Class PAssert.OneSideInputAssert<ActualT>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, HasDisplayData
    Enclosing class:

    public static class PAssert.OneSideInputAssert<ActualT>
    extends PTransform<PBegin,​PDone>
    An assertion checker that takes a single PCollectionView<ActualT> and an assertion over ActualT, and checks it within a Beam pipeline.

    Note that the entire assertion must be serializable.

    This is generally useful for assertion functions that are serializable but whose underlying data may not have a coder.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Method Detail

      • expand

        public PDone expand​(PBegin input)
        Description copied from class: PTransform
        Override this method to specify how this PTransform should be expanded on the given InputT.

        NOTE: This method should not be called directly. Instead apply the PTransform should be applied to the InputT using the apply method.

        Composite transforms, which are defined in terms of other transforms, should return the output of one of the composed transforms. Non-composite transforms, which do not apply any transforms internally, should return a new unbound output and register evaluators (via backend-specific registration methods).

        Specified by:
        expand in class PTransform<PBegin,​PDone>