Class TopKAccuracy

  • public class TopKAccuracy
    extends AbstractAccuracy
    TopKAccuracy is an Evaluator that computes the accuracy of the top k predictions.

    TopKAccuracy differs from AbstractAccuracy in that it considers the prediction to be `True` as long as the ground truth label is in the top K predicated labels. If `top_k = 1`, then TopKAccuracy is identical to Accuracy.

    • Constructor Detail

      • TopKAccuracy

        public TopKAccuracy​(java.lang.String name,
                            int topK)
        Creates a TopKAccuracy instance.
        name - the accuracy name, default "Top_K_Accuracy"
        topK - the value of K
      • TopKAccuracy

        public TopKAccuracy​(int topK)
        Creates an instance of TopKAccuracy evaluator that computes topK accuracy across axis 1 along the 0th index.
        topK - the value of K
    • Method Detail

      • accuracyHelper

        protected ai.djl.util.Pair<java.lang.Long,​NDArray> accuracyHelper​(NDList labels,
                                                                                NDList predictions)
        A helper for classes extending AbstractAccuracy.
        Specified by:
        accuracyHelper in class AbstractAccuracy
        labels - the labels to get accuracy for
        predictions - the predictions to get accuracy for
        a pair(number of total values, ndarray int of correct values)