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ai.djl.serving.wlm - package ai.djl.serving.wlm
Contains the model server backend which manages worker threads and executes jobs on models.
ai.djl.serving.wlm.util - package ai.djl.serving.wlm.util
Contains utilities to support the WorkLoadManager.


build() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerThread.Builder
Builds the WorkerThread with the provided data.
builder(ModelInfo<I, O>) - Static method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerThread
Creates a builder to build a WorkerThread.


cleanup() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerPool
removes all stopped workers and workers in state error from the pool.
close() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.ModelInfo
Close all loaded models.
close() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkLoadManager
Close all models related to the WorkloadManager.
configureWorkers(int, int) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerGroup
Configures minimum and maximum number of workers.


decreaseRef() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerPool
Decrease the reference count and return the current count.


equals(Object) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.ModelInfo


FAILED - ai.djl.serving.wlm.ModelInfo.Status


generate() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerIdGenerator
generate a new worker id.
getBatchSize() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.ModelInfo
Returns the configured batch size.
getBatchSize() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.util.WlmConfigManager
Returns the default batchSize for workers.
getDefaultMaxWorkers(Model) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.util.WlmConfigManager
Returns the default maximum number of workers for a new registered model.
getDefaultMinWorkers(Model) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.util.WlmConfigManager
Returns the default minimum number of workers for a new registered model.
getDevice() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerGroup
Returns the device of the worker group.
getDevice() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerThread
Returns the device used by the thread.
getEngineName() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.ModelInfo
Returns the engine name.
getFuture() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.util.WorkerJob
Returns the future for the job.
getId() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.ModelInfo
Returns the model ID.
getInput() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.Job
Returns the input data.
getInputClass() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.ModelInfo
Returns the model input class.
getInstance() - Static method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.util.WlmConfigManager
Returns the singleton ConfigManager instance.
getJob() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.util.WorkerJob
Returns the Job.
getJobQueue() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerPool
Returns the JobQueue for this model.
getJobQueueSize() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.util.WlmConfigManager
Returns the default job queue size.
getLoadOnDevices() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.ModelInfo
Returns the devices the model will be loaded on at startup.
getLoadOnDevices() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.util.WlmConfigManager
Returns the devices the model will be loaded on at startup.
getMaxBatchDelayMillis() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.ModelInfo
Returns the maximum delay in milliseconds to aggregate a batch.
getMaxBatchDelayMillis() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.util.WlmConfigManager
Returns the default max batch delay in milliseconds for the working queue.
getMaxIdleSeconds() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.ModelInfo
Returns the configured max idle time in seconds of workers.
getMaxIdleSeconds() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.util.WlmConfigManager
Returns the default max idle time for workers.
getMaxWorkers() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.ModelInfo
Returns the maximum number of workers.
getMaxWorkers() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerGroup
Returns the max number of workers for the model and device.
getMaxWorkers() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerPool
Returns the maximum number of workers for a model across all devices.
getMinWorkers() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.ModelInfo
Returns the minimum number of workers.
getMinWorkers() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerGroup
Returns the min number of workers for the model and device.
getModel() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.Job
Returns the model that associated with this job.
getModel() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerPool
Returns the model of the worker pool.
getModel(Device) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.ModelInfo
Returns the loaded ZooModel for a device.
getModels() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.ModelInfo
Returns all loaded models.
getModelUrl() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.ModelInfo
Returns the model url.
getNumRunningWorkers(ModelInfo<?, ?>) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkLoadManager
Returns the number of running workers of a model.
getOutputClass() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.ModelInfo
Returns the model output class.
getQueueSize() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.ModelInfo
Returns the configured size of the workers queue.
getReservedMemoryMb() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.util.WlmConfigManager
Returns the default reserved memory in MB.
getStartTime() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerThread
Returns the thread start time.
getState() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerThread
Returns the worker state.
getStatus() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.ModelInfo
Returns the model loading status.
getVersion() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.ModelInfo
Returns the model version.
getWaitingMicroSeconds() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.Job
Returns the wait time of this job.
getWorkerGroups() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerPool
Returns a map of WorkerGroup.
getWorkerId() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerThread
Returns the worker thread ID.
getWorkerPool(ModelInfo<I, O>) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkLoadManager
Returns the WorkerPool for a model.
getWorkers() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerGroup
Returns a list of workers.
getWorkers() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerPool
Returns a list of worker thread.


hashCode() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.ModelInfo
hasInputOutputClass(Class<I>, Class<O>) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.ModelInfo
Clarifies the input and output class when not specified.


increaseRef() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerPool
Increases the reference count.
inferModelNameFromUrl(String) - Static method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.ModelInfo
Infer model name form model URL in case model name is not provided.
initialize() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.ModelInfo
Initialize the model.
initWorkers(String, int, int) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerPool
Initializes new worker capacities for this model.
isAllWorkerBusy() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerPool
Returns true if all workers are busy.
isAllWorkerDied() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerPool
Return if all workers died.
isDebug() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.util.WlmConfigManager
Returns if debug is enabled.
isFinished() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.PermanentBatchAggregator
Checks if this BatchAggregator and the thread can be shutdown or if this aggregator waits for more data.
isFinished() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.TemporaryBatchAggregator
Checks if this BatchAggregator and the thread can be shutdown or if this aggregator waits for more data.
isFixPoolThread() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerThread
check if this worker is instantiate is one of the fix threads of a pool.
isFullyScaled() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerPool
Returns if the worker groups is fully scaled.
isParallelLoading() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.ModelInfo
Returns if the model can be load parallel on multiple devices.
isRunning() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerThread
Returns true if the worker thread is running.


Job<I,​O> - Class in ai.djl.serving.wlm
A class represents an inference job.
Job(ModelInfo<I, O>, I) - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.wlm.Job
Constructs a new Job instance.


LmiUtils - Class in ai.djl.serving.wlm
A utility class to detect optimal engine for LMI model.
load(Device) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.ModelInfo
Loads the model to the specified device.


ModelInfo<I,​O> - Class in ai.djl.serving.wlm
A class represent a loaded model and it's metadata.
ModelInfo(String) - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.wlm.ModelInfo
Constructs a new ModelInfo instance.
ModelInfo(String, String, Criteria<I, O>) - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.wlm.ModelInfo
Constructs a ModelInfo based on a Criteria.
ModelInfo(String, String, String, String, String, Class<I>, Class<O>, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.wlm.ModelInfo
Constructs a new ModelInfo instance.
ModelInfo.Status - Enum in ai.djl.serving.wlm
An enum represents state of a model.


optFixPoolThread(boolean) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerThread.Builder
Sets if the workerThread should be part of the fixed pool.


PENDING - ai.djl.serving.wlm.ModelInfo.Status
PermanentBatchAggregator<I,​O> - Class in ai.djl.serving.wlm
a batch aggregator that never terminates by itself.
PermanentBatchAggregator(ModelInfo<I, O>, LinkedBlockingDeque<WorkerJob<I, O>>) - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.wlm.PermanentBatchAggregator
Constructs a PermanentBatchAggregator instance.
pollBatch() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.PermanentBatchAggregator
Fills in the list with a batch of jobs.
pollBatch() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.TemporaryBatchAggregator
Fills in the list with a batch of jobs.
postWorkflowParsing(String) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.ModelInfo
Performs post workflow parsing initialization.


READY - ai.djl.serving.wlm.ModelInfo.Status
registerModel(ModelInfo<I, O>) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkLoadManager
Registers a model and returns the WorkerPool for it.
run() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerThread
runJob(Job<I, O>) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkLoadManager
Adds an inference job to the job queue of the next free worker.


scaleWorkers(String, int, int) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerPool
Sets new worker capacities for this model.
setBatchSize(int) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.ModelInfo
Sets the configured batch size.
setBatchSize(int) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.util.WlmConfigManager
Sets the default batchSize for workers.
setDevice(Device) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerThread.Builder
RSets the device to run operations on.
setId(String) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.ModelInfo
Sets the model ID.
setJobQueue(LinkedBlockingDeque<WorkerJob<I, O>>) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerThread.Builder
Sets the jobQueue used to poll for new jobs.
setJobQueueSize(int) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.util.WlmConfigManager
Sets the default job queue size.
setLoadOnDevices(String) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.util.WlmConfigManager
Sets the devices the model will be loaded on at startup.
setMaxBatchDelayMillis(int) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.ModelInfo
Sets the maximum delay in milliseconds to aggregate a batch.
setMaxBatchDelayMillis(int) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.util.WlmConfigManager
Sets the default max batch delay in milliseconds for the working queue.
setMaxIdleSeconds(int) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.ModelInfo
Sets the configured max idle time in seconds of workers.
setMaxIdleSeconds(int) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.util.WlmConfigManager
Sets the default max idle time in seconds for workers.
setQueueSize(int) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.ModelInfo
Sets the configured size of the workers queue.
setReservedMemoryMb(int) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.util.WlmConfigManager
Sets the reserved memory in MB.
shutdown() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerPool
Shuts down all the worker threads in the work pool.
shutdown(WorkerState) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerThread
Shuts down the worker thread.
shutdownWorkers() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerPool
Shutdown all works.


TemporaryBatchAggregator<I,​O> - Class in ai.djl.serving.wlm
a batch aggregator that terminates after a maximum idle time.
TemporaryBatchAggregator(ModelInfo<I, O>, LinkedBlockingDeque<WorkerJob<I, O>>) - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.wlm.TemporaryBatchAggregator
a batch aggregator that terminates after a maximum idle time.
toString() - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.ModelInfo


unregisterModel(ModelInfo<?, ?>) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkLoadManager
Removes a model from management.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ai.djl.serving.wlm.ModelInfo.Status
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum ai.djl.serving.wlm.ModelInfo.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


withDefaultDevice(String) - Method in class ai.djl.serving.wlm.ModelInfo
Returns the default device for this model if device is null.
WlmCapacityException - Exception in ai.djl.serving.wlm.util
Thrown to throttle when a job is run but the job queue capacity is exceeded.
WlmCapacityException(String) - Constructor for exception ai.djl.serving.wlm.util.WlmCapacityException
Constructs a WlmCapacityException with the specified detail message.
WlmCapacityException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ai.djl.serving.wlm.util.WlmCapacityException
Constructs a WlmCapacityException with the specified detail message and cause.
WlmConfigManager - Class in ai.djl.serving.wlm.util
This manages some configurations used by the WorkLoadManager.
WlmException - Exception in ai.djl.serving.wlm.util
Thrown when an exception occurs inside the WorkLoadManager.
WlmException(String) - Constructor for exception ai.djl.serving.wlm.util.WlmException
Constructs a WlmException with the specified detail message.
WlmException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ai.djl.serving.wlm.util.WlmException
Constructs a WlmException with the specified detail message and cause.
WlmOutOfMemoryException - Exception in ai.djl.serving.wlm.util
Thrown when no enough memory to load the model.
WlmOutOfMemoryException(String) - Constructor for exception ai.djl.serving.wlm.util.WlmOutOfMemoryException
Constructs a WlmOutOfMemoryException with the specified detail message.
WlmShutdownException - Exception in ai.djl.serving.wlm.util
Thrown when a job is run but all workers are shutdown.
WlmShutdownException(String) - Constructor for exception ai.djl.serving.wlm.util.WlmShutdownException
Constructs a WlmShutdownException with the specified detail message.
WlmShutdownException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ai.djl.serving.wlm.util.WlmShutdownException
Constructs a WlmShutdownException with the specified detail message and cause.
WORKER_BUSY - ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerState
WORKER_ERROR - ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerState
WORKER_MODEL_LOADED - ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerState
WORKER_SCALED_DOWN - ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerState
WORKER_STARTED - ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerState
WORKER_STOPPED - ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerState
WorkerGroup<I,​O> - Class in ai.djl.serving.wlm
The WorkerGroup manages the WorkerPool for a particular Device.
WorkerIdGenerator - Class in ai.djl.serving.wlm
class to generate an unique worker id.
WorkerIdGenerator() - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkerIdGenerator
WorkerJob<I,​O> - Class in ai.djl.serving.wlm.util
A Job containing metadata from the WorkLoadManager.
WorkerJob(Job<I, O>, CompletableFuture<O>) - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.wlm.util.WorkerJob
Constructs a new WorkerJob.
WorkerPool<I,​O> - Class in ai.djl.serving.wlm
Manages the work load for a single model.
WorkerState - Enum in ai.djl.serving.wlm
An enum represents state of a worker.
WorkerThread<I,​O> - Class in ai.djl.serving.wlm
The WorkerThread is the worker managed by the WorkLoadManager.
WorkerThread.Builder<I,​O> - Class in ai.djl.serving.wlm
A Builder to construct a WorkerThread.
WorkLoadManager - Class in ai.djl.serving.wlm
WorkLoadManager is responsible to manage the work load of worker thread.
WorkLoadManager() - Constructor for class ai.djl.serving.wlm.WorkLoadManager
Constructs a WorkLoadManager instance.
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