Package ai.djl

package ai.djl
Contains top level, engine-agnostic classes for both inference and training.
See Also:
  • Class
    A class contains common tasks that can be completed using deep learning.
    The common set of applications for audio data.
    The common set of applications for computer vision (image and video data).
    The common set of applications for natural language processing (text data).
    The common set of applications for tabular data.
    The common set of applications for timeseries extension.
    BaseModel is the basic implementation of Model.
    The Device class provides the specified assignment for CPU/GPU processing on the NDArray.
    A combined Device representing the composition of multiple other devices.
    Contains device type string constants.
    Thrown to indicate Model parameters are not in expected format or are malformed.
    A model is a collection of artifacts that is created by the training process.
    Thrown to indicate Model parameter or load exceptions parent to Model Exceptions.
    Thrown to indicate when there is a divergence during Training.