Interface StreamingBlock

    • Method Detail

      • forwardStream

        default<NDList> forwardStream​(ParameterStore parameterStore,
                                                              NDList inputs,
                                                              boolean training)
        Applies the operating function of the block once, but returns the result in chunks. This method should only be called on blocks that are initialized.
        parameterStore - the parameter store
        inputs - the input NDList
        training - true for a training forward pass (turn on dropout and layerNorm)
        the output of the forward pass
      • forwardStream

        default<NDList> forwardStream​(ParameterStore parameterStore,
                                                              NDList inputs,
                                                              boolean training,
                                                              ai.djl.util.PairList<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> params)
        Applies the operating function of the block once, but returns the result in chunks. This method should only be called on blocks that are initialized.
        parameterStore - the parameter store
        inputs - the input NDList
        training - true for a training forward pass (turn on dropout and layerNorm)
        params - optional parameters
        the output of the forward pass
      • forwardStreamIter

        java.util.Iterator<NDList> forwardStreamIter​(ParameterStore parameterStore,
                                                     NDList inputs,
                                                     boolean training,
                                                     ai.djl.util.PairList<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> params)
        Applies the operating function of the block once, but returns the result in chunks. This method should only be called on blocks that are initialized.
        parameterStore - the parameter store
        inputs - the input NDList
        training - true for a training forward pass (turn on dropout and layerNorm)
        params - optional parameters
        the output of the forward pass