Interface PythonParserConstants

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface PythonParserConstants
    Token literal values and constants. Generated by org.javacc.parser.OtherFilesGen#start()
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static int AND
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int AND_BOOL
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ANDEQ
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int AS
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ASSERT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int AT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int BACKTICK
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int BINNUMBER
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int BREAK
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CLASS
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int COLON
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int COMMA
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int COMPLEX
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CONTINUATION
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CONTINUE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int DECNUMBER
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int DEF
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int DEFAULT
      Lexical state.
      static int DEL
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int DIGIT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int DIVIDE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int DIVIDEEQ
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int DOT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ELIF
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ELSE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int EOF
      End of File.
      static int EQEQUAL
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int EQGREATER
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int EQLESS
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int EQUAL
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int EXCEPT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int EXEC
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int EXPONENT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int FINALLY
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int FLOAT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int FLOORDIVIDE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int FLOORDIVIDEEQ
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int FOR
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int FROM
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int GLOBAL
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int GREATER
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int HEXNUMBER
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int IF
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int IMPORT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int IN
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int IN_BSTRING11
      Lexical state.
      static int IN_BSTRING13
      Lexical state.
      static int IN_BSTRING1NLC
      Lexical state.
      static int IN_BSTRING21
      Lexical state.
      static int IN_BSTRING23
      Lexical state.
      static int IN_BSTRING2NLC
      Lexical state.
      static int IN_STRING11
      Lexical state.
      static int IN_STRING13
      Lexical state.
      static int IN_STRING1NLC
      Lexical state.
      static int IN_STRING21
      Lexical state.
      static int IN_STRING23
      Lexical state.
      static int IN_STRING2NLC
      Lexical state.
      static int IN_USTRING11
      Lexical state.
      static int IN_USTRING13
      Lexical state.
      static int IN_USTRING1NLC
      Lexical state.
      static int IN_USTRING21
      Lexical state.
      static int IN_USTRING23
      Lexical state.
      static int IN_USTRING2NLC
      Lexical state.
      static int IS
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int LAMBDA
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int LBRACE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int LBRACKET
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int LESS
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int LESSGREATER
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int LETTER
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int LPAREN
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int LSHIFT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int LSHIFTEQ
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int MINUS
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int MINUSEQ
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int MODULO
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int MODULOEQ
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int MULTIPLY
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int MULTIPLYEQ
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int NAME
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int NEWLINE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int NOT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int NOT_BOOL
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int NOTEQUAL
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int OCTNUMBER
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int OR
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int OR_BOOL
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int OREQ
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int PASS
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int PLUS
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int PLUSEQ
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int POWER
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int POWEREQ
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int PRINT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int RAISE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int RBRACE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int RBRACKET
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int RETURN
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int RPAREN
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int RSHIFT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int RSHIFTEQ
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SEMICOLON
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SINGLE_BSTRING
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SINGLE_BSTRING2
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SINGLE_STRING
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SINGLE_STRING2
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SINGLE_USTRING
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SINGLE_USTRING2
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SPACE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static java.lang.String[] tokenImage
      Literal token values.
      static int TRAILING_COMMENT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int TRIPLE_BSTRING
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int TRIPLE_BSTRING2
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int TRIPLE_STRING
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int TRIPLE_STRING2
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int TRIPLE_USTRING
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int TRIPLE_USTRING2
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int TRY
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int WHILE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int WITH
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int XOR
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int XOREQ
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int YIELD
      RegularExpression Id.