Class StandardIndexMaintainer

    • Field Detail


        protected static final int TOO_LARGE_VALUE_MESSAGE_LIMIT
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • scan

        protected RecordCursor<IndexEntry> scan​(@Nonnull
                                                TupleRange range,
                                                byte[] continuation,
                                                ScanProperties scanProperties)
        Scan the primary index tree for the given range.
        range - range of index keys to scan
        continuation - any continuation from previous scan
        scanProperties - any limits on the scan
        a cursor of index entries within the given range
      • unpackKeyValue

        protected IndexEntry unpackKeyValue​(@Nonnull
                                            KeyValue kv)
        Convert stored key value pair into an index entry.
        kv - a raw key-value from the database
        an index entry
      • unpackKeyValue

        protected IndexEntry unpackKeyValue​(@Nonnull
                                            Subspace subspace,
                                            KeyValue kv)
        Convert stored key value pair located in the given subspace into an index entry.
        subspace - the database subspace for the index
        kv - a raw key-value within subspace
        an index entry
      • decodeValue

        protected Tuple decodeValue​(@Nonnull
                                    byte[] value)
        Decode value portion of key value pair.
        value - the raw value portion of a key value pair
        a decoded tuple of any values stored in the value side of the index, which is usually empty
      • skipUpdateForUnchangedKeys

        public boolean skipUpdateForUnchangedKeys()
      • filteredIndexEntries

        protected <M extends MessageList<IndexEntry> filteredIndexEntries​(@Nullable
                                                                            FDBIndexableRecord<M> savedRecord)
        Filter out index keys according to IndexMaintenanceFilter. Keys that do not pass the filter will not be stored / removed from the index.
        Type Parameters:
        M - the message type of the record
        savedRecord - record for key evaluation
        filtered list of index keys for the given record
      • updateIndexKeys

        protected <M extends MessageCompletableFuture<Void> updateIndexKeys​(@Nonnull
                                                                              FDBIndexableRecord<M> savedRecord,
                                                                              boolean remove,
                                                                              List<IndexEntry> indexEntries)
        Update index according to record keys. Often this operation returns an already completed future because there is no asynchronous work to be done.
        Type Parameters:
        M - the message type of the record
        savedRecord - the record being indexed
        remove - true if removing from index
        indexEntries - the result of evaluateIndex(FDBRecord)
        a future completed when update is done
      • updateOneKeyAsync

        protected <M extends MessageCompletableFuture<Void> updateOneKeyAsync​(@Nonnull
                                                                                FDBIndexableRecord<M> savedRecord,
                                                                                boolean remove,
                                                                                IndexEntry indexEntry)
        Store a single key in the index.
        Type Parameters:
        M - the message type of the record
        savedRecord - the record being indexed
        remove - true if removing from index
        indexEntry - the entry for the index to be updated
        a future completed when the key is updated
      • addUniquenessViolation

        protected void addUniquenessViolation​(@Nonnull
                                              Tuple valueKey,
                                              Tuple primaryKey,
                                              Tuple existingKey)
        Add a uniqueness violation within the database. This is used to keep track of uniqueness violations that occur when an index is in write-only mode, both during the built itself and by other writes. This means that the writes will succeed, but it will cause a later attempt to make the index readable to fail.
        valueKey - the indexed key that is (apparently) not unique
        primaryKey - the primary key of one record that is causing a violation
        existingKey - the primary key of another record that is causing a violation (or null if none specified)
      • removeUniquenessViolationsAsync

        protected CompletableFuture<Void> removeUniquenessViolationsAsync​(@Nonnull
                                                                          Tuple valueKey,
                                                                          Tuple primaryKey)
        Remove a uniqueness violation within the database. This is used to keep track of uniqueness violations that occur when an index is in write-only mode, both during the built itself and by other writes. This means that the writes will succeed, but it will cause a later attempt to make the index readable to fail.

        This will remove the last uniqueness violation entry when removing the second last entry that contains the value key.

        valueKey - the indexed key that is (apparently) not unique
        primaryKey - the primary key of one record that is causing a violation
        a future that is complete when the uniqueness violation is removed
      • scanUniquenessViolations

        public RecordCursor<IndexEntry> scanUniquenessViolations​(@Nonnull
                                                                 TupleRange range,
                                                                 byte[] continuation,
                                                                 ScanProperties scanProperties)
        Description copied from class: IndexMaintainer
        Scans through the list of uniqueness violations within the database. It will return a cursor of IndexEntry instances where the getKey() will return the primary key of the record causing a problem and getValue() will return the index value that is being duplicated.
        Specified by:
        scanUniquenessViolations in class IndexMaintainer
        range - range of tuples to read
        continuation - any continuation from a previous invocation
        scanProperties - row limit and other scan properties
        a cursor that will return primary key-index key pairs indicating uniqueness violations
      • validateEntries

        public RecordCursor<InvalidIndexEntry> validateEntries​(@Nullable
                                                               byte[] continuation,
                                                               ScanProperties scanProperties)
        Validate the integrity of the index (such as identifying index entries that do not point to records or identifying records that do not point to valid index entries). The default implementation provided by the StandardIndexMaintainer class is a no-op (performs no validation) and should be overridden by implementing classes.
        Specified by:
        validateEntries in class IndexMaintainer
        continuation - any continuation from a previous validation invocation
        scanProperties - skip, limit and other properties of the validation (use default values if null)
        a cursor over invalid index entries including reasons (the default is an empty cursor)
      • validateOrphanEntries

        protected RecordCursor<InvalidIndexEntry> validateOrphanEntries​(@Nullable
                                                                        byte[] continuation,
                                                                        ScanProperties scanProperties)
        Validate entries in the index. It scans the index and checks if the record associated with each index entry exists.
        continuation - any continuation from a previous validation invocation
        scanProperties - skip, limit and other properties of the validation
        a cursor over index entries that have no associated records including the reason
      • validateMissingEntries

        protected RecordCursor<InvalidIndexEntry> validateMissingEntries​(@Nullable
                                                                         byte[] continuation,
                                                                         ScanProperties scanProperties)
        Validate entries in the index. It scans the records and checks if the index entries associated with each record exist. Note that it may not work for indexes on synthetic record types (e.g., join indexes).
        continuation - any continuation from a previous validation invocation
        scanProperties - skip, limit and other properties of the validation
        a cursor over records that have no associated index entries including the reason
      • indexEntryKey

        protected Tuple indexEntryKey​(@Nonnull
                                      Tuple valueKey,
                                      Tuple primaryKey)
        The entire index key to be used, including both the indexed value(s) and the primary key(s), with redundancy removed.
        valueKey - the indexed value(s) for the entry
        primaryKey - the primary key for the record
        the key to use for an index entry
      • saveIndexEntryAsKeyValue

        protected void saveIndexEntryAsKeyValue​(IndexEntry keyValue)
        Manually save an index entry, for example when rebuilding in place with a different storage format. Does not check uniqueness or maintain any secondary subspaces.
        keyValue - the entry to save
      • canEvaluateRecordFunction

        public boolean canEvaluateRecordFunction​(@Nonnull
                                                 IndexRecordFunction<?> function)
        Description copied from class: IndexMaintainer
        Return true if this index be used to evaluate the given record function.
        Specified by:
        canEvaluateRecordFunction in class IndexMaintainer
        function - requested function
        true if this index can be used to evaluate the given function
      • canEvaluateAggregateFunction

        public boolean canEvaluateAggregateFunction​(@Nonnull
                                                    IndexAggregateFunction function)
        Description copied from class: IndexMaintainer
        Get whether this index can be used to evaluate the given aggregate function.
        Specified by:
        canEvaluateAggregateFunction in class IndexMaintainer
        function - the requested aggregate function
        true if this index be used to evaluate the given aggregate function
      • getGroupingCount

        protected int getGroupingCount()
      • getGroupedCount

        protected int getGroupedCount()
      • isIdempotent

        public boolean isIdempotent()
        Description copied from class: IndexMaintainer
        Whether updating or removing a record on this index is idempotent. In principle, all index updates in the normal case are idempotent as long as the index update and the record insertion or deletion is atomic. However, certain indexes (mostly aggregate indexes) have the property that the index update on its own are not idempotent.
        Specified by:
        isIdempotent in class IndexMaintainer
        whether updating this index is idempotent
      • addedRangeWithKey

        public CompletableFuture<Boolean> addedRangeWithKey​(@Nonnull
                                                            Tuple primaryKey)
        Description copied from class: IndexMaintainer
        Whether this key has been added to some range within the RangeSet associated with this index. This is used within the context of seeing if one should update a non-idempotent write-only index with a new key. If the key is in some range, then it means that one should update the index as it is based off of stale data. If the key is not in some range, then it means that one should not update the index, as the rebuild job will handle it later.
        Specified by:
        addedRangeWithKey in class IndexMaintainer
        primaryKey - the record key of the record to check
        a future that will be true if some range contains the record and false otherwise
      • deleteWhere

        public CompletableFuture<Void> deleteWhere​(Transaction tr,
                                                   Tuple prefix)
        Description copied from class: IndexMaintainer
        Clear index storage associated with the given key prefix.
        Specified by:
        deleteWhere in class IndexMaintainer
        tr - transaction in which to access the database
        prefix - prefix of primary key to clear
        a future that is complete when the given prefix has been cleared from this index
      • evaluateIndex

        protected <M extends MessageList<IndexEntry> evaluateIndex​(@Nonnull
                                                                     FDBRecord<M> record)
        Apply the key and value expressions to a record.
        Type Parameters:
        M - the message type of the record
        record - the record from which the index will extract its key and value
        a list of index keys and values