Package ai.djl.nn

Class Blocks

  • public final class Blocks
    extends java.lang.Object
    Utility class that provides some useful blocks.
    • Method Detail

      • batchFlatten

        public static NDArray batchFlatten​(NDArray array)
        Inflates the NDArray provided as input to a 2-D NDArray of shape (batch, size).
        array - a array to be flattened
        a NDList that contains the inflated NDArray
      • batchFlatten

        public static NDArray batchFlatten​(NDArray array,
                                           long size)
        Inflates the NDArray provided as input to a 2-D NDArray of shape (batch, size).
        array - a array to be flattened
        size - the input size
        a NDList that contains the inflated NDArray
        java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the input NDList has more than one NDArray
      • batchFlattenBlock

        public static Block batchFlattenBlock()
        Creates a Block whose forward function applies the batchFlatten method.
        a Block whose forward function applies the batchFlatten method
      • batchFlattenBlock

        public static Block batchFlattenBlock​(long size)
        Creates a Block whose forward function applies the batchFlatten method. The size of input to the block returned must be batch_size * size.
        size - the expected size of each input
        a Block whose forward function applies the batchFlatten method
      • identityBlock

        public static Block identityBlock()
        Creates a LambdaBlock that performs the identity function.
        an identity Block
      • describe

        public static java.lang.String describe​(Block block,
                                                java.lang.String blockName,
                                                int beginAxis)
        Returns a string representation of the passed Block describing the input axes, output axes, and the block's children.
        block - the block to describe
        blockName - the name to be used for the passed block, or null if its class name is to be used
        beginAxis - skips all axes before this axis; use 0 to print all axes and 1 to skip the batch axis.
        the string representation