The namespace that contains the implementation of the asynchronous resource pool.
The namespace that contains the implementation of the asynchronous resource pool.
Given a factory that creates resources,
import scalaz.Tags.Parallel import scalaz._ import scalaz.syntax.tag._ import scalaz.syntax.all._ import com.thoughtworks.future._ import com.thoughtworks.raii.asynchronous._ import com.thoughtworks.raii.AsynchronousPool import java.lang.AutoCloseable trait MyResource extends AutoCloseable { def inUse(): Unit } val myResourceStub0 = stub[MyResource] val myResourceStub1 = stub[MyResource] val myResourceStub2 = stub[MyResource] val myResourceFactoryMock = mockFunction[MyResource] myResourceFactoryMock.expects().returns(myResourceStub0) myResourceFactoryMock.expects().returns(myResourceStub1) myResourceFactoryMock.expects().returns(myResourceStub2)
then it can be converted to a resource pool, which holds some instances of MyResource
val myResourcePool: Do[Do[MyResource]] = AsynchronousPool.fixed( resourceFactory = Do.autoCloseable(myResourceFactoryMock()), poolSize = 3 )
When some clients are using the resource pool,
def client(acquire: Do[MyResource], operationsPerClient: Int): Do[Unit] = { Do.nested[Unit](acquire.flatMap { myResource => Do.execute { myResource.inUse } .replicateM_(operationsPerClient) }) } def allClients(acquire: Do[MyResource], numberOfClients: Int, operationsPerClient: Int): ParallelDo[Unit] = { implicit def keepLastException = new Semigroup[Throwable] { override def append(f1: Throwable, f2: => Throwable) = f2 } Applicative[ParallelDo].replicateM_(numberOfClients, Parallel(client(acquire, operationsPerClient))) } def usingPool(numberOfClients: Int, operationsPerClient: Int) = { myResourcePool.flatMap { acquire => allClients(acquire, numberOfClients, operationsPerClient).unwrap } }
then the operations from these clients should be distributed on those MyResource
and those MyResource
s should be closed after being used.
usingPool(numberOfClients = 10, operationsPerClient = 10) { _: Unit => ((myResourceStub0.inUse _): () => Unit).verify().repeated(30 to 40) ((myResourceStub0.close _): () => Unit).verify().once() ((myResourceStub1.inUse _): () => Unit).verify().repeated(30 to 40) ((myResourceStub1.close _): () => Unit).verify().once() ((myResourceStub2.inUse _): () => Unit).verify().repeated(30 to 40) ((myResourceStub2.close _): () => Unit).verify().once() succeed }.toScalaFuture
The namespace that contains Do.
The namespace that contains Do.
杨博 (Yang Bo) <[email protected]>
The namespace that contains the covariant ResourceT.
The namespace that contains the invariant ResourceT.
杨博 (Yang Bo) <[email protected]>
杨博 (Yang Bo) <[email protected]>