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acceptInboundMessage(Object) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.AdapterManagementRequestHandler
acceptInboundMessage(Object) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.ConfigurableHttpRequestHandler
acceptInboundMessage(Object) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.InferenceRequestHandler
acceptInboundMessage(Object) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.ManagementRequestHandler
acceptInboundMessage(Object) - Method in interface ai.djl.serving.plugins.RequestHandler
Returns true if this handler can handle the incoming HTTP request.
AdapterManagementRequestHandler - Class in ai.djl.serving.http
A class handling inbound HTTP requests to the management API for adapters.
AdapterManagementRequestHandler() - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.http.AdapterManagementRequestHandler
AdapterWorkflowFunction - Class in ai.djl.serving.workflow.function
Workflow function "adapter" applies an adapted model to an input.
AdapterWorkflowFunction() - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.workflow.function.AdapterWorkflowFunction
add(Workflow) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.models.Endpoint
Adds a workflow to the entpoint.
addAdapter(String, String) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.list.ListAdaptersResponse
Adds the adapter to the list.
addFormData(InterfaceHttpData, Input) - Static method in class ai.djl.serving.util.NettyUtils
Parses form data and added to the Input object.
addModel(String, String, String, String) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.list.ListModelsResponse
Adds the model tp the list.
addURL(URL) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.util.MutableClassLoader
addWorker(int, long, boolean) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.DescribeWorkflowResponse.Group
Adds worker to the worker list.
addWorkflow(String, String) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.list.ListWorkflowsResponse
Adds the workflow tp the list.
ai.djl.serving - package ai.djl.serving
Contains a model server implementation.
ai.djl.serving.cache - package ai.djl.serving.cache
Contains classes that handles response caching.
ai.djl.serving.http - package ai.djl.serving.http
Contains classes that handles REST API calls.
ai.djl.serving.http.list - package ai.djl.serving.http.list
Contains classes that handles REST API list responses.
ai.djl.serving.models - package ai.djl.serving.models
Contains classes that manage model lifecycle.
ai.djl.serving.plugins - package ai.djl.serving.plugins
Contains plugin manager implementation of the model server.
ai.djl.serving.util - package ai.djl.serving.util
Contains utilities used by model server.
ai.djl.serving.workflow - package ai.djl.serving.workflow
Contains the Workflow for managing a model execution flow.
ai.djl.serving.workflow.function - package ai.djl.serving.workflow.function
Contains the WorkflowFunction and various built-in functions.
allowsMultiStatus() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.util.ConfigManager
Returns if allows return MULTI-STATUS HTTP code.
Arguments - Class in ai.djl.serving
A class represents parsed command line arguments.
Arguments(CommandLine) - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.Arguments
Constructs a new Arguments instance.


BadRequestException - Exception in ai.djl.serving.http
Thrown when a bad HTTP request is received.
BadRequestException(int, String) - Constructor for exception ai.djl.serving.http.BadRequestException
Constructs an BadRequestException with the specified detail message.
BadRequestException(String) - Constructor for exception ai.djl.serving.http.BadRequestException
Constructs an BadRequestException with the specified detail message.
BadRequestException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ai.djl.serving.http.BadRequestException
Constructs an BadRequestException with the specified detail message and a root cause.
BadWorkflowException - Exception in ai.djl.serving.workflow
Thrown when a workflow is invalid or could not be loaded.
BadWorkflowException(String) - Constructor for exception ai.djl.serving.workflow.BadWorkflowException
Constructs an BadWorkflowException with the specified detail message.
BadWorkflowException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ai.djl.serving.workflow.BadWorkflowException
Constructs an BadWorkflowException with the specified detail message and cause.
BaseCacheEngine - Class in ai.djl.serving.cache
A helper for creating a CacheEngine.
BaseCacheEngine() - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.cache.BaseCacheEngine
Creates a BaseCacheEngine.
BOTH - Enum constant in enum class ai.djl.serving.util.Connector.ConnectorType


CacheEngine - Interface in ai.djl.serving.cache
A cache that can be used for streaming online caching, streaming pagination, or async predictions.
CacheManager - Class in ai.djl.serving.cache
A class that manages response cache.
changeState(PluginMetaData.Lifecycle) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.plugins.PluginMetaData
Sets the property state of the object.
changeState(PluginMetaData.Lifecycle, String) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.plugins.PluginMetaData
Sets the property state of the object and log message.
channelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.InferenceRequestHandler
channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext, FullHttpRequest) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.HttpRequestHandler
clean() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.util.Connector
Cleans up the left over resources.
clear() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.models.ModelManager
Clears everything in the ModelManager.
close() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.models.Endpoint
Closes the Endpoint.
close() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.function.AdapterWorkflowFunction
close() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.function.WorkflowFunction
close() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.Workflow
closeOnFlush(Channel) - Static method in class ai.djl.serving.util.NettyUtils
Closes the specified channel after all queued write requests are flushed.
ComponentRegistry - Class in ai.djl.serving.plugins
A registry for plugin components.
ComponentRegistry() - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.plugins.ComponentRegistry
construct a registry.
ConfigManager - Class in ai.djl.serving.util
A class that hold configuration information.
ConfigurableHttpRequestHandler - Class in ai.djl.serving.http
HttpRequestHandler that tries to process a http-request using the configured RequestHandlers.
ConfigurableHttpRequestHandler(FolderScanPluginManager) - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.http.ConfigurableHttpRequestHandler
constructing a ConfigurableHttpRequestHandler.
Connector - Class in ai.djl.serving.util
A class represents model server's socket listener.
Connector.ConnectorType - Enum Class in ai.djl.serving.util
An enum represents type of connector.
convertPrivateKey(byte[]) - Static method in class ai.djl.serving.util.OpenSslKey
Convert OpenSSL private key to PKCS8 private key.
create() - Method in interface ai.djl.serving.cache.CacheEngine
Creates a new key to store in the cache.
create(Input) - Method in interface ai.djl.serving.cache.CacheEngine
Adds the Output to cache and return the cache key.


DependencyManager - Class in ai.djl.serving.plugins
DependencyManager is responsible to manage extra maven dependencies.
DescribeAdapterResponse - Class in ai.djl.serving.http
A class that holds information about adapter status.
DescribeAdapterResponse(Adapter) - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.http.DescribeAdapterResponse
describeWorkflow(String, String) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.models.ModelManager
Returns a list of worker information for specified workflow.
DescribeWorkflowResponse - Class in ai.djl.serving.http
A class that holds information about workflow status.
DescribeWorkflowResponse(Workflow) - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.http.DescribeWorkflowResponse
Constructs a new DescribeWorkflowResponse instance.
DescribeWorkflowResponse.Group - Class in ai.djl.serving.http
A class represents worker group.
DescribeWorkflowResponse.Model - Class in ai.djl.serving.http
A class represents model information.
DescribeWorkflowResponse.Worker - Class in ai.djl.serving.http
A class that holds workers information.
dumpConfigurations() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.util.ConfigManager
Prints out this configuration.


Endpoint - Class in ai.djl.serving.models
A class that represents a webservice endpoint.
Endpoint() - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.models.Endpoint
Constructs an Endpoint instance.
EnsembleMerge - Class in ai.djl.serving.workflow.function
Workflow function "ensemble" accepts a list of Ensembleable outputs and merges them using Ensembleable.ensemble(List).
EnsembleMerge() - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.workflow.function.EnsembleMerge
equals(Object) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.plugins.PluginMetaData
equals(Object) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.util.Connector
equals(Object) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.Workflow
ErrorResponse - Class in ai.djl.serving.http
A class that holds error message.
ErrorResponse(int, String, String) - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.http.ErrorResponse
Constructs a ErrorResponse instance with code, type and message.
evaluate() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.Workflow.WorkflowArgument
Evaluates the argument as a target reference (if string) or function call (if expression).
evaluateArgs(List<Workflow.WorkflowArgument>) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.function.WorkflowFunction
A helper to evaluate all function arguments.
exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext, Throwable) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.HttpRequestHandler
execute(WorkLoadManager, Input) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.Workflow
Executes a workflow with an input.
execute(String) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.Workflow.WorkflowExecutor
Uses the execute to compute a local value or target.
executeExpression(WorkflowExpression) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.Workflow.WorkflowExecutor
Computes the result of a WorkflowExpression.
EXPRESSION - Enum constant in enum class ai.djl.serving.workflow.WorkflowExpression.Item.ItemType


findImplementations(Class<T>) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.plugins.ComponentRegistry
Returns a set of plug-in components implementing the specific service interface.
findImplementations(Class<T>) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.plugins.FolderScanPluginManager
returns a set of plug-in components implementing the specific service interface.
findImplementations(Class<T>) - Method in interface ai.djl.serving.plugins.PluginManager
Returns a set of plug-in components implementing the specific service interface.
FolderScanPluginManager - Class in ai.djl.serving.plugins
The PluginManager is responsible to load and manage plugins from the file system.
FolderScanPluginManager(ConfigManager) - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.plugins.FolderScanPluginManager
Constructs a PluginManager instance.
FunctionsApply - Class in ai.djl.serving.workflow.function
Workflow function "functionsApply" accepts a list of functions and an input and applies each function to the input.
FunctionsApply() - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.workflow.function.FunctionsApply


get(String) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.models.Endpoint
Returns the Workflow for the specified version.
get(String, int) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.cache.BaseCacheEngine
Returns the cached Output from the cache.
get(String, int) - Method in interface ai.djl.serving.cache.CacheEngine
Returns the cached Output from the cache.
get(String, int, int) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.cache.BaseCacheEngine
get(String, int, int) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.cache.MemoryCacheEngine
getAdapters() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.list.ListAdaptersResponse
Returns a list of adapters.
getArgs() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.WorkflowExpression
Returns the expression args.
getBatchSize() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.DescribeWorkflowResponse.Model
Returns the batch size.
getBytes(ByteBuf) - Static method in class ai.djl.serving.util.NettyUtils
Returns the bytes for the specified ByteBuf.
getCacheEngine() - Static method in class ai.djl.serving.cache.CacheManager
Returns the registered CacheEngine instance.
getChildGroup() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.util.ServerGroups
Returns the client event loop group.
getChunkedReadTimeout() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.util.ConfigManager
Returns the ChunkedBytesSupplier read time in seconds.
getClientChannel() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.util.Connector
Returns the client channel class.
getCode() - Method in exception ai.djl.serving.http.BadRequestException
Return the HTTP response code.
getCode() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.ErrorResponse
Returns the error code.
getComponentNames() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.plugins.PluginMetaData
Returns the class names of the registered-components.
getConfig(Workflow.WorkflowArgument) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.Workflow.WorkflowExecutor
Returns the configuration with the given name.
getConfig(String) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.Workflow.WorkflowExecutor
Returns the configuration with the given name.
getConfigFile() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.Arguments
Returns the configuration file path.
getConnector(Connector.ConnectorType) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.util.ConfigManager
Returns the models server socket connector.
getContentType(String) - Static method in class ai.djl.serving.util.MimeUtils
Return the content type that associated with the file.
getCorsAllowedHeaders() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.util.ConfigManager
Returns the CORS allowed headers setting.
getCorsAllowedMethods() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.util.ConfigManager
Returns the CORS allowed method setting.
getCorsAllowedOrigin() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.util.ConfigManager
Returns the CORS allowed origin setting.
getDependencies() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.plugins.PluginMetaData
Returns a list of required plug-in dependencies.
getDevice() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.DescribeWorkflowResponse.Group
Returns the worker device.
getEndpoints() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.models.ModelManager
Returns the registry of all endpoints.
getError() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.plugins.PluginMetaData
Returns the error-property.
getExecutable(Workflow.WorkflowArgument) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.Workflow.WorkflowExecutor
Returns the executable (model, function, or built-in) with a given name.
getExecutable(String) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.Workflow.WorkflowExecutor
Returns the executable (model, function, or built-in) with a given name.
getExecutableArgs() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.WorkflowExpression
Returns the arguments assuming the expression is an executable (all but the first arguments).
getExecutableName() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.WorkflowExpression
Returns the executable name (the first argument).
getExpression() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.WorkflowExpression.Item
Returns the expression value or throws an exception if it does not contain an expression.
getId() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.DescribeWorkflowResponse.Worker
Returns the worker's ID.
getInput() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.Session
Returns the current input.
getInput() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.WorkflowExpression.Item
Returns the input value or throws an exception if it does not contain an input.
getInstance() - Static method in class ai.djl.serving.models.ModelManager
Returns the singleton ModelManager instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class ai.djl.serving.plugins.DependencyManager
Returns the singleton instance of DependencyManager.
getInstance() - Static method in class ai.djl.serving.util.ConfigManager
Returns the singleton ConfigManager instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class ai.djl.serving.util.MutableClassLoader
Returns the singleton instance of ServingClassLoader.
getIntParameter(QueryStringDecoder, String, int) - Static method in class ai.djl.serving.util.NettyUtils
Read the parameter's integer value for the key from the uri.
getIoRatio() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.util.ConfigManager
Returns the native IO ratio.
getItem() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.Workflow.WorkflowArgument
Returns the item (either String or WorkflowExpression).
getItemType() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.WorkflowExpression.Item
Returns the type of item.
getLast() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.list.ListPagination
Returns the last item in the pagination.
getList() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.WorkflowExpression.Item
Returns the expression value as a list.
getLoadModels() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.util.ConfigManager
Returns the model urls that to be loaded at startup.
getLoadOnDevices() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.util.ConfigManager
Returns the devices the default model will be loaded on at startup.
getMaxBatchDelayMillis() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.DescribeWorkflowResponse.Model
Returns the maximum delay in milliseconds to aggregate a batch.
getMaxIdleSeconds() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.DescribeWorkflowResponse.Model
Returns the maximum idle time in seconds for worker threads.
getMaxRequestSize() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.util.ConfigManager
Returns the maximum allowed request size in bytes.
getMaxWorkers() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.DescribeWorkflowResponse.Group
Returns the maximum number of workers.
getMessage() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.ErrorResponse
Returns the error message.
getMinWorkers() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.DescribeWorkflowResponse.Group
Returns the minimum number of workers.
getModelName() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.DescribeWorkflowResponse.Model
Returns the model name.
getModelName() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.list.ListModelsResponse.ModelItem
Returns the model name.
getModels() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.Arguments
Returns the model urls that specified in command line.
getModels() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.DescribeWorkflowResponse
Returns a list of models.
getModels() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.list.ListModelsResponse
Returns a list of models.
getModelServerHome() - Static method in class ai.djl.serving.util.ConfigManager
Returns the model server home directory.
getModelStore() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.Arguments
Returns the model store location.
getModelStore() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.util.ConfigManager
Returns the model store location.
getModelUrl() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.DescribeWorkflowResponse.Model
Returns the model URL.
getModelUrl() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.list.ListModelsResponse.ModelItem
Returns the model url.
getModelUrlPattern() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.util.ConfigManager
Returns the allowed model url pattern regex.
getName() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.DescribeAdapterResponse
Returns the adapter name.
getName() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.list.ListAdaptersResponse.AdapterItem
Returns the adapter name.
getName() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.plugins.PluginMetaData
Returns the name of the plug-in.
getName() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.Workflow
Returns the workflow name.
getNettyThreads() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.util.ConfigManager
Returns the configured netty threads.
getNextPageToken() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.list.ListAdaptersResponse
Returns the next page token.
getNextPageToken() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.list.ListModelsResponse
Returns the next page token.
getNextPageToken() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.list.ListWorkflowsResponse
Returns the next page token.
getOptions() - Static method in class ai.djl.serving.Arguments
Builds the command line options.
getPageToken() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.list.ListPagination
Returns the current page token.
getParameter(QueryStringDecoder, String, String) - Static method in class ai.djl.serving.util.NettyUtils
Reads the parameter's value for the key from the uri.
getPluginFolder() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.util.ConfigManager
return the folder where the model search for plugins.
getProperty(String, String) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.util.ConfigManager
Returns the value with the specified key in this configuration.
getQueueSize() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.DescribeWorkflowResponse.Model
Returns the job queue size.
getRequestId() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.Session
Returns the request ID.
getRequestId(Channel) - Static method in class ai.djl.serving.util.NettyUtils
Returns the request ID for the specified channel.
getRequestInQueue() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.DescribeWorkflowResponse.Model
Returns the number of request in the queue.
getRequiredParameter(QueryStringDecoder, String) - Static method in class ai.djl.serving.util.NettyUtils
Reads the parameter's value for the key from the uri.
getServerChannel() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.util.Connector
Returns the server channel class.
getServerGroup() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.util.ServerGroups
Returns the server event loop group.
getSession(Channel) - Static method in class ai.djl.serving.util.NettyUtils
Returns the request session.
getSingleStartupWorkflow() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.models.ModelManager
Returns the single startup workflow.
getSocketAddress() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.util.Connector
Returns the TCP socket listening address.
getSocketPath() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.util.Connector
Returns the unix domain socket path.
getSocketType() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.util.Connector
Returns the socket type.
getSrc() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.DescribeAdapterResponse
Returns the adapter src.
getSrc() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.list.ListAdaptersResponse.AdapterItem
Returns the adapter src.
getSslContext() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.util.ConfigManager
Returns a SSLContext instance.
getStartTime() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.DescribeWorkflowResponse.Worker
Returns the worker's start time.
getStartupWorkflows() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.models.ModelManager
Returns a set of models or workflows that were loaded at startup.
getState() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.plugins.PluginMetaData
Returns the state-property.
getStatus() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.DescribeWorkflowResponse.Model
Returns the workflow's status.
getStatus() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.DescribeWorkflowResponse.Worker
Returns the worker's status.
getStatus() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.list.ListModelsResponse.ModelItem
Returns the model loading status.
getStatus() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.StatusResponse
Returns the status.
getString() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.WorkflowExpression.Item
Returns the string value or throws an exception if it does not contain a string.
getType() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.ErrorResponse
Returns the error type.
getType() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.util.Connector
Returns the type of the connector.
getUrl() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.plugins.PluginMetaData
Returns the url-property.
getVersion() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.DescribeWorkflowResponse
Returns the workflow version.
getVersion() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.list.ListModelsResponse.ModelItem
Returns the model version.
getVersion() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.list.ListWorkflowsResponse.WorkflowItem
Returns the workflow version.
getVersion() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.Workflow
Returns the workflow version.
getWlm() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.Workflow.WorkflowExecutor
Returns the WorkLoadManager used by the Workflow.WorkflowExecutor.
getWorkers() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.DescribeWorkflowResponse.Group
Returns a list of workers.
getWorkflow(String, String, boolean) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.models.ModelManager
Returns a version of workflow.
getWorkflowName() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.DescribeWorkflowResponse
Returns the workflow name.
getWorkflowName() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.list.ListWorkflowsResponse.WorkflowItem
Returns the workflow name.
getWorkflows() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.list.ListWorkflowsResponse
Returns a list of workflows.
getWorkflows() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.models.Endpoint
Returns the Workflows associated with the endpoint.
getWorkGroups() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.DescribeWorkflowResponse.Model
Returns all workerPools of the workflow.
getWorkLoadManager() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.models.ModelManager
Returns the WorkLoadManager.
getWpcMap() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.Workflow
Returns the wpc map in the workflow.
getWpcs() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.models.ModelManager
Returns all WorkerPoolConfigs in an endpoint.
getWpcs() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.Workflow
Returns the WorkerPoolConfigs used in the workflow.
getWriteBatch() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.cache.BaseCacheEngine
Returns the number of elements to batch before putting with BaseCacheEngine.putStream(String, Output, byte[], int, boolean).
Group(Device, int, int) - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.http.DescribeWorkflowResponse.Group
Constructs a new instance of Group.
GSON - Static variable in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.WorkflowDefinition


handleRequest(ChannelHandlerContext, FullHttpRequest, QueryStringDecoder, String[]) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.AdapterManagementRequestHandler
handleRequest(ChannelHandlerContext, FullHttpRequest, QueryStringDecoder, String[]) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.ConfigurableHttpRequestHandler
handleRequest(ChannelHandlerContext, FullHttpRequest, QueryStringDecoder, String[]) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.HttpRequestHandler
handleRequest(ChannelHandlerContext, FullHttpRequest, QueryStringDecoder, String[]) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.InferenceRequestHandler
handleRequest(ChannelHandlerContext, FullHttpRequest, QueryStringDecoder, String[]) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.InvalidRequestHandler
handleRequest(ChannelHandlerContext, FullHttpRequest, QueryStringDecoder, String[]) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.ManagementRequestHandler
handleRequest(ChannelHandlerContext, FullHttpRequest, QueryStringDecoder, String[]) - Method in interface ai.djl.serving.plugins.RequestHandler
The main method which handles request.
hashCode() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.plugins.PluginMetaData
hashCode() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.util.Connector
hashCode() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.Workflow
hasHelp() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.Arguments
Returns if the command line has help option.
HttpRequestHandler - Class in ai.djl.serving.http
A class handling inbound HTTP requests.
HttpRequestHandler() - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.http.HttpRequestHandler


IdentityWF - Class in ai.djl.serving.workflow.function
Workflow function "id" accepts a single argument and returns the result of evaluating it.
IdentityWF() - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.workflow.function.IdentityWF
IN - Static variable in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.Workflow
INFERENCE - Enum constant in enum class ai.djl.serving.util.Connector.ConnectorType
InferenceRequestHandler - Class in ai.djl.serving.http
A class handling inbound HTTP requests for the management API.
InferenceRequestHandler() - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.http.InferenceRequestHandler
default constructor.
init(Arguments) - Static method in class ai.djl.serving.util.ConfigManager
Initialize the global ConfigManager instance.
initChannel(Channel) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.ServerInitializer
initialize() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.plugins.DependencyManager
Initialize dependencies for model server.
initializeComponent(ClassLoader, PluginMetaData, String) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.plugins.FolderScanPluginManager
initWorkers(WorkerPoolConfig<Input, Output>, String) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.models.ModelManager
Initializes the workers for a workerPoolConfig.
injectDependenciesIntoComponent(Object) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.plugins.FolderScanPluginManager
Initializes a plugin by calling known setters to inject managers and other dependant plugins into the plugins.
INPUT - Enum constant in enum class ai.djl.serving.workflow.WorkflowExpression.Item.ItemType
installDependency(String) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.plugins.DependencyManager
Installs the maven dependency.
installEngine(String) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.plugins.DependencyManager
Installs the engine dependencies if needed.
InternalServerException - Exception in ai.djl.serving.http
Thrown when an internal server failure occurs.
InternalServerException(String) - Constructor for exception ai.djl.serving.http.InternalServerException
Constructs an InternalServerException with the specified detail message.
InternalServerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ai.djl.serving.http.InternalServerException
Constructs an BadRequestException with the specified detail message and cause.
InvalidRequestHandler - Class in ai.djl.serving.http
A class handling unhandled inbound HTTP requests.
InvalidRequestHandler() - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.http.InvalidRequestHandler
isLoadedAtStartup() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.DescribeWorkflowResponse.Model
Returns if the workflows was loaded at startup.
isMultiTenant() - Method in interface ai.djl.serving.cache.CacheEngine
Returns whether the cache should combine results from multiple users.
isMultiTenant() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.cache.MemoryCacheEngine
Returns whether the cache should combine results from multiple users.
isRunning() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.ModelServer
Return if the server is running.
isSsl() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.util.Connector
Return if the connector requires SSL.
isUds() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.util.Connector
Returns if the connector is using unix domain socket.
Item(Input) - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.workflow.WorkflowExpression.Item
Constructs an WorkflowExpression.Item containing an Input.
Item(WorkflowExpression) - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.workflow.WorkflowExpression.Item
Constructs an WorkflowExpression.Item containing a WorkflowExpression.
Item(String) - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.workflow.WorkflowExpression.Item
Constructs an WorkflowExpression.Item containing a string.


joinBytes(List<byte[]>) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.cache.BaseCacheEngine
joinBytes(List<byte[]>, int) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.cache.BaseCacheEngine


ListAdaptersResponse - Class in ai.djl.serving.http.list
A class that holds information about the current registered adapters.
ListAdaptersResponse() - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.http.list.ListAdaptersResponse
Constructs a new ListModelsResponse instance.
ListAdaptersResponse.AdapterItem - Class in ai.djl.serving.http.list
A class that holds the adapter response.
ListModelsResponse - Class in ai.djl.serving.http.list
A class that holds information about the current registered models.
ListModelsResponse() - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.http.list.ListModelsResponse
Constructs a new ListModelsResponse instance.
ListModelsResponse.ModelItem - Class in ai.djl.serving.http.list
A class that holds model name and url.
ListPagination - Class in ai.djl.serving.http.list
A pagination helper for items in the list responses.
ListPagination(QueryStringDecoder, int) - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.http.list.ListPagination
Constructs a new ListPagination.
listPlugins() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.plugins.FolderScanPluginManager
List all plugins.
listPlugins() - Method in interface ai.djl.serving.plugins.PluginManager
Returns a collection of all plugins registered.
ListWorkflowsResponse - Class in ai.djl.serving.http.list
A class that holds information about the current registered workflows.
ListWorkflowsResponse() - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.http.list.ListWorkflowsResponse
Constructs a new ListWorkflowsResponse instance.
ListWorkflowsResponse.WorkflowItem - Class in ai.djl.serving.http.list
A class that holds workflow name and url.
loadPlugins(boolean) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.plugins.FolderScanPluginManager
Loads all plugins from the plugin folder and register them.


main(String[]) - Static method in class ai.djl.serving.ModelServer
The entry point for the model server.
MANAGEMENT - Enum constant in enum class ai.djl.serving.util.Connector.ConnectorType
ManagementRequestHandler - Class in ai.djl.serving.http
A class handling inbound HTTP requests to the management API.
ManagementRequestHandler() - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.http.ManagementRequestHandler
MemoryCacheEngine - Class in ai.djl.serving.cache
A CacheEngine that stores elements in working memory.
MemoryCacheEngine() - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.cache.MemoryCacheEngine
Constructs a MemoryCacheEngine.
MemoryCacheEngine(boolean) - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.cache.MemoryCacheEngine
Constructs a MemoryCacheEngine.
MemoryCacheEngine(boolean, int) - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.cache.MemoryCacheEngine
Constructs an LRU MemoryCacheEngine with limited capacity.
MethodNotAllowedException - Exception in ai.djl.serving.http
Thrown when a HTTP request which method is not allowed.
MethodNotAllowedException() - Constructor for exception ai.djl.serving.http.MethodNotAllowedException
Constructs an MethodNotAllowedException with null as its error detail message.
MimeUtils - Class in ai.djl.serving.util
A utility class that handling MIME types.
Model() - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.http.DescribeWorkflowResponse.Model
ModelItem() - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.http.list.ListModelsResponse.ModelItem
Constructs a new ModelItem instance.
ModelItem(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.http.list.ListModelsResponse.ModelItem
Constructs a new ModelItem instance with model name and url.
ModelManager - Class in ai.djl.serving.models
A class that in charge of managing models.
ModelServer - Class in ai.djl.serving
The main entry point for model server.
ModelServer(ConfigManager) - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.ModelServer
Creates a new ModelServer instance.
MutableClassLoader - Class in ai.djl.serving.util
A URLClassLoader that can add new class at runtime.
MutableClassLoader() - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.util.MutableClassLoader
Constructs a new URLClassLoader for the given URLs.


NAME - Static variable in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.function.AdapterWorkflowFunction
NAME - Static variable in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.function.EnsembleMerge
NAME - Static variable in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.function.FunctionsApply
NAME - Static variable in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.function.IdentityWF
NettyUtils - Class in ai.djl.serving.util
A utility class that handling Netty request and response.
newEventLoopGroup(int) - Static method in class ai.djl.serving.util.Connector
Creates a new netty EventLoopGroup.
next() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.models.Endpoint
Returns the next version of workflow to serve the inference request.


OpenSslKey - Class in ai.djl.serving.util
A utility class converting OpenSSL private key to PKCS8 private key.
OUT - Static variable in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.Workflow


parse(String, Connector.ConnectorType) - Static method in class ai.djl.serving.util.Connector
Create a Connector instance based on binding string.
parse(String, URI) - Static method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.WorkflowDefinition
Parses a new WorkflowDefinition from an input stream.
parse(Path) - Static method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.WorkflowDefinition
Parses a new WorkflowDefinition from a file path.
parseRequest(FullHttpRequest, QueryStringDecoder) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.RequestParser
parsing a request.
PluginManager - Interface in ai.djl.serving.plugins
The Plugin Manager is responsible to load and manage plugins from the filesystem.
PluginMetaData - Class in ai.djl.serving.plugins
Represents a loaded Plug-in.
PluginMetaData(String, URL, List<String>, List<String>) - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.plugins.PluginMetaData
Constructs a plug-in meta-info.
PluginMetaDataReader - Interface in ai.djl.serving.plugins
Reads plugin-metadata from an url and parse the content.
prepare(WorkLoadManager) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.Workflow
Prepares this workflow for use.
prepare(WorkLoadManager, Map<String, Map<String, Object>>) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.function.AdapterWorkflowFunction
Prepares this WorkflowFunction.
prepare(WorkLoadManager, Map<String, Map<String, Object>>) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.function.WorkflowFunction
Prepares this WorkflowFunction.
PropertyFilePluginMetaDataReader - Class in ai.djl.serving.plugins
Reads plugin-metadata from plugin.definition file which have to be in property file format.
PropertyFilePluginMetaDataReader(URL) - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.plugins.PropertyFilePluginMetaDataReader
Constructs a PropertyFilePluginMetaDataReader instance to read meta-information from the URL.
put(Input, Output) - Method in interface ai.djl.serving.cache.CacheEngine
Adds the Output to cache and return the cache key.
put(String, Output) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.cache.BaseCacheEngine
Adds the Output to cache and return the cache key.
put(String, Output) - Method in interface ai.djl.serving.cache.CacheEngine
Adds the Output to cache and return the cache key.
putSingle(String, Output, boolean) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.cache.BaseCacheEngine
putSingle(String, Output, boolean) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.cache.MemoryCacheEngine
putStream(String, Output, byte[], int, boolean) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.cache.BaseCacheEngine
putStream(String, Output, byte[], int, boolean) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.cache.MemoryCacheEngine


read() - Method in interface ai.djl.serving.plugins.PluginMetaDataReader
Reads plugin-metadata from on url.
read() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.plugins.PropertyFilePluginMetaDataReader
Reads plugin-metadata from on url.
register(PluginMetaData, RequestHandler<?>) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.plugins.ComponentRegistry
Registers a new component and assign the plug-in as source of this component.
register(String, URI) - Static method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.WorkflowTemplates
Registers a new workflow template.
registerChannel(Channel) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.util.ServerGroups
Registers a channel to be tracked.
registerWorkflow(Workflow) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.models.ModelManager
Registers and loads a Workflow.
remove(String) - Method in interface ai.djl.serving.cache.CacheEngine
Removes the cache from the key.
remove(String) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.cache.MemoryCacheEngine
Removes the cache from the key.
remove(String) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.models.Endpoint
Removes a workflow version from the Endpoint.
RequestHandler<T> - Interface in ai.djl.serving.plugins
Interface to be implemented by HtttpRequestHandler.
RequestParser - Class in ai.djl.serving.http
a parser for inbound request.
RequestParser() - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.http.RequestParser
requestReceived(Channel, HttpRequest) - Static method in class ai.djl.serving.util.NettyUtils
Updates session when a HTTP request is received.
reset() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.util.ServerGroups
Resets the ServerGroups.
ResourceNotFoundException - Exception in ai.djl.serving.http
Thrown when a HTTP request what requested resource is not found.
ResourceNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception ai.djl.serving.http.ResourceNotFoundException
Constructs an ResourceNotFoundException with null as its error detail message.
ResourceNotFoundException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception ai.djl.serving.http.ResourceNotFoundException
Constructs an ResourceNotFoundException with a root cause.
run(Workflow.WorkflowExecutor, List<Workflow.WorkflowArgument>) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.function.AdapterWorkflowFunction
The lambda function that is run.
run(Workflow.WorkflowExecutor, List<Workflow.WorkflowArgument>) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.function.EnsembleMerge
The lambda function that is run.
run(Workflow.WorkflowExecutor, List<Workflow.WorkflowArgument>) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.function.FunctionsApply
The lambda function that is run.
run(Workflow.WorkflowExecutor, List<Workflow.WorkflowArgument>) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.function.IdentityWF
The lambda function that is run.
run(Workflow.WorkflowExecutor, List<Workflow.WorkflowArgument>) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.function.WlmWorkflowFunction
The lambda function that is run.
run(Workflow.WorkflowExecutor, List<Workflow.WorkflowArgument>) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.function.WorkflowFunction
The lambda function that is run.
runJob(Workflow, Input) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.models.ModelManager
Runs an inference job by assigning the job to the next free worker.


scaleWorkers(WorkerPoolConfig<Input, Output>, String, int, int) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.models.ModelManager
Scales the workers for a model.
sendError(ChannelHandlerContext, HttpResponseStatus, Throwable) - Static method in class ai.djl.serving.util.NettyUtils
Sends error to client with HTTP status and exception.
sendError(ChannelHandlerContext, Throwable) - Static method in class ai.djl.serving.util.NettyUtils
Sends error to client with exception.
sendFile(ChannelHandlerContext, InputStream, String, long, boolean) - Static method in class ai.djl.serving.util.NettyUtils
Sends the file to client.
sendFile(ChannelHandlerContext, Path, boolean) - Static method in class ai.djl.serving.util.NettyUtils
Sends the file to client.
sendHttpResponse(ChannelHandlerContext, HttpResponse, boolean) - Static method in class ai.djl.serving.util.NettyUtils
Send HTTP response to client.
sendHttpResponse(ChannelHandlerContext, HttpResponse, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class ai.djl.serving.util.NettyUtils
Send HTTP response to client.
sendJsonResponse(ChannelHandlerContext, Object) - Static method in class ai.djl.serving.util.NettyUtils
Sends the json object to client.
sendJsonResponse(ChannelHandlerContext, Object, HttpResponseStatus) - Static method in class ai.djl.serving.util.NettyUtils
Sends the json string to client with specified status.
sendJsonResponse(ChannelHandlerContext, String) - Static method in class ai.djl.serving.util.NettyUtils
Sends the json string to client.
sendJsonResponse(ChannelHandlerContext, String, HttpResponseStatus) - Static method in class ai.djl.serving.util.NettyUtils
Sends the json object to client with specified status.
ServerGroups - Class in ai.djl.serving.util
A class that holds all opened ChannelGroup and EventLoopGroup.
ServerGroups(ConfigManager) - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.util.ServerGroups
Constructs a new ServerGroups instance.
ServerInitializer - Class in ai.djl.serving
A special ChannelInboundHandler which offers an easy way to initialize a Channel once it was registered to its EventLoop.
ServerInitializer(SslContext, Connector.ConnectorType, FolderScanPluginManager) - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.ServerInitializer
Creates a new HttpRequestHandler instance.
ServerStartupException - Exception in ai.djl.serving.http
Failed to start the server.
ServerStartupException() - Constructor for exception ai.djl.serving.http.ServerStartupException
Constructs a new exception with null as its detail message.
ServerStartupException(String) - Constructor for exception ai.djl.serving.http.ServerStartupException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
ServerStartupException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ai.djl.serving.http.ServerStartupException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
ServerStartupException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception ai.djl.serving.http.ServerStartupException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
ServiceUnavailableException - Exception in ai.djl.serving.http
Thrown when the server is unable to serve the HTTP request.
ServiceUnavailableException(String) - Constructor for exception ai.djl.serving.http.ServiceUnavailableException
Constructs an ServiceUnavailableException with the specified detail message.
Session - Class in ai.djl.serving.http
A class that holds HTTP session information.
Session(String, HttpRequest) - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.http.Session
Constructs a new Session instance.
setBatchSize(int) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.DescribeWorkflowResponse.Model
Sets the batch size.
setCacheEngine(CacheEngine) - Static method in class ai.djl.serving.cache.CacheManager
Sets the CacheEngine instance.
setCode(int) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.Session
Sets the HTTP response code.
setId(int) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.DescribeWorkflowResponse.Worker
Sets the worker's ID.
setInput(Input) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.Session
Sets the current input.
setLoadedAtStartup(boolean) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.DescribeWorkflowResponse.Model
Sets the load at startup status.
setMaxBatchDelayMillis(int) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.DescribeWorkflowResponse.Model
Sets the maximum delay in milliseconds to aggregate a batch.
setMaxIdleSeconds(int) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.DescribeWorkflowResponse.Model
Sets the max idle time in seconds for worker threads.
setModelName(String) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.DescribeWorkflowResponse.Model
Sets the model name.
setModelUrl(String) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.DescribeWorkflowResponse.Model
Sets the model URL.
setNextPageToken(String) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.list.ListAdaptersResponse
Sets the next page token.
setNextPageToken(String) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.list.ListModelsResponse
Sets the next page token.
setNextPageToken(String) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.list.ListWorkflowsResponse
Sets the next page token.
setQueueSize(int) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.DescribeWorkflowResponse.Model
Sets the job queue size.
setRequestInQueue(int) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.DescribeWorkflowResponse.Model
Sets the number of request in the queue.
setStartTime(Date) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.DescribeWorkflowResponse.Worker
Sets the worker's start time.
setStatus(String) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.DescribeWorkflowResponse.Model
Sets the workflow's status.
setStatus(String) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.DescribeWorkflowResponse.Worker
Sets the worker's status.
shutdown(boolean) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.util.ServerGroups
Shutdowns all opened channels and event loops.
start() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.ModelServer
Main Method that prepares the future for the channel and sets up the ServerBootstrap.
startAndWait() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.ModelServer
Starts the model server and block until server stops.
StatusResponse - Class in ai.djl.serving.http
A class that holds model server status.
StatusResponse() - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.http.StatusResponse
Constructs a new StatusResponse instance.
StatusResponse(String) - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.http.StatusResponse
Constructs a new StatusResponse instance with status line.
stop() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.ModelServer
Stops the model server.
STRING - Enum constant in enum class ai.djl.serving.workflow.WorkflowExpression.Item.ItemType


template(String, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.WorkflowTemplates
Constructs a WorkflowDefinition using a registered template.
toString() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.http.Session
toString() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.plugins.PluginMetaData
toString() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.util.Connector
toString() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.Workflow
toWorkflow() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.WorkflowDefinition
Converts the WorkflowDefinition into a workflow.
toWorkflowUri(String) - Static method in class ai.djl.serving.workflow.WorkflowDefinition
Returns the full workflow url if the url points to a workflow definition file.


unregisterWorkflow(String, String) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.models.ModelManager
Unregisters a workflow by its name and version.
useNativeIo() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.util.ConfigManager
Returns if use netty native IO.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class ai.djl.serving.util.Connector.ConnectorType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class ai.djl.serving.workflow.WorkflowExpression.Item.ItemType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class ai.djl.serving.util.Connector.ConnectorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class ai.djl.serving.workflow.WorkflowExpression.Item.ItemType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.


waitModelLoading() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.util.ConfigManager
Returns if model server should wait for model initialization on startup.
WlmWorkflowFunction - Class in ai.djl.serving.workflow.function
An internal WorkflowFunction that is used to execute a WorkerPoolConfig (typically a model) through the WorkLoadManager in the workflow.
WlmWorkflowFunction(WorkerPoolConfig<Input, Output>) - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.workflow.function.WlmWorkflowFunction
Constructs a WlmWorkflowFunction with a given workerPoolConfig.
Worker() - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.http.DescribeWorkflowResponse.Worker
workerStatus() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.models.ModelManager
Sends model server health status to client.
Workflow - Class in ai.djl.serving.workflow
A flow of executing Models and custom functions.
Workflow(WorkerPoolConfig<Input, Output>) - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.workflow.Workflow
Constructs a workflow containing only a single workerPoolConfig.
Workflow(String, String, Map<String, WorkerPoolConfig<Input, Output>>, Map<String, WorkflowExpression>, Map<String, Map<String, Object>>, Map<String, WorkflowFunction>) - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.workflow.Workflow
Constructs a workflow.
Workflow.WorkflowArgument - Class in ai.djl.serving.workflow
An argument that is passed to a WorkflowFunction.
Workflow.WorkflowExecutor - Class in ai.djl.serving.workflow
An executor is a session for a running Workflow.
WorkflowArgument(Workflow.WorkflowExecutor, WorkflowExpression.Item) - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.workflow.Workflow.WorkflowArgument
WorkflowDefinition - Class in ai.djl.serving.workflow
This class is for parsing the JSON or YAML definition for a Workflow.
WorkflowDefinition() - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.workflow.WorkflowDefinition
WorkflowExecutionException - Exception in ai.djl.serving.workflow
Thrown when a workflow could not be executed.
WorkflowExecutionException(String) - Constructor for exception ai.djl.serving.workflow.WorkflowExecutionException
Constructs an WorkflowExecutionException with the specified detail message.
WorkflowExecutionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ai.djl.serving.workflow.WorkflowExecutionException
Constructs an WorkflowExecutionException with the specified detail message and cause.
WorkflowExpression - Class in ai.djl.serving.workflow
An expression defining a local value in a Workflow.
WorkflowExpression(WorkflowExpression.Item...) - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.workflow.WorkflowExpression
Constructs a WorkflowExpression.
WorkflowExpression(List<WorkflowExpression.Item>) - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.workflow.WorkflowExpression
Constructs a WorkflowExpression.
WorkflowExpression.Item - Class in ai.djl.serving.workflow
An item in the expression which contains either a string or another WorkflowExpression.
WorkflowExpression.Item.ItemType - Enum Class in ai.djl.serving.workflow
The type of contents stored in the item.
WorkflowFunction - Class in ai.djl.serving.workflow.function
A lambda function that can be run within a Workflow.
WorkflowFunction() - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.workflow.function.WorkflowFunction
WorkflowItem() - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.http.list.ListWorkflowsResponse.WorkflowItem
Constructs a new WorkflowItem instance.
WorkflowItem(String, String) - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.http.list.ListWorkflowsResponse.WorkflowItem
Constructs a new WorkflowItem instance with workflow name and url.
WorkflowTemplates - Class in ai.djl.serving.workflow
A class for managing and using WorkflowDefinition templates.
writeBatch - Variable in class ai.djl.serving.cache.BaseCacheEngine
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