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ai.djl.ml.lightgbm - package ai.djl.ml.lightgbm
Contains implementations of interfaces within the DJL API for the LightGBM Engine.
ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.jni - package ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.jni
Contains Helper class to access LightGBM JNI.
allocateDirect(int) - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmNDManager
ARRAY - ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmDataset.SrcType


checkCall(int) - Static method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.jni.JniUtils
close() - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmDataset
close() - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmModel
close() - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmNDArray
close() - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmSymbolBlock
create(Buffer, Shape, DataType) - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmNDManager


datasetFromArray(LgbmNDArray) - Static method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.jni.JniUtils
datasetFromFile(String) - Static method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.jni.JniUtils
datasetGetCols(SWIGTYPE_p_p_void) - Static method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.jni.JniUtils
datasetGetRows(SWIGTYPE_p_p_void) - Static method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.jni.JniUtils
detach() - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmDataset
detach() - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmNDArray


ENGINE_NAME - Static variable in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmEngine
ENGINE_VERSION - Static variable in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmEngine


FILE - ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmDataset.SrcType
forwardInternal(ParameterStore, NDList, boolean, PairList<String, Object>) - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmSymbolBlock
freeDataset(SWIGTYPE_p_p_void) - Static method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.jni.JniUtils
freeModel(SWIGTYPE_p_p_void) - Static method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.jni.JniUtils
from(NDArray) - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmNDManager


getAlternativeEngine() - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmEngine
getCols() - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmNDArray
Returns the number of data cols (assuming a 2D matrix).
getDirectParameters() - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmSymbolBlock
getEngine() - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmEngineProvider
getEngine() - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmNDManager
getEngineName() - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmEngine
getEngineName() - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmEngineProvider
getEngineRank() - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmEngineProvider
getHandle() - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmDataset
Gets the native LightGBM Dataset pointer.
getHandle() - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmNDArray
Returns the native LightGBM handle to the array.
getHandle() - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmSymbolBlock
Gets the native LightGBM Booster pointer.
getRank() - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmEngine
getRows() - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmNDArray
Returns the number of data rows (assuming a 2D matrix).
getShape() - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmDataset
getSparseFormat() - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmNDArray
getSrcArray() - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmDataset
Returns the array used to create this (if applicable).
getSrcArrayConverted() - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmDataset
Returns the array used to create this (if applicable) converted into an LgbmNDArray.
getSrcFile() - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmDataset
Returns the file used to create this (if applicable).
getSrcType() - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmDataset
Returns the type of source data for the LgbmDataset.
getTypeConstant() - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmNDArray
Returns the LightGBM type constant of the array.
getVersion() - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmEngine


hasCapability(String) - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmEngine


inference(SWIGTYPE_p_p_void, int, NDArray) - Static method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.jni.JniUtils
inferenceMat(SWIGTYPE_p_p_void, int, LgbmNDArray) - Static method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.jni.JniUtils
intern(NDArray) - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmDataset
intern(NDArray) - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmNDArray


JniUtils - Class in ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.jni
DJL class that has access to LightGBM JNI.


LgbmDataset - Class in ai.djl.ml.lightgbm
A special NDArray used by LightGBM for training models.
LgbmDataset.SrcType - Enum in ai.djl.ml.lightgbm
The type of data used to create the LgbmDataset.
LgbmEngine - Class in ai.djl.ml.lightgbm
The LgbmEngine is an implementation of the Engine based on the LightGBM.
LgbmEngineProvider - Class in ai.djl.ml.lightgbm
LgbmEngineProvider is the LightGBM implementation of EngineProvider.
LgbmEngineProvider() - Constructor for class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmEngineProvider
LgbmModel - Class in ai.djl.ml.lightgbm
LgbmModel is the LightGBM implementation of Model.
LgbmNDArray - Class in ai.djl.ml.lightgbm
LgbmNDArray is the LightGBM implementation of NDArray.
LgbmNDManager - Class in ai.djl.ml.lightgbm
LgbmNDManager is the LightGBM implementation of NDManager.
LgbmSymbolBlock - Class in ai.djl.ml.lightgbm
LgbmSymbolBlock is the LightGBM implementation of SymbolBlock.
LgbmSymbolBlock(LgbmNDManager, int, SWIGTYPE_p_p_void) - Constructor for class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmSymbolBlock
Constructs a LgbmSymbolBlock.
LibUtils - Class in ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.jni
Utilities for the LgbmEngine to load the native binary.
load(Path) - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmNDManager
load(Path, String, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmModel
loadModel(LgbmNDManager, String) - Static method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.jni.JniUtils
loadNative() - Static method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.jni.LibUtils
Loads the native binary for LightGBM.


newBaseManager() - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmEngine
newBaseManager(Device) - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmEngine
newModel(String, Device) - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmEngine
newSubManager(Device) - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmNDManager


returnResource(NDManager) - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmNDArray


toByteBuffer() - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmDataset
toByteBuffer() - Method in class ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmNDArray


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmDataset.SrcType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum ai.djl.ml.lightgbm.LgbmDataset.SrcType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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