Class StyleTransferTranslatorFactory

All Implemented Interfaces:
TranslatorFactory, Serializable

public class StyleTransferTranslatorFactory extends Object implements TranslatorFactory, Serializable
A TranslatorFactory that creates a StyleTransferTranslator instance.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • StyleTransferTranslatorFactory

      public StyleTransferTranslatorFactory()
  • Method Details

    • getSupportedTypes

      public Set<ai.djl.util.Pair<Type,Type>> getSupportedTypes()
      Returns supported input/output classes.
      Specified by:
      getSupportedTypes in interface TranslatorFactory
      a set of supported input/output classes
    • newInstance

      public <I, O> Translator<I,O> newInstance(Class<I> input, Class<O> output, Model model, Map<String,?> arguments)
      Returns a new instance of the Translator class.
      Specified by:
      newInstance in interface TranslatorFactory
      Type Parameters:
      I - the input data type
      O - the output data type
      input - the input class
      output - the output class
      model - the Model that uses the Translator
      arguments - the configurations for a new Translator instance
      a new instance of the Translator class