Package ai.djl.nn

Class AbstractSymbolBlock

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractSymbolBlock

        public AbstractSymbolBlock()
        Constructs a new AbstractSymbolBlock instance.
      • AbstractSymbolBlock

        public AbstractSymbolBlock​(byte version)
        Builds an empty block with the given version for parameter serialization.
        version - the version to use for parameter serialization.
    • Method Detail

      • getOutputShapes

        public Shape[] getOutputShapes​(Shape[] inputShapes)
        Returns the expected output shapes of the block for the specified input shapes.
        Specified by:
        getOutputShapes in interface Block
        inputShapes - the shapes of the inputs
        the expected output shapes of the block
      • getChildren

        public BlockList getChildren()
        Returns a list of all the children of the block.
        Specified by:
        getChildren in interface Block
        the list of child blocks