Class TimeWindowLeaderboardWindowUpdate

    • Constructor Detail

      • TimeWindowLeaderboardWindowUpdate

        public TimeWindowLeaderboardWindowUpdate​(long updateTimestamp,
                                                 boolean highScoreFirst,
                                                 long deleteBefore,
                                                 boolean allTime,
                                                 Iterable<TimeWindowLeaderboardWindowUpdate.TimeWindowSpec> specs,
                                                 int nlevels,
                                                 TimeWindowLeaderboardWindowUpdate.Rebuild rebuild)
        Create a time window update operation.
        updateTimestamp - a timestamp to be recorded if any changes are made
        highScoreFirst - if true, numerically higher scores come first in the index
        deleteBefore - delete any time windows ending at this time or before
        allTime - include an all-time leaderboard
        specs - specifications for time windows to create
        nlevels - number of skip list levels to maintain
        rebuild - completely rebuild the index using the new time windows by scanning all existing records
      • TimeWindowLeaderboardWindowUpdate

        public TimeWindowLeaderboardWindowUpdate​(long updateTimestamp,
                                                 boolean highScoreFirst,
                                                 long deleteBefore,
                                                 boolean allTime,
                                                 Iterable<TimeWindowLeaderboardWindowUpdate.TimeWindowSpec> specs,
                                                 TimeWindowLeaderboardWindowUpdate.Rebuild rebuild)
        Create a time window update operation.
        updateTimestamp - a timestamp to be recorded if any changes are made
        highScoreFirst - if true, numerically higher scores come first in the index
        deleteBefore - delete any time windows ending at this time or before
        allTime - include an all-time leaderboard
        specs - specifications for time windows to create
        rebuild - completely rebuild the index using the new time windows by scanning all existing records