Class SimpleTextEncoder

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SimpleTextEncoder
    extends ai.djl.modality.nlp.Encoder
    SimpleTextEncoder implements a Encoder that employs a RecurrentBlock to encode text input.
    • Field Summary

      • Fields inherited from class ai.djl.modality.nlp.Encoder

      • Fields inherited from class ai.djl.nn.AbstractBlock

        children, parameters
      • Fields inherited from class ai.djl.nn.AbstractBaseBlock

        inputNames, inputShapes, outputDataTypes, version
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      SimpleTextEncoder​(ai.djl.modality.nlp.embedding.TrainableTextEmbedding trainableTextEmbedding, ai.djl.nn.recurrent.RecurrentBlock recurrentBlock)
      Contructs a new instance of SimpleTextEncoder with the given RecurrentBlock and TrainableTextEmbedding.
      SimpleTextEncoder​(ai.djl.nn.recurrent.RecurrentBlock recurrentBlock)
      Contructs a new instance of SimpleTextEncoder with the given RecurrentBlock.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      ai.djl.ndarray.NDList getStates​(ai.djl.ndarray.NDList encoderOutput)
      • Methods inherited from class ai.djl.modality.nlp.Encoder

        forwardInternal, forwardInternal, getOutputShapes, initializeChildBlocks, loadParameters, saveParameters
      • Methods inherited from class ai.djl.nn.AbstractBlock

        addChildBlock, addChildBlock, addChildBlockSingleton, addParameter, getChildren, getDirectParameters
      • Methods inherited from class ai.djl.nn.AbstractBaseBlock

        beforeInitialize, cast, clear, describeInput, forward, forward, getInputShapes, getOutputDataTypes, getParameters, initialize, isInitialized, loadMetadata, prepare, readInputShapes, saveInputShapes, saveMetadata, setInitializer, setInitializer, setInitializer, toString
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
      • Methods inherited from interface ai.djl.nn.Block

        forward, freezeParameters, getOutputShapes
    • Constructor Detail

      • SimpleTextEncoder

        public SimpleTextEncoder​(ai.djl.nn.recurrent.RecurrentBlock recurrentBlock)
        Contructs a new instance of SimpleTextEncoder with the given RecurrentBlock. Use this constructor if you are planning to use pre-trained embeddings that don't need further training.
        recurrentBlock - the recurrent block to be used to encode
      • SimpleTextEncoder

        public SimpleTextEncoder​(ai.djl.modality.nlp.embedding.TrainableTextEmbedding trainableTextEmbedding,
                                 ai.djl.nn.recurrent.RecurrentBlock recurrentBlock)
        Contructs a new instance of SimpleTextEncoder with the given RecurrentBlock and TrainableTextEmbedding. Use this constructor if you are planning to use pre-trained or fresh embeddings that need further training.
        trainableTextEmbedding - the TrainableTextEmbedding to train embeddings with
        recurrentBlock - the recurrent block to be used to encode
    • Method Detail

      • getStates

        public ai.djl.ndarray.NDList getStates​(ai.djl.ndarray.NDList encoderOutput)
        Specified by:
        getStates in class ai.djl.modality.nlp.Encoder