Class DefaultLimitReductionsApplier

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultLimitReductionsApplier extends AbstractLimitReductionsApplier<Identifiable<?>,LoadingLimits>

Implementation of AbstractLimitReductionsApplier working with Identifiable.

You can retrieve the reduced limits by using the AbstractLimitsComputerWithCache.computeLimits(Object, LimitType, ThreeSides, boolean) method (with an Identifiable as first parameter). It returns a LimitsContainer containing both the original limits (accessible via LimitsContainer.getOriginalLimits()) and the reduced limits (accessible via LimitsContainer.getLimits()).

Since LimitReductions depend on the contingency context, you should call AbstractLimitReductionsApplier.setWorkingContingency(String contingencyId) each time the studied contingency change (use null for pre-contingency state).

Olivier Perrin <olivier.perrin at>