Class SystemKeyspace

    public class SystemKeyspace
    extends Object
    Keys living in the FDB system and special keyspace. These keys are used to communicate system configuration information and related information between the FoundationDB server and client. This API is API.Status.INTERNAL and should not be consumed directly by adopters. They should instead generally be referenced through wrapper functions that exist in this project and in the Record Layer core project.

    There is currently a project to provide a framework for FoundationDB clients to make use of the special key space API. As that project develops, this class may become unnecessary. See: Special-Key-Space.

    • Field Detail


        public static final byte[] METADATA_VERSION_KEY

        public static final byte[] PRIMARY_DATACENTER_KEY

        public static final byte[] TIMEKEEPER_KEY_PREFIX

        public static final byte[] CLIENT_LOG_KEY_PREFIX

        public static final byte[] CONNECTION_STR_KEY

        public static final byte[] CLUSTER_FILE_PATH_KEY