Class CLCapabilities

    • Field Detail

      • clGetPlatformIDs

        public final long clGetPlatformIDs
      • clGetPlatformInfo

        public final long clGetPlatformInfo
      • clGetDeviceIDs

        public final long clGetDeviceIDs
      • clGetDeviceInfo

        public final long clGetDeviceInfo
      • clCreateContext

        public final long clCreateContext
      • clCreateContextFromType

        public final long clCreateContextFromType
      • clRetainContext

        public final long clRetainContext
      • clReleaseContext

        public final long clReleaseContext
      • clGetContextInfo

        public final long clGetContextInfo
      • clCreateCommandQueue

        public final long clCreateCommandQueue
      • clRetainCommandQueue

        public final long clRetainCommandQueue
      • clReleaseCommandQueue

        public final long clReleaseCommandQueue
      • clGetCommandQueueInfo

        public final long clGetCommandQueueInfo
      • clCreateBuffer

        public final long clCreateBuffer
      • clEnqueueReadBuffer

        public final long clEnqueueReadBuffer
      • clEnqueueWriteBuffer

        public final long clEnqueueWriteBuffer
      • clEnqueueCopyBuffer

        public final long clEnqueueCopyBuffer
      • clEnqueueMapBuffer

        public final long clEnqueueMapBuffer
      • clCreateImage2D

        public final long clCreateImage2D
      • clCreateImage3D

        public final long clCreateImage3D
      • clGetSupportedImageFormats

        public final long clGetSupportedImageFormats
      • clEnqueueReadImage

        public final long clEnqueueReadImage
      • clEnqueueWriteImage

        public final long clEnqueueWriteImage
      • clEnqueueCopyImage

        public final long clEnqueueCopyImage
      • clEnqueueCopyImageToBuffer

        public final long clEnqueueCopyImageToBuffer
      • clEnqueueCopyBufferToImage

        public final long clEnqueueCopyBufferToImage
      • clEnqueueMapImage

        public final long clEnqueueMapImage
      • clGetImageInfo

        public final long clGetImageInfo
      • clRetainMemObject

        public final long clRetainMemObject
      • clReleaseMemObject

        public final long clReleaseMemObject
      • clEnqueueUnmapMemObject

        public final long clEnqueueUnmapMemObject
      • clGetMemObjectInfo

        public final long clGetMemObjectInfo
      • clCreateSampler

        public final long clCreateSampler
      • clRetainSampler

        public final long clRetainSampler
      • clReleaseSampler

        public final long clReleaseSampler
      • clGetSamplerInfo

        public final long clGetSamplerInfo
      • clCreateProgramWithSource

        public final long clCreateProgramWithSource
      • clCreateProgramWithBinary

        public final long clCreateProgramWithBinary
      • clRetainProgram

        public final long clRetainProgram
      • clReleaseProgram

        public final long clReleaseProgram
      • clBuildProgram

        public final long clBuildProgram
      • clUnloadCompiler

        public final long clUnloadCompiler
      • clGetProgramInfo

        public final long clGetProgramInfo
      • clGetProgramBuildInfo

        public final long clGetProgramBuildInfo
      • clCreateKernel

        public final long clCreateKernel
      • clCreateKernelsInProgram

        public final long clCreateKernelsInProgram
      • clRetainKernel

        public final long clRetainKernel
      • clReleaseKernel

        public final long clReleaseKernel
      • clSetKernelArg

        public final long clSetKernelArg
      • clGetKernelInfo

        public final long clGetKernelInfo
      • clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo

        public final long clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo
      • clEnqueueNDRangeKernel

        public final long clEnqueueNDRangeKernel
      • clEnqueueTask

        public final long clEnqueueTask
      • clEnqueueNativeKernel

        public final long clEnqueueNativeKernel
      • clWaitForEvents

        public final long clWaitForEvents
      • clGetEventInfo

        public final long clGetEventInfo
      • clRetainEvent

        public final long clRetainEvent
      • clReleaseEvent

        public final long clReleaseEvent
      • clEnqueueMarker

        public final long clEnqueueMarker
      • clEnqueueBarrier

        public final long clEnqueueBarrier
      • clEnqueueWaitForEvents

        public final long clEnqueueWaitForEvents
      • clGetEventProfilingInfo

        public final long clGetEventProfilingInfo
      • clFlush

        public final long clFlush
      • clFinish

        public final long clFinish
      • clGetExtensionFunctionAddress

        public final long clGetExtensionFunctionAddress
      • clCreateFromGLBuffer

        public final long clCreateFromGLBuffer
      • clCreateFromGLTexture2D

        public final long clCreateFromGLTexture2D
      • clCreateFromGLTexture3D

        public final long clCreateFromGLTexture3D
      • clCreateFromGLRenderbuffer

        public final long clCreateFromGLRenderbuffer
      • clGetGLObjectInfo

        public final long clGetGLObjectInfo
      • clGetGLTextureInfo

        public final long clGetGLTextureInfo
      • clEnqueueAcquireGLObjects

        public final long clEnqueueAcquireGLObjects
      • clEnqueueReleaseGLObjects

        public final long clEnqueueReleaseGLObjects
      • clCreateSubBuffer

        public final long clCreateSubBuffer
      • clSetMemObjectDestructorCallback

        public final long clSetMemObjectDestructorCallback
      • clEnqueueReadBufferRect

        public final long clEnqueueReadBufferRect
      • clEnqueueWriteBufferRect

        public final long clEnqueueWriteBufferRect
      • clEnqueueCopyBufferRect

        public final long clEnqueueCopyBufferRect
      • clCreateUserEvent

        public final long clCreateUserEvent
      • clSetUserEventStatus

        public final long clSetUserEventStatus
      • clSetEventCallback

        public final long clSetEventCallback
      • clGetExtensionFunctionAddressForPlatform

        public final long clGetExtensionFunctionAddressForPlatform
      • clRetainDevice

        public final long clRetainDevice
      • clReleaseDevice

        public final long clReleaseDevice
      • clCreateSubDevices

        public final long clCreateSubDevices
      • clCreateImage

        public final long clCreateImage
      • clCreateProgramWithBuiltInKernels

        public final long clCreateProgramWithBuiltInKernels
      • clCompileProgram

        public final long clCompileProgram
      • clLinkProgram

        public final long clLinkProgram
      • clUnloadPlatformCompiler

        public final long clUnloadPlatformCompiler
      • clGetKernelArgInfo

        public final long clGetKernelArgInfo
      • clEnqueueFillBuffer

        public final long clEnqueueFillBuffer
      • clEnqueueFillImage

        public final long clEnqueueFillImage
      • clEnqueueMigrateMemObjects

        public final long clEnqueueMigrateMemObjects
      • clEnqueueMarkerWithWaitList

        public final long clEnqueueMarkerWithWaitList
      • clEnqueueBarrierWithWaitList

        public final long clEnqueueBarrierWithWaitList
      • clCreateFromGLTexture

        public final long clCreateFromGLTexture
      • clCreateCommandQueueWithProperties

        public final long clCreateCommandQueueWithProperties
      • clCreatePipe

        public final long clCreatePipe
      • clGetPipeInfo

        public final long clGetPipeInfo
      • clSVMAlloc

        public final long clSVMAlloc
      • clSVMFree

        public final long clSVMFree
      • clEnqueueSVMFree

        public final long clEnqueueSVMFree
      • clEnqueueSVMMemcpy

        public final long clEnqueueSVMMemcpy
      • clEnqueueSVMMemFill

        public final long clEnqueueSVMMemFill
      • clEnqueueSVMMap

        public final long clEnqueueSVMMap
      • clEnqueueSVMUnmap

        public final long clEnqueueSVMUnmap
      • clSetKernelArgSVMPointer

        public final long clSetKernelArgSVMPointer
      • clSetKernelExecInfo

        public final long clSetKernelExecInfo
      • clCreateSamplerWithProperties

        public final long clCreateSamplerWithProperties
      • clSetDefaultDeviceCommandQueue

        public final long clSetDefaultDeviceCommandQueue
      • clGetDeviceAndHostTimer

        public final long clGetDeviceAndHostTimer
      • clGetHostTimer

        public final long clGetHostTimer
      • clCreateProgramWithIL

        public final long clCreateProgramWithIL
      • clCloneKernel

        public final long clCloneKernel
      • clGetKernelSubGroupInfo

        public final long clGetKernelSubGroupInfo
      • clEnqueueSVMMigrateMem

        public final long clEnqueueSVMMigrateMem
      • clSetProgramReleaseCallback

        public final long clSetProgramReleaseCallback
      • clSetProgramSpecializationConstant

        public final long clSetProgramSpecializationConstant
      • clTrackLiveObjectsAltera

        public final long clTrackLiveObjectsAltera
      • clReportLiveObjectsAltera

        public final long clReportLiveObjectsAltera
      • clEnqueueWaitSignalAMD

        public final long clEnqueueWaitSignalAMD
      • clEnqueueWriteSignalAMD

        public final long clEnqueueWriteSignalAMD
      • clEnqueueMakeBuffersResidentAMD

        public final long clEnqueueMakeBuffersResidentAMD
      • clCreateCommandQueueWithPropertiesAPPLE

        public final long clCreateCommandQueueWithPropertiesAPPLE
      • clLogMessagesToSystemLogAPPLE

        public final long clLogMessagesToSystemLogAPPLE
      • clLogMessagesToStdoutAPPLE

        public final long clLogMessagesToStdoutAPPLE
      • clLogMessagesToStderrAPPLE

        public final long clLogMessagesToStderrAPPLE
      • clGetGLContextInfoAPPLE

        public final long clGetGLContextInfoAPPLE
      • clReleaseDeviceEXT

        public final long clReleaseDeviceEXT
      • clRetainDeviceEXT

        public final long clRetainDeviceEXT
      • clCreateSubDevicesEXT

        public final long clCreateSubDevicesEXT
      • clEnqueueMigrateMemObjectEXT

        public final long clEnqueueMigrateMemObjectEXT
      • clCreateAcceleratorINTEL

        public final long clCreateAcceleratorINTEL
      • clRetainAcceleratorINTEL

        public final long clRetainAcceleratorINTEL
      • clReleaseAcceleratorINTEL

        public final long clReleaseAcceleratorINTEL
      • clGetAcceleratorInfoINTEL

        public final long clGetAcceleratorInfoINTEL
      • clGetKernelSubGroupInfoKHR

        public final long clGetKernelSubGroupInfoKHR
      • clGetDeviceIDsFromVA_APIMediaAdapterINTEL

        public final long clGetDeviceIDsFromVA_APIMediaAdapterINTEL
      • clCreateFromVA_APIMediaSurfaceINTEL

        public final long clCreateFromVA_APIMediaSurfaceINTEL
      • clEnqueueAcquireVA_APIMediaSurfacesINTEL

        public final long clEnqueueAcquireVA_APIMediaSurfacesINTEL
      • clEnqueueReleaseVA_APIMediaSurfacesINTEL

        public final long clEnqueueReleaseVA_APIMediaSurfacesINTEL
      • clCreateEventFromEGLSyncKHR

        public final long clCreateEventFromEGLSyncKHR
      • clCreateFromEGLImageKHR

        public final long clCreateFromEGLImageKHR
      • clEnqueueAcquireEGLObjectsKHR

        public final long clEnqueueAcquireEGLObjectsKHR
      • clEnqueueReleaseEGLObjectsKHR

        public final long clEnqueueReleaseEGLObjectsKHR
      • clCreateEventFromGLsyncKHR

        public final long clCreateEventFromGLsyncKHR
      • clGetGLContextInfoKHR

        public final long clGetGLContextInfoKHR
      • clTerminateContextKHR

        public final long clTerminateContextKHR
      • clGetDeviceImageInfoQCOM

        public final long clGetDeviceImageInfoQCOM
      • OpenCL10

        public final boolean OpenCL10
        When true, CL10 is supported.
      • OpenCL10GL

        public final boolean OpenCL10GL
        When true, CL10GL is supported.
      • OpenCL11

        public final boolean OpenCL11
        When true, CL11 is supported.
      • OpenCL12

        public final boolean OpenCL12
        When true, CL12 is supported.
      • OpenCL12GL

        public final boolean OpenCL12GL
        When true, CL12GL is supported.
      • OpenCL20

        public final boolean OpenCL20
        When true, CL20 is supported.
      • OpenCL21

        public final boolean OpenCL21
        When true, CL21 is supported.
      • OpenCL22

        public final boolean OpenCL22
        When true, CL22 is supported.
      • cl_altera_compiler_mode

        public final boolean cl_altera_compiler_mode
        When true, ALTERACompilerMode is supported.
      • cl_altera_device_temperature

        public final boolean cl_altera_device_temperature
        When true, ALTERADeviceTemperature is supported.
      • cl_altera_live_object_tracking

        public final boolean cl_altera_live_object_tracking
        When true, ALTERALiveObjectTracking is supported.
      • cl_amd_bus_addressable_memory

        public final boolean cl_amd_bus_addressable_memory
        When true, AMDBusAddressableMemory is supported.
      • cl_amd_compile_options

        public final boolean cl_amd_compile_options
        When true, the amd_compile_options extension is supported.

        This extension adds the following options, which are not part of the OpenCL specification:

        • -g – This is an experimental feature that lets you use the GNU project debugger, GDB, to debug kernels on x86 CPUs running Linux or cygwin/minGW under Windows. This option does not affect the default optimization of the OpenCL code.
        • -O0 – Specifies to the compiler not to optimize. This is equivalent to the OpenCL standard option -cl-opt-disable.
        • -f[no-]bin-source – Does [not] generate OpenCL source in the .source section. By default, the source is NOT generated.
        • -f[no-]bin-llvmir – Does [not] generate LLVM IR in the .llvmir section. By default, LLVM IR IS generated.
        • -f[no-]bin-amdil – Does [not] generate AMD IL in the .amdil section. By Default, AMD IL is NOT generated.
        • -f[no-]bin-exe – Does [not] generate the executable (ISA) in .text section. By default, the executable IS generated.
        • -f[no-]bin-hsail – Does [not] generate HSAIL/BRIG in the binary. By default, HSA IL/BRIG is NOT generated.

        To avoid source changes, there are two environment variables that can be used to change CL options during the runtime:

        • AMD_OCL_BUILD_OPTIONS – Overrides the CL options specified in BuildProgram.
        • AMD_OCL_BUILD_OPTIONS_APPEND – Appends options to the options specified in BuildProgram.
      • cl_amd_device_attribute_query

        public final boolean cl_amd_device_attribute_query
        When true, AMDDeviceAttributeQuery is supported.
      • cl_amd_device_board_name

        public final boolean cl_amd_device_board_name
        When true, AMDDeviceBoardName is supported.
      • cl_amd_device_persistent_memory

        public final boolean cl_amd_device_persistent_memory
        When true, AMDDevicePersistentMemory is supported.
      • cl_amd_device_profiling_timer_offset

        public final boolean cl_amd_device_profiling_timer_offset
        When true, AMDDeviceProfilingTimerOffset is supported.
      • cl_amd_device_topology

        public final boolean cl_amd_device_topology
        When true, AMDDeviceTopology is supported.
      • cl_amd_event_callback

        public final boolean cl_amd_event_callback
        When true, the amd_event_callback extension is supported.

        This extension provides the ability to register event callbacks for states other than COMPLETE. The full set of event states are allowed: QUEUED, SUBMITTED, and RUNNING.

      • cl_amd_fp64

        public final boolean cl_amd_fp64
        When true, the amd_fp64 extension is supported.

        This extension provides a subset of the functionality of that provided by the cl_khr_fp64 extension. When enabled, the compiler recognizes the double scalar and vector types, compiles expressions involving those types, and accepts calls to all builtin functions enabled by the cl_khr_fp64 extension. However, this extension does not guarantee that all cl_khr_fp64 built in functions are implemented and does not guarantee that the built in functions that have been implemented would be considered conformant to the cl_khr_fp64 extension.

      • cl_amd_media_ops

        public final boolean cl_amd_media_ops
        When true, the amd_media_ops extension is supported.

        The directive when enabled adds the following built-in functions to the OpenCL language.

         Note: typen denote opencl scalar type {n = 1} and vector types {n = 4, 8, 16}.
         Build-in Function
           uint  amd_pack(float4 src)
           dst =   ((((uint)src.s0) & 0xff)      )
                 + ((((uint)src.s1) & 0xff) <<  8)
                 + ((((uint)src.s2) & 0xff) << 16)
                 + ((((uint)src.s3) & 0xff) << 24)
         Build-in Function
           floatn  amd_unpack3(unitn src)
           dst.s0 = (float)((src.s0 >> 24) & 0xff)
           similar operation applied to other components of the vectors
         Build-in Function
           floatn   amd_unpack2 (unitn src)
           dst.s0 = (float)((src.s0 >> 16) & 0xff)
           similar operation applied to other components of the vectors
         Build-in Function
           floatn   amd_unpack1 (unitn src)
           dst.s0 = (float)((src.s0 >> 8) & 0xff)
           similar operation applied to other components of the vectors
         Build-in Function
           floatn   amd_unpack0 (unitn src)
           dst.s0 = (float)(src.s0 & 0xff)
           similar operation applied to other components of the vectors
         Build-in Function
           uintn  amd_bitalign (uintn src0, uintn src1, uintn src2)
           dst.s0 =  (uint) (((((long)src0.s0) << 32) | (long)src1.s0) >> (src2.s0 & 31))
           similar operation applied to other components of the vectors.
         Build-in Function
           uintn  amd_bytealign (uintn src0, uintn src1, uintn src2)
           dst.s0 =  (uint) (((((long)src0.s0) << 32) | (long)src1.s0) >> ((src2.s0 & 3)*8))
           similar operation applied to other components of the vectors
         Build-in Function
           uintn  amd_lerp (uintn src0, uintn src1, uintn src2)
           dst.s0 = (((((src0.s0 >>  0) & 0xff) + ((src1.s0 >>  0) & 0xff) + ((src2.s0 >>  0) & 1)) >> 1) <<  0) +
                    (((((src0.s0 >>  8) & 0xff) + ((src1.s0 >>  8) & 0xff) + ((src2.s0 >>  8) & 1)) >> 1) <<  8) +
                    (((((src0.s0 >> 16) & 0xff) + ((src1.s0 >> 16) & 0xff) + ((src2.s0 >> 16) & 1)) >> 1) << 16) +
                    (((((src0.s0 >> 24) & 0xff) + ((src1.s0 >> 24) & 0xff) + ((src2.s0 >> 24) & 1)) >> 1) << 24);
           similar operation applied to other components of the vectors
         Build-in Function
           uintn  amd_sad (uintn src0, uintn src1, uintn src2)
           dst.s0 = src2.s0 +
                    abs(((src0.s0 >>  0) & 0xff) - ((src1.s0 >>  0) & 0xff)) +
                    abs(((src0.s0 >>  8) & 0xff) - ((src1.s0 >>  8) & 0xff)) +
                    abs(((src0.s0 >> 16) & 0xff) - ((src1.s0 >> 16) & 0xff)) +
                    abs(((src0.s0 >> 24) & 0xff) - ((src1.s0 >> 24) & 0xff));
           similar operation applied to other components of the vectors
         Build-in Function
           uintn  amd_sadhi (uintn src0, uintn src1n, uintn src2)
           dst.s0 = src2.s0 +
                    (abs(((src0.s0 >>  0) & 0xff) - ((src1.s0 >>  0) & 0xff)) << 16) +
                    (abs(((src0.s0 >>  8) & 0xff) - ((src1.s0 >>  8) & 0xff)) << 16) +
                    (abs(((src0.s0 >> 16) & 0xff) - ((src1.s0 >> 16) & 0xff)) << 16) +
                    (abs(((src0.s0 >> 24) & 0xff) - ((src1.s0 >> 24) & 0xff)) << 16);
           similar operation applied to other components of the vectors
         Build-in Function
           uint  amd_sad4(uint4 src0, uint4 src1, uint src2)
           dst   = src2   +
                    abs(((src0.s0 >>  0) & 0xff) - ((src1.s0 >>  0) & 0xff)) +
                    abs(((src0.s0 >>  8) & 0xff) - ((src1.s0 >>  8) & 0xff)) +
                    abs(((src0.s0 >> 16) & 0xff) - ((src1.s0 >> 16) & 0xff)) +
                    abs(((src0.s0 >> 24) & 0xff) - ((src1.s0 >> 24) & 0xff)) +
                    abs(((src0.s1 >>  0) & 0xff) - ((src1.s0 >>  0) & 0xff)) +
                    abs(((src0.s1 >>  8) & 0xff) - ((src1.s1 >>  8) & 0xff)) +
                    abs(((src0.s1 >> 16) & 0xff) - ((src1.s1 >> 16) & 0xff)) +
                    abs(((src0.s1 >> 24) & 0xff) - ((src1.s1 >> 24) & 0xff)) +
                    abs(((src0.s2 >>  0) & 0xff) - ((src1.s2 >>  0) & 0xff)) +
                    abs(((src0.s2 >>  8) & 0xff) - ((src1.s2 >>  8) & 0xff)) +
                    abs(((src0.s2 >> 16) & 0xff) - ((src1.s2 >> 16) & 0xff)) +
                    abs(((src0.s2 >> 24) & 0xff) - ((src1.s2 >> 24) & 0xff)) +
                    abs(((src0.s3 >>  0) & 0xff) - ((src1.s3 >>  0) & 0xff)) +
                    abs(((src0.s3 >>  8) & 0xff) - ((src1.s3 >>  8) & 0xff)) +
                    abs(((src0.s3 >> 16) & 0xff) - ((src1.s3 >> 16) & 0xff)) +
                    abs(((src0.s3 >> 24) & 0xff) - ((src1.s3 >> 24) & 0xff));
      • cl_amd_media_ops2

        public final boolean cl_amd_media_ops2
        When true, the amd_media_ops2 extension is supported.

        The directive when enabled adds the following built-in functions to the OpenCL language.

         Note: typen denote open scalar type { n = 1 } and vector types { n = 2, 4, 8, 16 }.
         Build-in Function
           uintn  amd_msad (uintn src0, uintn src1, uintn src2)
           uchar4 src0u8 = as_uchar4(src0.s0);
           uchar4 src1u8 = as_uchar4(src1.s0);
           dst.s0 = src2.s0 +
                    ((src1u8.s0 == 0) ? 0 : abs(src0u8.s0 - src1u8.s0)) +
                    ((src1u8.s1 == 0) ? 0 : abs(src0u8.s1 - src1u8.s1)) +
                    ((src1u8.s2 == 0) ? 0 : abs(src0u8.s2 - src1u8.s2)) +
                    ((src1u8.s3 == 0) ? 0 : abs(src0u8.s3 - src1u8.s3));
           similar operation applied to other components of the vectors
         Build-in Function
           ulongn amd_qsad (ulongn src0, uintn src1, ulongn src2)
           uchar8 src0u8 = as_uchar8(src0.s0);
           ushort4 src2u16 = as_ushort4(src2.s0);
           ushort4 dstu16;
           dstu16.s0 = amd_sad(as_uint(src0u8.s0123), src1.s0, src2u16.s0);
           dstu16.s1 = amd_sad(as_uint(src0u8.s1234), src1.s0, src2u16.s1);
           dstu16.s2 = amd_sad(as_uint(src0u8.s2345), src1.s0, src2u16.s2);
           dstu16.s3 = amd_sad(as_uint(src0u8.s3456), src1.s0, src2u16.s3);
           dst.s0 = as_uint2(dstu16);
           similar operation applied to other components of the vectors
         Build-in Function
           ulongn amd_mqsad (ulongn src0, uintn src1, ulongn src2)
           uchar8 src0u8 = as_uchar8(src0.s0);
           ushort4 src2u16 = as_ushort4(src2.s0);
           ushort4 dstu16;
           dstu16.s0 = amd_msad(as_uint(src0u8.s0123), src1.s0, src2u16.s0);
           dstu16.s1 = amd_msad(as_uint(src0u8.s1234), src1.s0, src2u16.s1);
           dstu16.s2 = amd_msad(as_uint(src0u8.s2345), src1.s0, src2u16.s2);
           dstu16.s3 = amd_msad(as_uint(src0u8.s3456), src1.s0, src2u16.s3);
           dst.s0 = as_uint2(dstu16);
           similar operation applied to other components of the vectors
         Build-in Function
           uintn  amd_sadw (uintn src0, uintn src1, uintn src2)
           ushort2 src0u16 = as_ushort2(src0.s0);
           ushort2 src1u16 = as_ushort2(src1.s0);
           dst.s0 = src2.s0 +
                    abs(src0u16.s0 - src1u16.s0) +
                    abs(src0u16.s1 - src1u16.s1);
           similar operation applied to other components of the vectors
         Build-in Function
           uintn  amd_sadd (uintn src0, uintn src1, uintn src2)
           dst.s0 = src2.s0 +  abs(src0.s0 - src1.s0);
           similar operation applied to other components of the vectors
         Built-in Function:
           uintn amd_bfm (uintn src0, uintn src1)
           dst.s0 = ((1 << (src0.s0 & 0x1f)) - 1) << (src1.s0 & 0x1f);
           similar operation applied to other components of the vectors
         Built-in Function:
           uintn amd_bfe (uintn src0, uintn src1, uintn src2)
           NOTE: operator >> below represent logical right shift
           offset = src1.s0 & 31;
           width = src2.s0 & 31;
           if width = 0
               dst.s0 = 0;
           else if (offset + width) < 32
               dst.s0 = (src0.s0 << (32 - offset - width)) >> (32 - width);
               dst.s0 = src0.s0 >> offset;
           similar operation applied to other components of the vectors
         Built-in Function:
            intn amd_bfe (intn src0, uintn src1, uintn src2)
           NOTE: operator >> below represent arithmetic right shift
           offset = src1.s0 & 31;
           width = src2.s0 & 31;
           if width = 0
               dst.s0 = 0;
           else if (offset + width) < 32
               dst.s0 = src0.s0 << (32-offset-width) >> 32-width;
               dst.s0 = src0.s0 >> offset;
           similar operation applied to other components of the vectors
         Built-in Function:
            intn amd_median3 (intn src0, intn src1, intn src2)
            uintn amd_median3 (uintn src0, uintn src1, uintn src2)
            floatn amd_median3 (floatn src0, floatn src1, floattn src2)
            returns median of src0, src1, and src2
         Built-in Function:
            intn amd_min3 (intn src0, intn src1, intn src2)
            uintn amd_min3 (uintn src0, uintn src1, uintn src2)
            floatn amd_min3 (floatn src0, floatn src1, floattn src2)
            returns min of src0, src1, and src2
         Built-in Function:
            intn amd_max3 (intn src0, intn src1, intn src2)
            uintn amd_max3 (uintn src0, uintn src1, uintn src2)
            floatn amd_max3 (floatn src0, floatn src1, floattn src2)
            returns max of src0, src1, and src2
      • cl_amd_offline_devices

        public final boolean cl_amd_offline_devices
        When true, AMDOfflineDevices is supported.
      • cl_amd_popcnt

        public final boolean cl_amd_popcnt
        When true, the amd_popcnt extension is supported.

        This extension introduces a “population count” function called popcnt. This extension was taken into core OpenCL 1.2, and the function was renamed popcount. The core 1.2 popcount function is identical to the AMD extension popcnt function.

      • cl_amd_predefined_macros

        public final boolean cl_amd_predefined_macros
        When true, the amd_predefined_macros extension is supported.

        The following macros are predefined when compiling OpenCL™ C kernels. These macros are defined automatically based on the device for which the code is being compiled.

        GPU devices
        • __Barts__
        • __BeaverCreek__
        • __Bheem__
        • __Bonaire__
        • __Caicos__
        • __Capeverde__
        • __Carrizo__
        • __Cayman__
        • __Cedar__
        • __Cypress__
        • __Devastator__
        • __Hainan__
        • __Iceland__
        • __Juniper__
        • __Kalindi__
        • __Kauai__
        • __Lombok__
        • __Loveland__
        • __Mullins__
        • __Oland__
        • __Pitcairn__
        • __RV710__
        • __RV730__
        • __RV740__
        • __RV770__
        • __RV790__
        • __Redwood__
        • __Scrapper__
        • __Spectre__
        • __Spooky__
        • __Tahiti__
        • __Tonga__
        • __Turks__
        • __WinterPark__
        • __GPU__
        CPU devices
        • __CPU__
        • __X86__
        • __X86_64__

        Note that __GPU__ or __CPU__ are predefined whenever a GPU or CPU device is the compilation target.

      • cl_amd_printf

        public final boolean cl_amd_printf
        When true, the amd_printf extension is supported.

        This extension adds the built-in function printf(__constant char * restrict format, \u2026);

        This function writes output to the stdout stream associated with the host application. The format string is a character sequence that:

        • is null-terminated and composed of zero and more directives,
        • ordinary characters (i.e. not %), which are copied directly to the output stream unchanged, and
        • conversion specifications, each of which can result in fetching zero or more arguments, converting them, and then writing the final result to the output stream.

        The format string must be resolvable at compile time; thus, it cannot be dynamically created by the executing program. (Note that the use of variadic arguments in the built-in printf does not imply its use in other builtins; more importantly, it is not valid to use printf in user-defined functions or kernels.)

        The OpenCL C printf closely matches the definition found as part of the C99 standard. Note that conversions introduced in the format string with % are supported with the following guidelines:

        • A 32-bit floating point argument is not converted to a 64-bit double, unless the extension cl_khr_fp64 is supported and enabled. This includes the double variants if cl_khr_fp64 is supported and defined in the corresponding compilation unit.
        • 64-bit integer types can be printed using %ld / %lx / %lu.
        • %lld / %llx / %llu are not supported and reserved for 128-bit integer types (long long).
        • All OpenCL vector types can be explicitly passed and printed using the modifier vn, where n can be 2, 3, 4, 8, or 16. This modifier appears before the original conversion specifier for the vector’s component type (for example, to print a float4 %v4f). Since vn is a conversion specifier, it is valid to apply optional flags, such as field width and precision, just as it is when printing the component types. Since a vector is an aggregate type, the comma separator is used between the components: 0:1, … , n-2:n-1.
      • cl_amd_vec3

        public final boolean cl_amd_vec3
        When true, the amd_vec3 extension is supported.

        This extension adds support for vectors with three elements: float3, short3, char3, etc. This data type was added to OpenCL 1.1 as a core feature.

      • cl_APPLE_biased_fixed_point_image_formats

        public final boolean cl_APPLE_biased_fixed_point_image_formats
        When true, APPLEBiasedFixedPointImageFormats is supported.
      • cl_APPLE_command_queue_priority

        public final boolean cl_APPLE_command_queue_priority
        When true, APPLECommandQueuePriority is supported.
      • cl_APPLE_ContextLoggingFunctions

        public final boolean cl_APPLE_ContextLoggingFunctions
        When true, APPLEContextLoggingFunctions is supported.
      • cl_APPLE_fixed_alpha_channel_orders

        public final boolean cl_APPLE_fixed_alpha_channel_orders
        When true, APPLEFixedAlphaChannelOrders is supported.
      • cl_APPLE_fp64_basic_ops

        public final boolean cl_APPLE_fp64_basic_ops
        When true, APPLE_fp64_basic_ops is supported.
      • cl_APPLE_gl_sharing

        public final boolean cl_APPLE_gl_sharing
        When true, APPLEGLSharing is supported.
      • cl_APPLE_query_kernel_names

        public final boolean cl_APPLE_query_kernel_names
        When true, APPLEQueryKernelNames is supported.
      • cl_arm_core_id

        public final boolean cl_arm_core_id
        When true, the arm_core_id extension is supported.

        This extension provides a built-in function (uint arm_get_core_id( void )) which returns a unique ID for the compute unit that a work-group is running on. This value is uniform for a work-group.

        This value can be used for a core-specific cache or atomic pool where the storage is required to be in global memory and persistent (but not ordered) between work-groups. This does not provide any additional ordering on top of the existing guarantees between workgroups, nor does it provide any guarantee of concurrent execution.

        The IDs for the compute units may not be consecutive and applications must make sure they allocate enough memory to accommodate all the compute units present on the device. A device info query allows the application to know the IDs associated with the compute units on a given device.

      • cl_arm_printf

        public final boolean cl_arm_printf
        When true, ARMPrintf is supported.
      • cl_ext_atomic_counters_32

        public final boolean cl_ext_atomic_counters_32
        When true, EXTAtomicCounters32 is supported.
      • cl_ext_atomic_counters_64

        public final boolean cl_ext_atomic_counters_64
        When true, EXTAtomicCounters64 is supported.
      • cl_ext_device_fission

        public final boolean cl_ext_device_fission
        When true, EXTDeviceFission is supported.
      • cl_ext_migrate_memobject

        public final boolean cl_ext_migrate_memobject
        When true, EXTMigrateMemobject is supported.
      • cl_intel_accelerator

        public final boolean cl_intel_accelerator
        When true, INTELAccelerator is supported.
      • cl_intel_advanced_motion_estimation

        public final boolean cl_intel_advanced_motion_estimation
        When true, INTELAdvancedMotionEstimation is supported.
      • cl_intel_device_partition_by_names

        public final boolean cl_intel_device_partition_by_names
        When true, INTELDevicePartitionByNames is supported.
      • cl_intel_driver_diagnostics

        public final boolean cl_intel_driver_diagnostics
        When true, INTELDriverDiagnostics is supported.
      • cl_intel_egl_image_yuv

        public final boolean cl_intel_egl_image_yuv
        When true, INTELEGLImageYUV is supported.
      • cl_intel_media_block_io

        public final boolean cl_intel_media_block_io
        This extension augments the block read/write functionality available in the Intel vendor extensions intel_subgroups and intel_media_block_io by the specification of additional built-in functions to facilitate the reading and writing of flexible 2D regions from images. This API allows for the explicit specification of the width and height of the image regions.

        While not required, this extension is most useful when the subgroup size is known at compile-time. The primary use case for this extension is to support the reading of the edge texels (or image elements) of neighboring macro-blocks as described in the Intel vendor extension intel_device_side_avc_motion_estimation. When using the built-in functions from cl_intel_device_ side_avc_motion_estimation the subgroup size is implicitly fixed to 16. In other use cases the subgroup size may be fixed using the intel_required_subgroup_size extension, if needed.

      • cl_intel_motion_estimation

        public final boolean cl_intel_motion_estimation
        When true, INTELMotionEstimation is supported.
      • cl_intel_packed_yuv

        public final boolean cl_intel_packed_yuv
        When true, INTELPackedYUV is supported.
      • cl_intel_planar_yuv

        public final boolean cl_intel_planar_yuv
        When true, INTELPlanarYUV is supported.
      • cl_intel_printf

        public final boolean cl_intel_printf
        When true, intel_printf is supported.
      • cl_intel_required_subgroup_size

        public final boolean cl_intel_required_subgroup_size
        When true, INTELRequiredSubgroupSize is supported.
      • cl_intel_simultaneous_sharing

        public final boolean cl_intel_simultaneous_sharing
        When true, INTELSimultaneousSharing is supported.
      • cl_intel_subgroups

        public final boolean cl_intel_subgroups
        When true, INTELSubgroups is supported.
      • cl_intel_subgroups_short

        public final boolean cl_intel_subgroups_short
        The goal of this extension is to allow programmers to improve the performance of applications operating on 16-bit data types by extending the subgroup functions described in the intel_subgroups extension to support 16-bit integer data types (shorts and ushorts). Specifically, the extension:
        • Extends the subgroup broadcast function to allow 16-bit integer values to be broadcast from one work item to all other work items in the subgroup.
        • Extends the subgroup scan and reduction functions to operate on 16-bit integer data types.
        • Extends the Intel subgroup shuffle functions to allow arbitrarily exchanging 16-bit integer values among work items in the subgroup.
        • Extends the Intel subgroup block read and write functions to allow reading and writing 16-bit integer data from images and buffers.

        Requires OpenCL 1.2 and intel_subgroups

      • cl_intel_thread_local_exec

        public final boolean cl_intel_thread_local_exec
        When true, INTELThreadLocalExec is supported.
      • cl_intel_va_api_media_sharing

        public final boolean cl_intel_va_api_media_sharing
        When true, INTELVAAPIMediaSharing is supported.
      • cl_khr_3d_image_writes

        public final boolean cl_khr_3d_image_writes
        When true, the khr_3d_image_writes extension is supported.

        This extension adds support for kernel writes to 3D images.

      • cl_khr_byte_addressable_store

        public final boolean cl_khr_byte_addressable_store
        When true, the khr_byte_addressable_store extension is supported.

        This extension eliminates the restriction of not allowing writes to a pointer (or array elements) of types less than 32-bit wide in kernel program.

      • cl_khr_depth_images

        public final boolean cl_khr_depth_images
        When true, KHRDepthImages is supported.
      • cl_khr_device_enqueue_local_arg_types

        public final boolean cl_khr_device_enqueue_local_arg_types
        When true, the khr_device_enqueue_local_arg_types extension is supported.

        This extension allows arguments to blocks passed to enqueue_kernel functions to be declared as a pointer to any type (built-in or user-defined) in local memory instead of just local void *.

      • cl_khr_egl_event

        public final boolean cl_khr_egl_event
        When true, KHREGLEvent is supported.
      • cl_khr_egl_image

        public final boolean cl_khr_egl_image
        When true, KHREGLImage is supported.
      • cl_khr_fp16

        public final boolean cl_khr_fp16
        When true, KHRFP16 is supported.
      • cl_khr_fp64

        public final boolean cl_khr_fp64
        When true, KHRFP64 is supported.
      • cl_khr_gl_depth_images

        public final boolean cl_khr_gl_depth_images
        When true, KHRGLDepthImages is supported.
      • cl_khr_gl_event

        public final boolean cl_khr_gl_event
        When true, KHRGLEvent is supported.
      • cl_khr_gl_msaa_sharing

        public final boolean cl_khr_gl_msaa_sharing
        When true, KHRGLMSAASharing is supported.
      • cl_khr_gl_sharing

        public final boolean cl_khr_gl_sharing
        When true, KHRGLSharing is supported.
      • cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics

        public final boolean cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics
        When true, the khr_global_int32_base_atomics extension is supported.

        This extension adds basic atomic operations on 32-bit integers in global memory.

      • cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics

        public final boolean cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics
        When true, the khr_global_int32_extended_atomics extension is supported.

        This extension adds extended atomic operations on 32-bit integers in global memory.

      • cl_khr_icd

        public final boolean cl_khr_icd
        When true, KHRICD is supported.
      • cl_khr_image2d_from_buffer

        public final boolean cl_khr_image2d_from_buffer
        When true, KHRImage2DFromBuffer is supported.
      • cl_khr_initialize_memory

        public final boolean cl_khr_initialize_memory
        When true, KHRInitializeMemory is supported.
      • cl_khr_int64_base_atomics

        public final boolean cl_khr_int64_base_atomics
        When true, the khr_int64_base_atomics extension is supported.

        This extension adds basic atomic operations on 64-bit integers in both global and local memory.

      • cl_khr_int64_extended_atomics

        public final boolean cl_khr_int64_extended_atomics
        When true, the khr_int64_extended_atomics extension is supported.

        This extension adds extended atomic operations on 64-bit integers in both global and local memory.

      • cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics

        public final boolean cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics
        When true, the khr_local_int32_base_atomics extension is supported.

        This extension adds basic atomic operations on 32-bit integers in local memory.

      • cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics

        public final boolean cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics
        When true, the khr_local_int32_extended_atomics extension is supported.

        This extension adds extended atomic operations on 32-bit integers in local memory.

      • cl_khr_mipmap_image

        public final boolean cl_khr_mipmap_image
        When true, KHRMipmapImage is supported.
      • cl_khr_mipmap_image_writes

        public final boolean cl_khr_mipmap_image_writes
        When true, the khr_mipmap_image_writes extension is supported.

        This extension adds built-in functions that can be used to write a mip-mapped image in an OpenCL C program.

      • cl_khr_priority_hints

        public final boolean cl_khr_priority_hints
        When true, KHRPriorityHints is supported.
      • cl_khr_select_fprounding_mode

        public final boolean cl_khr_select_fprounding_mode
        When true, the khr_select_fprounding_mode extension is supported.

        This extension adds support for specifying the rounding mode for an instruction or group of instructions in the program source.

        The appropriate rounding mode can be specified using #pragma OPENCL SELECT_ROUNDING_MODE rounding-mode in the program source.

        The #pragma OPENCL SELECT_ROUNDING_MODE sets the rounding mode for all instructions that operate on floating-point types (scalar or vector types) or produce floating-point values that follow this pragma in the program source until the next #pragma OPENCL SELECT_ROUNDING_MODE is encountered. Note that the rounding mode specified for a block of code is known at compile time. Except where otherwise documented, the callee functions do not inherit the rounding mode of the caller function.

        If this extension is enabled, the __ROUNDING_MODE__ preprocessor symbol shall be defined to be one of the following according to the current rounding mode:

         #define __ROUNDING_MODE__ rte
         #define __ROUNDING_MODE__ rtz
         #define __ROUNDING_MODE__ rtp
         #define __ROUNDING_MODE__ rtz

        The default rounding mode is round to nearest even. The built-in math functions, the common functions, and the geometric functions are implemented with the round to nearest even rounding mode.

        Various built-in conversions and the vstore_half and vstorea_halfn built-in functions that do not specify a rounding mode inherit the current rounding mode. Conversions from floating-point to integer type always use rtz mode, except where the user specifically asks for another rounding mode.

        Notes The above four rounding modes are defined by IEEE 754. Floating-point calculations may be carried out internally with extra precision and then rounded to fit into the destination type. Round to nearest even is currently the only rounding mode required by the OpenCL specification and is therefore the default rounding mode. In addition, only static selection of rounding mode is supported. Dynamically reconfiguring the rounding modes as specified by the IEEE 754 spec is not a requirement.

      • cl_khr_spir

        public final boolean cl_khr_spir
        When true, KHRSPIR is supported.
      • cl_khr_subgroup_named_barrier

        public final boolean cl_khr_subgroup_named_barrier
        When true, KHRSubgroupNamedBarrier is supported.
      • cl_khr_terminate_context

        public final boolean cl_khr_terminate_context
        When true, KHRTerminateContext is supported.
      • cl_khr_throttle_hints

        public final boolean cl_khr_throttle_hints
        When true, KHRThrottleHints is supported.
      • cl_nv_compiler_options

        public final boolean cl_nv_compiler_options
        When true, the nv_compiler_options extension is supported.

        This extension allows the programmer to pass options to the PTX assembler allowing greater control over code generation.

         -cl-nv-maxrregcount <N>
             Passed on to ptxas as --maxrregcount <N>
                 N is a positive integer.
             Specify the maximum number of registers that GPU functions can use.
             Until a function-specific limit, a higher value will generally increase
             the performance of individual GPU threads that execute this function.
             However, because thread registers are allocated from a global register
             pool on each GPU, a higher value of this option will also reduce the
             maximum thread block size, thereby reducing the amount of thread
             parallelism. Hence, a good maxrregcount value is the result of a
             If this option is not specified, then no maximum is assumed. Otherwise
             the specified value will be rounded to the next multiple of 4 registers
             until the GPU specific maximum of 128 registers.
         -cl-nv-opt-level <N>
             Passed on to ptxas as --opt-level <N>
                 N is a positive integer, or 0 (no optimization).
             Specify optimization level.
             Default value:  3.
             Passed on to ptxas as --verbose
             Enable verbose mode.
             Output will be reported in the build log (accessible through the
             callback parameter to clBuildProgram).
      • cl_nv_device_attribute_query

        public final boolean cl_nv_device_attribute_query
        When true, NVDeviceAttributeQuery is supported.
      • cl_nv_pragma_unroll

        public final boolean cl_nv_pragma_unroll
        When true, the nv_pragma_unroll extension is supported.

        This extension extends the OpenCL C language with a hint that allows loops to be unrolled. This pragma must be used for a loop and can be used to specify full unrolling or partial unrolling by a certain amount. This is a hint and the compiler may ignore this pragma for any reason.


        The principal goal of the pragma unroll is to improve the performance of loops via unrolling. Typically this enables other optimizations or improves instruction level parallelism of a thread.


        A user may specify that a loop in the source program be unrolled. This is done via a pragma. The syntax of this pragma is as follows

        #pragma unroll [unroll-factor]

        The pragma unroll may optionally specify an unroll factor. The pragma must be placed immediately before the loop and only applies to that loop.

        If unroll factor is not specified then the compiler will try to do complete or full unrolling of the loop. If a loop unroll factor is specified the compiler will perform partial loop unrolling. The loop factor, if specified, must be a compile time non negative integer constant.

        A loop unroll factor of 1 means that the compiler should not unroll the loop.

        A complete unroll specification has no effect if the trip count of the loop is not compile-time computable.

      • cl_qcom_ext_host_ptr

        public final boolean cl_qcom_ext_host_ptr
        When true, QCOMEXTHostPtr is supported.
      • cl_qcom_ext_host_ptr_iocoherent

        public final boolean cl_qcom_ext_host_ptr_iocoherent
        When true, QCOMEXTHostPtrIOCoherent is supported.