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accept(I) - Method in interface com.spotify.mobius.Connection
Send a value to this connection.
accept(V) - Method in interface com.spotify.mobius.functions.Consumer
afterInit(M, First<M, F>) - Method in interface com.spotify.mobius.MobiusLoop.Logger
Called right after the Init.init(Object) function is called.
afterUpdate(M, E, Next<M, F>) - Method in interface com.spotify.mobius.MobiusLoop.Logger
Called right after the Update.update(Object, Object) function is called.
apply(T) - Method in interface com.spotify.mobius.functions.Function
apply(T, U) - Method in interface com.spotify.mobius.functions.BiFunction


beforeInit(M) - Method in interface com.spotify.mobius.MobiusLoop.Logger
Called right before the Init.init(Object) function is called.
beforeUpdate(M, E) - Method in interface com.spotify.mobius.MobiusLoop.Logger
Called right before the Update.update(Object, Object) function is called.
BiFunction<T,​U,​R> - Interface in com.spotify.mobius.functions
Interface for simple functions with two arguments.


cachedThreadPool() - Static method in class com.spotify.mobius.runners.WorkRunners
checkArgument(boolean) - Static method in class com.spotify.mobius.internal_util.Preconditions
checkArrayNoNulls(T[]) - Static method in class com.spotify.mobius.internal_util.Preconditions
checkIterableNoNulls(I) - Static method in class com.spotify.mobius.internal_util.Preconditions
checkNotNull(T) - Static method in class com.spotify.mobius.internal_util.Preconditions
com.spotify.mobius - package com.spotify.mobius
com.spotify.mobius.disposables - package com.spotify.mobius.disposables
com.spotify.mobius.functions - package com.spotify.mobius.functions
com.spotify.mobius.internal_util - package com.spotify.mobius.internal_util
com.spotify.mobius.runners - package com.spotify.mobius.runners
CompositeDisposable - Class in com.spotify.mobius.disposables
A Disposable that disposes of other disposables.
connect(Connectable<M, E>) - Method in interface com.spotify.mobius.MobiusLoop.Controller
Connect a view to this controller.
connect(Consumer<O>) - Method in interface com.spotify.mobius.Connectable
Create a new connection that accepts input values and sends outgoing values to a supplied consumer.
Connectable<I,​O> - Interface in com.spotify.mobius
API for something that can be connected to be part of a MobiusLoop.
Connection<I> - Interface in com.spotify.mobius
Handle for a connection created by Connectable.
ConnectionException - Exception in com.spotify.mobius
Indicates that a Connectable connection caused an unhandled exception.
ConnectionException(Object, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.spotify.mobius.ConnectionException
ConnectionLimitExceededException - Exception in com.spotify.mobius
Exception to be thrown by a Connectable that doesn't support multiple simultaneous connections.
ConnectionLimitExceededException() - Constructor for exception com.spotify.mobius.ConnectionLimitExceededException
ConnectionLimitExceededException(String) - Constructor for exception com.spotify.mobius.ConnectionLimitExceededException
ConnectionLimitExceededException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.spotify.mobius.ConnectionLimitExceededException
Consumer<V> - Interface in com.spotify.mobius.functions
Interface for consuming values.
controller(MobiusLoop.Factory<M, E, F>, M) - Static method in class com.spotify.mobius.Mobius
Create a MobiusLoop.Controller that allows you to start, stop, and restart MobiusLoops.
controller(MobiusLoop.Factory<M, E, F>, M, Init<M, F>) - Static method in class com.spotify.mobius.Mobius
Create a MobiusLoop.Controller that allows you to start, stop, and restart MobiusLoops.
controller(MobiusLoop.Factory<M, E, F>, M, Init<M, F>, WorkRunner) - Static method in class com.spotify.mobius.Mobius
Create a MobiusLoop.Controller that allows you to start, stop, and restart MobiusLoops.
controller(MobiusLoop.Factory<M, E, F>, M, WorkRunner) - Static method in class com.spotify.mobius.Mobius
Create a MobiusLoop.Controller that allows you to start, stop, and restart MobiusLoops.


disconnect() - Method in interface com.spotify.mobius.MobiusLoop.Controller
Disconnect UI from this controller.
dispatch(Set<? extends F>) - Static method in class com.spotify.mobius.Next
Create a Next that doesn't update the model but dispatches the supplied effects.
dispatchEvent(E) - Method in interface com.spotify.mobius.Loop
Dispatch an event to this loop for processing.
dispatchEvent(E) - Method in class com.spotify.mobius.MobiusLoop
Disposable - Interface in com.spotify.mobius.disposables
A Disposable is an object that may be holding on to references or resources that need to be released when the object is no longer needed.
dispose() - Method in interface com.spotify.mobius.Connection
Disconnect this connection and dispose of all resources associated with it.
dispose() - Method in class com.spotify.mobius.disposables.CompositeDisposable
dispose() - Method in interface com.spotify.mobius.disposables.Disposable
Dispose of all resources associated with this object.
dispose() - Method in class com.spotify.mobius.MobiusLoop
dispose() - Method in class com.spotify.mobius.runners.ExecutorServiceWorkRunner
dispose() - Method in class com.spotify.mobius.runners.ImmediateWorkRunner


effectRunner(Producer<WorkRunner>) - Method in interface com.spotify.mobius.MobiusLoop.Builder
Returns a new MobiusLoop.Builder with the supplied effect runner, and the same values as the current one for the other fields.
effects() - Method in class com.spotify.mobius.First
the possibly empty set of effects to initially dispatch
effects() - Method in class com.spotify.mobius.Next
Get the effects of this Next.
effects(G...) - Static method in class com.spotify.mobius.Effects
Convenience method for instantiating a set of effects.
Effects - Class in com.spotify.mobius
Utility class for working with effects.
emptySet() - Static method in class com.spotify.mobius.internal_util.ImmutableUtil
equals(Object) - Method in exception com.spotify.mobius.ConnectionException
eventRunner(Producer<WorkRunner>) - Method in interface com.spotify.mobius.MobiusLoop.Builder
Returns a new MobiusLoop.Builder with the supplied event runner, and the same values as the current one for the other fields.
eventSource(Connectable<M, E>) - Method in interface com.spotify.mobius.MobiusLoop.Builder
Returns a new MobiusLoop.Builder with the supplied Connectable, and the same values as the current one for the other fields.
eventSource(EventSource<E>) - Method in interface com.spotify.mobius.MobiusLoop.Builder
Returns a new MobiusLoop.Builder with the supplied EventSource, and the same values as the current one for the other fields.
EventSource<E> - Interface in com.spotify.mobius
Interface for event sources.
eventSources(EventSource<E>, EventSource<E>...) - Method in interface com.spotify.mobius.MobiusLoop.Builder
Returns a new MobiusLoop.Builder with an EventSource that merges the supplied event sources, and the same values as the current one for the other fields.
exceptionDuringInit(M, Throwable) - Method in interface com.spotify.mobius.MobiusLoop.Logger
Called if the Init.init(Object) invocation throws an exception.
exceptionDuringUpdate(M, E, Throwable) - Method in interface com.spotify.mobius.MobiusLoop.Logger
Called if the Update.update(Object, Object) invocation throws an exception.
ExecutorServiceWorkRunner - Class in com.spotify.mobius.runners
A WorkRunner implementation that is backed by an ExecutorService.
ExecutorServiceWorkRunner(ExecutorService) - Constructor for class com.spotify.mobius.runners.ExecutorServiceWorkRunner


first(M) - Static method in class com.spotify.mobius.First
Create a First with the provided model and no initial effects.
first(M, Set<F>) - Static method in class com.spotify.mobius.First
Create a First with the provided model and the supplied initial effects.
First<M,​F> - Class in com.spotify.mobius
Defines the entry into the initial state of a Mobius loop.
First() - Constructor for class com.spotify.mobius.First
fixedThreadPool(int) - Static method in class com.spotify.mobius.runners.WorkRunners
from(Disposable...) - Static method in class com.spotify.mobius.disposables.CompositeDisposable
Creates a CompositeDisposable that holds onto the provided disposables and disposes of all of them once its dispose() method is called.
from(EventSource<E>, EventSource<E>...) - Static method in class com.spotify.mobius.MergedEventSource
from(ExecutorService) - Static method in class com.spotify.mobius.runners.WorkRunners
Function<T,​R> - Interface in com.spotify.mobius.functions
Interface for simple functions.


get() - Method in interface com.spotify.mobius.functions.Producer
getModel() - Method in interface com.spotify.mobius.MobiusLoop.Controller
Get the current model of the loop that this controller is running, or the most recent model if it's not running.
getMostRecentModel() - Method in interface com.spotify.mobius.Loop
getMostRecentModel() - Method in class com.spotify.mobius.MobiusLoop


handleError(Throwable) - Method in interface com.spotify.mobius.MobiusHooks.ErrorHandler
handleError(Throwable) - Static method in class com.spotify.mobius.MobiusHooks
hasEffects() - Method in class com.spotify.mobius.First
Check if this First contains effects
hasEffects() - Method in class com.spotify.mobius.Next
Check if this Next contains effects.
hashCode() - Method in exception com.spotify.mobius.ConnectionException
hasModel() - Method in class com.spotify.mobius.Next
Check if this Next contains a model.


ifHasModel(Consumer<M>) - Method in class com.spotify.mobius.Next
If the model is present, call the given consumer with it, otherwise do nothing.
immediate() - Static method in class com.spotify.mobius.runners.WorkRunners
ImmediateWorkRunner - Class in com.spotify.mobius.runners
A WorkRunner that immediately invokes the Runnable you post on the thread you posted from.
ImmediateWorkRunner() - Constructor for class com.spotify.mobius.runners.ImmediateWorkRunner
immutableSet(Set<? extends T>) - Static method in class com.spotify.mobius.internal_util.ImmutableUtil
ImmutableUtil - Class in com.spotify.mobius.internal_util
Defines static utility methods that help working with immutable collections.
init(Init<M, F>) - Method in interface com.spotify.mobius.MobiusLoop.Builder
Pass your initial effects to MobiusLoop.Factory.startFrom(Object, Set) instead.
init(M) - Method in interface com.spotify.mobius.Init
Init<M,​F> - Interface in com.spotify.mobius
An interface representing the Init function used by Mobius for starting or resuming execution of a program from a given model.
isRunning() - Method in interface com.spotify.mobius.MobiusLoop.Controller
Indicates whether this controller is running.


logger(MobiusLoop.Logger<M, E, F>) - Method in interface com.spotify.mobius.MobiusLoop.Builder
Returns a new MobiusLoop.Builder with the supplied logger, and the same values as the current one for the other fields.
loop(Update<M, E, F>, Connectable<F, E>) - Static method in class com.spotify.mobius.Mobius
Create a MobiusLoop.Builder to help you configure a MobiusLoop before starting it.
Loop<M,​E,​F> - Interface in com.spotify.mobius
This is the interface for a Mobius loop.


MergedEventSource<E> - Class in com.spotify.mobius
An EventSource that merges multiple sources into one
Mobius - Class in com.spotify.mobius
MobiusHooks - Class in com.spotify.mobius
Allows configuration of how Mobius handles programmer errors through setting a custom MobiusHooks.ErrorHandler via the MobiusHooks.setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler) method.
MobiusHooks.ErrorHandler - Interface in com.spotify.mobius
MobiusLoop<M,​E,​F> - Class in com.spotify.mobius
This is the main loop for Mobius.
MobiusLoop.Builder<M,​E,​F> - Interface in com.spotify.mobius
Defines a fluent API for configuring a MobiusLoop.
MobiusLoop.Controller<M,​E> - Interface in com.spotify.mobius
Defines a controller that can be used to start and stop MobiusLoops.
MobiusLoop.Factory<M,​E,​F> - Interface in com.spotify.mobius
MobiusLoop.Logger<M,​E,​F> - Interface in com.spotify.mobius
Interface for logging init and update calls.
model() - Method in class com.spotify.mobius.First
the initial model to use
model() - Method in class com.spotify.mobius.Next
Get the model of this Next, if it has one.
modelOrElse(M) - Method in class com.spotify.mobius.Next
Try to get the model from this Next, with a fallback if there isn't one.
modelUnsafe() - Method in class com.spotify.mobius.Next
Get the model of this Next.


next(M) - Static method in class com.spotify.mobius.Next
Create a Next that updates the model but dispatches no effects.
next(M, Set<? extends F>) - Static method in class com.spotify.mobius.Next
Create a Next that updates the model and dispatches the supplied set of effects.
Next<M,​F> - Class in com.spotify.mobius
This class represents the result of calling an Update function.
Next() - Constructor for class com.spotify.mobius.Next
noChange() - Static method in class com.spotify.mobius.Next
Create an empty Next that doesn't update the model or dispatch effects.


observe(Consumer<M>) - Method in interface com.spotify.mobius.Loop
Add an observer of model changes to this loop.
observe(Consumer<M>) - Method in class com.spotify.mobius.MobiusLoop


post(Runnable) - Method in class com.spotify.mobius.runners.ExecutorServiceWorkRunner
post(Runnable) - Method in class com.spotify.mobius.runners.ImmediateWorkRunner
post(Runnable) - Method in interface com.spotify.mobius.runners.WorkRunner
Must discard any new Runnable immediately after dispose method of Disposable is called.
Preconditions - Class in com.spotify.mobius.internal_util
Contains utilities similar to ones found in Guava's Preconditions class.
Producer<V> - Interface in com.spotify.mobius.functions
Interface for producing values.
propagate(Exception) - Static method in class com.spotify.mobius.internal_util.Throwables


replaceModel(M) - Method in interface com.spotify.mobius.MobiusLoop.Controller
Replace which model the controller should start from.


setDefaultErrorHandler() - Static method in class com.spotify.mobius.MobiusHooks
Sets the error handler to the default one.
setErrorHandler(MobiusHooks.ErrorHandler) - Static method in class com.spotify.mobius.MobiusHooks
Changes the error handler that is used by Mobius for internal errors.
setOf(T...) - Static method in class com.spotify.mobius.internal_util.ImmutableUtil
singleThread() - Static method in class com.spotify.mobius.runners.WorkRunners
start() - Method in interface com.spotify.mobius.MobiusLoop.Controller
Start a MobiusLoop from the current model.
startFrom(M) - Method in interface com.spotify.mobius.MobiusLoop.Factory
Start a MobiusLoop using this factory.
startFrom(M, Set<F>) - Method in interface com.spotify.mobius.MobiusLoop.Factory
Start a MobiusLoop using this factory.
stop() - Method in interface com.spotify.mobius.MobiusLoop.Controller
Stop the currently running MobiusLoop.
subscribe(Consumer<E>) - Method in interface com.spotify.mobius.EventSource
Subscribes the supplied consumer to the events from this event source, until the returned Disposable is disposed.
subscribe(Consumer<E>) - Method in class com.spotify.mobius.MergedEventSource


Throwables - Class in com.spotify.mobius.internal_util
Utilities for working with throwables.


unionSets(Set<? extends T>...) - Static method in class com.spotify.mobius.internal_util.ImmutableUtil
update(M, E) - Method in interface com.spotify.mobius.Update
Update<M,​E,​F> - Interface in com.spotify.mobius
An interface representing the Update function used by Mobius for performing model transitions and requesting side-effects.


WorkRunner - Interface in com.spotify.mobius.runners
Interface for posting runnables to be executed using different scheduling mechanisms.
WorkRunners - Class in com.spotify.mobius.runners
Interface for posting runnables to be executed on a thread.
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