuilder extends
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    getChunks(int index)
    The mutations associated with this change to the partition.
    The mutations associated with this change to the partition.
    The mutations associated with this change to the partition.
    getChunksOrBuilder(int index)
    The mutations associated with this change to the partition.
    The mutations associated with this change to the partition.
    The timestamp at which the mutation was applied on the Bigtable server.
    The timestamp at which the mutation was applied on the Bigtable server.
    When true, indicates that the entire `DataChange` has been read and the client can safely process the message.
    An estimate of the commit timestamp that is usually lower than or equal to any timestamp for a record that will be delivered in the future on the stream.
    An estimate of the commit timestamp that is usually lower than or equal to any timestamp for a record that will be delivered in the future on the stream.
    The row key for all mutations that are part of this `DataChange`.
    The cluster where the mutation was applied.
    The cluster where the mutation was applied.
    A value that lets stream consumers reconstruct Bigtable's conflict resolution semantics.
    An encoded position for this stream's partition to restart reading from.
    An encoded position for this stream's partition to restart reading from.
    The type of the mutation.
    The type of the mutation.
    The timestamp at which the mutation was applied on the Bigtable server.
    An estimate of the commit timestamp that is usually lower than or equal to any timestamp for a record that will be delivered in the future on the stream.

    Methods inherited from interface


    Methods inherited from interface

    findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
  • Method Details

    • getTypeValue

      int getTypeValue()
       The type of the mutation.
      .google.bigtable.v2.ReadChangeStreamResponse.DataChange.Type type = 1;
      The enum numeric value on the wire for type.
    • getType

       The type of the mutation.
      .google.bigtable.v2.ReadChangeStreamResponse.DataChange.Type type = 1;
      The type.
    • getSourceClusterId

      String getSourceClusterId()
       The cluster where the mutation was applied.
       Not set when `type` is `GARBAGE_COLLECTION`.
      string source_cluster_id = 2;
      The sourceClusterId.
    • getSourceClusterIdBytes getSourceClusterIdBytes()
       The cluster where the mutation was applied.
       Not set when `type` is `GARBAGE_COLLECTION`.
      string source_cluster_id = 2;
      The bytes for sourceClusterId.
    • getRowKey getRowKey()
       The row key for all mutations that are part of this `DataChange`.
       If the `DataChange` is chunked across multiple messages, then this field
       will only be set for the first message.
      bytes row_key = 3;
      The rowKey.
    • hasCommitTimestamp

      boolean hasCommitTimestamp()
       The timestamp at which the mutation was applied on the Bigtable server.
      .google.protobuf.Timestamp commit_timestamp = 4;
      Whether the commitTimestamp field is set.
    • getCommitTimestamp getCommitTimestamp()
       The timestamp at which the mutation was applied on the Bigtable server.
      .google.protobuf.Timestamp commit_timestamp = 4;
      The commitTimestamp.
    • getCommitTimestampOrBuilder getCommitTimestampOrBuilder()
       The timestamp at which the mutation was applied on the Bigtable server.
      .google.protobuf.Timestamp commit_timestamp = 4;
    • getTiebreaker

      int getTiebreaker()
       A value that lets stream consumers reconstruct Bigtable's
       conflict resolution semantics.
       In the event that the same row key, column family, column qualifier,
       timestamp are modified on different clusters at the same
       `commit_timestamp`, the mutation with the larger `tiebreaker` will be the
       one chosen for the eventually consistent state of the system.
      int32 tiebreaker = 5;
      The tiebreaker.
    • getChunksList

       The mutations associated with this change to the partition.
       May contain complete mutations or chunks of a multi-message chunked
       `DataChange` record.
      repeated .google.bigtable.v2.ReadChangeStreamResponse.MutationChunk chunks = 6;
    • getChunks

       The mutations associated with this change to the partition.
       May contain complete mutations or chunks of a multi-message chunked
       `DataChange` record.
      repeated .google.bigtable.v2.ReadChangeStreamResponse.MutationChunk chunks = 6;
    • getChunksCount

      int getChunksCount()
       The mutations associated with this change to the partition.
       May contain complete mutations or chunks of a multi-message chunked
       `DataChange` record.
      repeated .google.bigtable.v2.ReadChangeStreamResponse.MutationChunk chunks = 6;
    • getChunksOrBuilderList

      List<? extends ReadChangeStreamResponse.MutationChunkOrBuilder> getChunksOrBuilderList()
       The mutations associated with this change to the partition.
       May contain complete mutations or chunks of a multi-message chunked
       `DataChange` record.
      repeated .google.bigtable.v2.ReadChangeStreamResponse.MutationChunk chunks = 6;
    • getChunksOrBuilder

      ReadChangeStreamResponse.MutationChunkOrBuilder getChunksOrBuilder(int index)
       The mutations associated with this change to the partition.
       May contain complete mutations or chunks of a multi-message chunked
       `DataChange` record.
      repeated .google.bigtable.v2.ReadChangeStreamResponse.MutationChunk chunks = 6;
    • getDone

      boolean getDone()
       When true, indicates that the entire `DataChange` has been read
       and the client can safely process the message.
      bool done = 8;
      The done.
    • getToken

      String getToken()
       An encoded position for this stream's partition to restart reading from.
       This token is for the StreamPartition from the request.
      string token = 9;
      The token.
    • getTokenBytes getTokenBytes()
       An encoded position for this stream's partition to restart reading from.
       This token is for the StreamPartition from the request.
      string token = 9;
      The bytes for token.
    • hasEstimatedLowWatermark

      boolean hasEstimatedLowWatermark()
       An estimate of the commit timestamp that is usually lower than or equal
       to any timestamp for a record that will be delivered in the future on the
       stream. It is possible that, under particular circumstances that a future
       record has a timestamp is is lower than a previously seen timestamp. For
       an example usage see
      .google.protobuf.Timestamp estimated_low_watermark = 10;
      Whether the estimatedLowWatermark field is set.
    • getEstimatedLowWatermark getEstimatedLowWatermark()
       An estimate of the commit timestamp that is usually lower than or equal
       to any timestamp for a record that will be delivered in the future on the
       stream. It is possible that, under particular circumstances that a future
       record has a timestamp is is lower than a previously seen timestamp. For
       an example usage see
      .google.protobuf.Timestamp estimated_low_watermark = 10;
      The estimatedLowWatermark.
    • getEstimatedLowWatermarkOrBuilder getEstimatedLowWatermarkOrBuilder()
       An estimate of the commit timestamp that is usually lower than or equal
       to any timestamp for a record that will be delivered in the future on the
       stream. It is possible that, under particular circumstances that a future
       record has a timestamp is is lower than a previously seen timestamp. For
       an example usage see
      .google.protobuf.Timestamp estimated_low_watermark = 10;