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addWrapper(Function<? super ContextStorage, ? extends ContextStorage>) - Static method in interface io.opentelemetry.context.ContextStorage
Adds the wrapper, which will be executed with the ContextStorage is first used, i.e., by calling Context.makeCurrent().
attach(Context) - Method in interface io.opentelemetry.context.ContextStorage
Sets the specified Context as the current Context and returns a Scope representing the scope of execution.


close() - Method in interface io.opentelemetry.context.Scope
composite(TextMapPropagator...) - Static method in interface io.opentelemetry.context.propagation.TextMapPropagator
Returns a TextMapPropagator which simply delegates injection and extraction to the provided propagators.
composite(Iterable<TextMapPropagator>) - Static method in interface io.opentelemetry.context.propagation.TextMapPropagator
Returns a TextMapPropagator which simply delegates injection and extraction to the provided propagators.
Context - Interface in io.opentelemetry.context
A context propagation mechanism which can carry scoped-values across API boundaries and between threads.
ContextKey<T> - Interface in io.opentelemetry.context
Key for indexing values of type ContextKey stored in a Context.
ContextPropagators - Interface in io.opentelemetry.context.propagation
A container of the registered propagators for every supported format.
ContextStorage - Interface in io.opentelemetry.context
The storage for storing and retrieving the current Context.
ContextStorageProvider - Interface in io.opentelemetry.context
A Java SPI (Service Provider Interface) to allow replacing the default ContextStorage.
create(TextMapPropagator) - Static method in interface io.opentelemetry.context.propagation.ContextPropagators
Returns a ContextPropagators which can be used to extract and inject context in text payloads with the given TextMapPropagator.
current() - Static method in interface io.opentelemetry.context.Context
Return the context associated with the current Scope.
current() - Method in interface io.opentelemetry.context.ContextStorage
Returns the current Context.


defaultStorage() - Static method in interface io.opentelemetry.context.ContextStorage
Returns the default ContextStorage which stores Context using a threadlocal.


extract(Context, C, TextMapGetter<C>) - Method in interface io.opentelemetry.context.propagation.TextMapPropagator
Extracts data from upstream.


fields() - Method in interface io.opentelemetry.context.propagation.TextMapPropagator
The propagation fields defined.


get() - Static method in interface io.opentelemetry.context.ContextStorage
Returns the ContextStorage being used by this application.
get() - Method in interface io.opentelemetry.context.ContextStorageProvider
Returns the ContextStorage to use to store Context.
get(C, String) - Method in interface io.opentelemetry.context.propagation.TextMapGetter
Returns the first value of the given propagation key or returns null.
get(ContextKey<V>) - Method in interface io.opentelemetry.context.Context
Returns the value stored in this Context for the given ContextKey, or null if there is no value for the key in this context.
getTextMapPropagator() - Method in interface io.opentelemetry.context.propagation.ContextPropagators
Returns a TextMapPropagator propagator.


ImplicitContextKeyed - Interface in io.opentelemetry.context
A value that can be stored inside Context.
inject(Context, C, TextMapSetter<C>) - Method in interface io.opentelemetry.context.propagation.TextMapPropagator
Injects data for downstream consumers, for example as HTTP headers.
io.opentelemetry.context - package io.opentelemetry.context
A context propagation mechanism which can carry scoped-values across API boundaries and between threads.
io.opentelemetry.context.propagation - package io.opentelemetry.context.propagation
Interfaces for defining ContextPropagators for allowing context propagation across process boundaries, for example when sending context to a remote server.


keys(C) - Method in interface io.opentelemetry.context.propagation.TextMapGetter
Returns all the keys in the given carrier.


makeCurrent() - Method in interface io.opentelemetry.context.Context
Makes this the current context and returns a Scope which corresponds to the scope of execution this context is current for.
makeCurrent() - Method in interface io.opentelemetry.context.ImplicitContextKeyed
Adds this ImplicitContextKeyed value to the current context and makes the new Context the current context.


named(String) - Static method in interface io.opentelemetry.context.ContextKey
Returns a new ContextKey with the given debug name.
noop() - Static method in interface io.opentelemetry.context.propagation.ContextPropagators
Returns a ContextPropagators which performs no injection or extraction.
noop() - Static method in interface io.opentelemetry.context.propagation.TextMapPropagator
Returns a TextMapPropagator which does no injection or extraction.
noop() - Static method in interface io.opentelemetry.context.Scope
Returns a Scope that does nothing.


root() - Static method in interface io.opentelemetry.context.Context
Returns the root Context which all other Context are derived from.
root() - Method in interface io.opentelemetry.context.ContextStorage
Returns the root Context which all other Context are derived from.


Scope - Interface in io.opentelemetry.context
An AutoCloseable that represents a mounted context for a block of code.
set(C, String, String) - Method in interface io.opentelemetry.context.propagation.TextMapSetter
Replaces a propagated field with the given value.
storeInContext(Context) - Method in interface io.opentelemetry.context.ImplicitContextKeyed
Returns a new Context created by setting this into the provided Context.


taskWrapping(Executor) - Static method in interface io.opentelemetry.context.Context
Returns an Executor which delegates to the provided executor, wrapping all invocations of Executor.execute(Runnable) with the current context at the time of invocation.
taskWrapping(ExecutorService) - Static method in interface io.opentelemetry.context.Context
Returns an ExecutorService which delegates to the provided executorService, wrapping all invocations of ExecutorService methods such as Executor.execute(Runnable) or ExecutorService.submit(Runnable) with the current context at the time of invocation.
TextMapGetter<C> - Interface in io.opentelemetry.context.propagation
Interface that allows a TextMapPropagator to read propagated fields from a carrier.
TextMapPropagator - Interface in io.opentelemetry.context.propagation
Injects and extracts a value as text into carriers that travel in-band across process boundaries.
TextMapSetter<C> - Interface in io.opentelemetry.context.propagation
Class that allows a TextMapPropagator to set propagated fields into a carrier.


with(ContextKey<V>, V) - Method in interface io.opentelemetry.context.Context
Returns a new context with the given key value set.
with(ImplicitContextKeyed) - Method in interface io.opentelemetry.context.Context
Returns a new Context with the given ImplicitContextKeyed set.
wrap(Runnable) - Method in interface io.opentelemetry.context.Context
Returns a Runnable that makes this the current context and then invokes the input Runnable.
wrap(Callable<T>) - Method in interface io.opentelemetry.context.Context
Returns a Runnable that makes this the current context and then invokes the input Runnable.
wrap(Executor) - Method in interface io.opentelemetry.context.Context
Returns an Executor that will execute callbacks in the given executor, making this the current context before each execution.
wrap(ExecutorService) - Method in interface io.opentelemetry.context.Context
Returns an ExecutorService that will execute callbacks in the given executor, making this the current context before each execution.
wrap(ScheduledExecutorService) - Method in interface io.opentelemetry.context.Context
Returns an ScheduledExecutorService that will execute callbacks in the given executor, making this the current context before each execution.
wrapConsumer(BiConsumer<T, U>) - Method in interface io.opentelemetry.context.Context
Returns a BiConsumer that makes this the current context and then invokes the input BiConsumer.
wrapConsumer(Consumer<T>) - Method in interface io.opentelemetry.context.Context
Returns a Consumer that makes this the current context and then invokes the input Consumer.
wrapFunction(BiFunction<T, U, V>) - Method in interface io.opentelemetry.context.Context
Returns a BiFunction that makes this the current context and then invokes the input BiFunction.
wrapFunction(Function<T, U>) - Method in interface io.opentelemetry.context.Context
Returns a Function that makes this the current context and then invokes the input Function.
wrapSupplier(Supplier<T>) - Method in interface io.opentelemetry.context.Context
Returns a Supplier that makes this the current context and then invokes the input Supplier.
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