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ai.djl.basicmodelzoo - package ai.djl.basicmodelzoo
Contains the built-in BasicModelZoo.
ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.basic - package ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.basic
Contains the basic built-in models.
ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification - package ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification
Contains classes for the Application.CV.IMAGE_CLASSIFICATION models in the BasicModelZoo.
ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.ssd - package ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.ssd
Contains classes for the Application.CV.OBJECT_DETECTION models in the BasicModelZoo.
ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.yolo - package ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.yolo
Contains classes for the Application.CV.OBJECT_DETECTION models in the BasicModelZoo.
ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.nlp - package ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.nlp
Contains classes for the natural language processing section (Application.NLP) of the BasicModelZoo.
ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.tabular - package ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.tabular
Contains classes for the tabular section (Application.Tabular) of the BasicModelZoo.
alexNet(AlexNet.Builder) - Static method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.AlexNet
Creates a AlexNet network block with the help of the AlexNet Builder.
AlexNet - Class in ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification
AlexNet contains a generic implementation of AlexNet adapted from [torchvision implmentation](https://github.com/pytorch/vision/blob/master/torchvision/models/alexnet.py)
AlexNet.Builder - Class in ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification
The Builder to construct a AlexNet object.


basicBlock(int, float, float) - Static method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.yolo.YOLOV3
Builds a Block that a basic residual block unit used in DarkNet53.
BasicModelZoo - Class in ai.djl.basicmodelzoo
Model Zoo is a repository that contains all models for DJL.
BasicZooProvider - Class in ai.djl.basicmodelzoo
An imperative model zoo provider implements the ZooProvider interface.
BasicZooProvider() - Constructor for class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.BasicZooProvider
build() - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.AlexNet.Builder
Builds a AlexNet block.
build() - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.GoogLeNet.Builder
Builds a GoogLeNet block.
build() - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.LeNet.Builder
Builds a LeNet block.
build() - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.MobileNetV1.Builder
Builds a MobileNetV1 block.
build() - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.MobileNetV2.Builder
Builds a MobileNetV2 block.
build() - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.NiN.Builder
Builds a NiN block.
build() - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.ResNetV1.Builder
Builds a ResNetV1 block.
build() - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.VGG.Builder
Builds a VGG block.
build() - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.ssd.SingleShotDetection.Builder
Builds a SingleShotDetection block.
build() - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.yolo.YOLOV3.Builder
Builds a YOLOV3 block.
build() - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.tabular.TabNet.Builder
Builds a TabNet with given Builder.
buildAttentionTransformer(int) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.tabular.TabNet.Builder
Builds an attentionTransformer with given parameter for test.
buildDarkNet() - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.yolo.YOLOV3.Builder
Builds a Block that represents the backbone of yolov3, which is called DarkNet53.
builder() - Static method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.AlexNet
Creates a builder to build a AlexNet.
builder() - Static method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.GoogLeNet
Creates a builder to build a GoogLeNet.
builder() - Static method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.LeNet
Creates a builder to build a LeNet.
builder() - Static method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.MobileNetV1
Creates a builder to build a MobileNetV1.
builder() - Static method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.MobileNetV2
Creates a builder to build a MobileNetV2.
builder() - Static method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.NiN
Creates a builder to build a NiN.
builder() - Static method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.ResNetV1
Creates a builder to build a ResNetV1.
builder() - Static method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.VGG
Creates a builder to build a VGG.
builder() - Static method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.ssd.SingleShotDetection
Creates a builder to build a SingleShotDetection.
builder() - Static method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.yolo.YOLOV3
Creates a builder to build a YOLOV3.
builder() - Static method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.tabular.TabNet
Creates a builder to build a TabNet.
Builder() - Constructor for class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.VGG.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.yolo.YOLOV3.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.tabular.TabNet.Builder


convolutionBlock(int, int, float, float) - Static method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.yolo.YOLOV3
Builds a Block that represents a conv-bn-leakyRelu unit for darkNet53.


DecisionStep(int, int, int, List<Block>, int, int, float) - Constructor for class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.tabular.TabNet.DecisionStep
Creates a TabNet.DecisionStep with given parameters.
depthSeparableConv2d(int, int, int, MobileNetV1.Builder) - Static method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.MobileNetV1
Builds a Block that represent a depthWise-pointWise Unit used in the implementation of the MobileNet Model.


featureTransformer(List<Block>, int, int, int, float) - Static method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.tabular.TabNet
Creates a featureTransformer Block.
FILTERLENGTH - Static variable in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.MobileNetV2
forwardInternal(ParameterStore, NDList, boolean, PairList<String, Object>) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.ssd.SingleShotDetection
forwardInternal(ParameterStore, NDList, boolean, PairList<String, Object>) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.yolo.YOLOV3
forwardInternal(ParameterStore, NDList, boolean, PairList<String, Object>) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.nlp.SimpleTextDecoder
forwardInternal(ParameterStore, NDList, boolean, PairList<String, Object>) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.tabular.TabNet.AttentionTransformer
forwardInternal(ParameterStore, NDList, boolean, PairList<String, Object>) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.tabular.TabNet.DecisionStep
forwardInternal(ParameterStore, NDList, boolean, PairList<String, Object>) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.tabular.TabNet


getAnchorPredictionBlock(int) - Static method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.ssd.SingleShotDetection
Creates a anchor prediction block used in an SSD.
getClassPredictionBlock(int, int) - Static method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.ssd.SingleShotDetection
Creates a class prediction block used in an SSD.
getDownSamplingBlock(int) - Static method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.ssd.SingleShotDetection
Creates a Block that reduces the size of a convolutional block by half.
getGroupId() - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.BasicModelZoo
getModelZoo() - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.BasicZooProvider
getOutputShapes(Shape[]) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.ssd.SingleShotDetection
getOutputShapes(Shape[]) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.yolo.YOLOV3
getOutputShapes(Shape[]) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.tabular.TabNet.AttentionTransformer
getOutputShapes(Shape[]) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.tabular.TabNet.DecisionStep
getOutputShapes(Shape[]) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.tabular.TabNet
getStates(NDList) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.nlp.SimpleTextEncoder
getSupportedEngines() - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.BasicModelZoo
gluBlock(Block, int, int, float) - Static method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.tabular.TabNet
Creates a FC-BN-GLU block used in tabNet.
googLeNet(GoogLeNet.Builder) - Static method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.GoogLeNet
Creates a GoogLeNet network block with the help of the GoogLeNet Builder.
GoogLeNet - Class in ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification
GoogLeNet uses a stack of a total of 9 inception blocks and global average pooling to generate its estimates.
GoogLeNet.Builder - Class in ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification
The Builder to construct a GoogLeNet object.
GROUP_ID - Static variable in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.BasicModelZoo


inceptionBlock(int, int[], int[], int) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.GoogLeNet
Creates a constituent inception block that becomes a part of the whole GoogLeNet model.
initialize(NDManager, DataType, Shape...) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.ssd.SingleShotDetection
initializeChildBlocks(NDManager, DataType, Shape...) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.yolo.YOLOV3
initializeChildBlocks(NDManager, DataType, Shape...) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.tabular.TabNet.AttentionTransformer
initializeChildBlocks(NDManager, DataType, Shape...) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.tabular.TabNet.DecisionStep
initializeChildBlocks(NDManager, DataType, Shape...) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.tabular.TabNet


leNet(LeNet.Builder) - Static method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.LeNet
Creates a LeNet network block with the help of the LeNet Builder.
LeNet - Class in ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification
The model was introduced (and named for) Yann Lecun, for the purpose of recognizing handwritten digits in images [LeNet5](http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/lenet/).
LeNet.Builder - Class in ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification
The Builder to construct a LeNet object.
linearBottleNeck(int, int, int, int, float) - Static method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.MobileNetV2
Builds a Block that represent an inverted residual Unit used in the implementation of the MobileNetV2 Model.
loadMetadata(byte, DataInputStream) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.ssd.SingleShotDetection


makeLastLayers(int, int, float, float) - Static method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.yolo.YOLOV3
Builds a Block that represents the feature head in yolov3.
makeLayer(int, int, float, float) - Static method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.yolo.YOLOV3
Creates repeated Residual Blocks used in DarkNet53.
makeOutputLayers(int, int, float, float) - Static method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.yolo.YOLOV3
Builds a Block that represents the output layer of yolov3.
makeStage(int, int, int, int, int, float) - Static method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.MobileNetV2
Builds a Block that represent multiple repeats of an inverted residual Unit.
Mlp - Class in ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.basic
Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) NeuralNetworks.
Mlp(int, int, int[]) - Constructor for class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.basic.Mlp
Create an MLP NeuralNetwork using RELU.
Mlp(int, int, int[], Function<NDList, NDList>) - Constructor for class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.basic.Mlp
Create an MLP NeuralNetwork.
MlpBlockFactory - Class in ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.basic
A BlockFactory class that creates MLP block.
MlpBlockFactory() - Constructor for class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.basic.MlpBlockFactory
mobilenet(MobileNetV1.Builder) - Static method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.MobileNetV1
Creates a new Block of MobileNetV1 with the arguments from the given MobileNetV1.Builder.
MobileNetV1 - Class in ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification
MobileNetV1 contains a generic implementation of Mobilenet adapted from https://github.com/weiaicunzai/pytorch-cifar100/blob/master/models/mobilenet.py (Original author weiaicunzai).
MobileNetV1.Builder - Class in ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification
The Builder to construct a MobileNetV1 object.
mobilenetV2(MobileNetV2.Builder) - Static method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.MobileNetV2
Creates a new Block of MobileNetV2 with the arguments from the given MobileNetV2.Builder.
MobileNetV2 - Class in ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification
MobileNetV2 contains a generic implementation of MobilenetV2 adapted from https://github.com/weiaicunzai/pytorch-cifar100/blob/master/models/mobilenetv2.py (Original author weiaicunzai).
MobileNetV2.Builder - Class in ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification
The Builder to construct a MobileNetV2 object.
MULTILENGTH - Static variable in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.MobileNetV2


newBlock(Model, Path, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.basic.MlpBlockFactory
newBlock(Model, Path, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.ResnetBlockFactory
newBlock(Model, Path, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.ssd.SsdBlockFactory
niN(NiN.Builder) - Static method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.NiN
The NiN block consists of one convolutional layer followed by two 1×1 convolutional layers that act as per-pixel fully-connected layers with ReLU activations.
NiN - Class in ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification
NiN uses convolutional layers with window shapes of 11×11 , 5×5 , and 3×3 , and the corresponding numbers of output channels are the same as in AlexNet.
NiN.Builder - Class in ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification
The Builder to construct a NiN object.
niNBlock(int, Shape, Shape, Shape) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.NiN
Creates a constituent NiN block that becomes a part of the whole NiN model.


optBatchNormMomentum(float) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.MobileNetV1.Builder
Sets the momentum of batchNorm layer.
optBatchNormMomentum(float) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.MobileNetV2.Builder
Sets the momentum of batchNorm layer.
optBatchNormMomentum(float) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.ResNetV1.Builder
Sets the momentum of batchNorm layer.
optBatchNormMomentum(float) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.yolo.YOLOV3.Builder
Sets the momentum for batchNorm layer.
optBatchNormMomentum(float) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.tabular.TabNet.Builder
Sets the momentum for batchNorm layer.
optDarkNetOutSize(int) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.yolo.YOLOV3.Builder
Sets the out size of darkNet for testing.
optFeatures(List<Block>) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.ssd.SingleShotDetection.Builder
Sets the Conv2d blocks to be appended to the network to get multi-output network.
optFilters(int[]) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.MobileNetV2.Builder
Sets the filters(the value c defined in the paper) of customized MobileNetV2.
optGlobalPool(boolean) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.ssd.SingleShotDetection.Builder
Sets the boolean whether to attach a global average pooling layer as the last output layer.
optLeakyAlpha(float) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.yolo.YOLOV3.Builder
Sets the alpha for leakyRelu activation.
optMultiTimes(int[]) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.MobileNetV2.Builder
Sets the multiTimes(the value t defined in the paper) of each bottleNeck of MobileNetV2.
optNumA(int) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.tabular.TabNet.Builder
Sets the number of dimension for attentionTransformer.
optNumD(int) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.tabular.TabNet.Builder
Sets the number of dimension except attentionTransformer.
optNumIndependent(int) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.tabular.TabNet.Builder
Sets the number of independent fullyConnected layers.
optNumShared(int) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.tabular.TabNet.Builder
Sets the number of shared fullyConnected layers.
optNumSteps(int) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.tabular.TabNet.Builder
Sets the number of decision steps for tabNet.
optRepeatTimes(int[]) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.MobileNetV2.Builder
Sets the repeatTimes(the value n defined in the paper) of each block of MobileNetV2.
optStrides(int[]) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.MobileNetV2.Builder
Sets the strides(the value s defined in the paper) of each block of MobileNetV2.
optVirtualBatchSize(int) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.tabular.TabNet.Builder
Sets the virtual batch size for ghost batch norm.
optWidthMultiplier(float) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.MobileNetV1.Builder
Sets the widthMultiplier of MobileNet.


REPEATLENGTH - Static variable in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.MobileNetV2
residualUnit(int, Shape, boolean, boolean, float) - Static method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.ResNetV1
Builds a Block that represents a residual unit used in the implementation of the Resnet model.
resnet(ResNetV1.Builder) - Static method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.ResNetV1
Creates a new Block of ResNetV1 with the arguments from the given ResNetV1.Builder.
ResnetBlockFactory - Class in ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification
A BlockFactory class that creates ResNetV1 block.
ResnetBlockFactory() - Constructor for class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.ResnetBlockFactory
ResNetV1 - Class in ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification
ResNetV1 contains a generic implementation of ResNet adapted from https://github.com/tornadomeet/ResNet/blob/master/symbol_resnet.py (Original author Wei Wu) by Antti-Pekka Hynninen.
ResNetV1.Builder - Class in ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification
The Builder to construct a ResNetV1 object.


setBaseNetwork(Block) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.ssd.SingleShotDetection.Builder
Sets the base network for the SSD framework.
setConvArch(int[][]) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.VGG.Builder
Sets the number of blocks according to the user.
setDropOutRate(float) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.AlexNet.Builder
Sets the dropout rate in the network.
setDropOutRate(float) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.NiN.Builder
Sets the dropout rate in the network.
setImageShape(Shape) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.ResNetV1.Builder
Sets the shape of the image.
setInputDim(int) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.tabular.TabNet.Builder
Sets the input dimension of TabNet.
setNumChannels(int[]) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.AlexNet.Builder
Sets the number of channels for the AlexNet blocks.
setNumChannels(int[]) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.LeNet.Builder
Sets the number of channels for the LeNet blocks.
setNumChannels(int[]) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.NiN.Builder
Sets the number of channels for the niN blocks.
setNumClasses(int) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.ssd.SingleShotDetection.Builder
Sets the number of classes of objects to be detected.
setNumClasses(int) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.yolo.YOLOV3.Builder
Sets the number of classes for yolov3.
setNumFeatures(int) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.ssd.SingleShotDetection.Builder
Sets the number of down sampling blocks to be applied.
setNumLayers(int) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.ResNetV1.Builder
Sets the number of layers in the network.
setNumLayers(int) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.VGG.Builder
Sets the number of layers.
setOutDim(int) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.tabular.TabNet.Builder
Sets the output dimension for TabNet.
setOutSize(long) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.AlexNet.Builder
Sets the size of the output.
setOutSize(long) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.GoogLeNet.Builder
Sets the size of the output.
setOutSize(long) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.LeNet.Builder
Sets the size of the output.
setOutSize(long) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.MobileNetV1.Builder
Sets the size of the output.
setOutSize(long) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.MobileNetV2.Builder
Sets the size of the output.
setOutSize(long) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.ResNetV1.Builder
Sets the size of the output.
setOutSize(long) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.VGG.Builder
Sets the size of the output.
setRatios(List<List<Float>>) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.ssd.SingleShotDetection.Builder
Sets the list of aspect ratios of generated anchor boxes.
setSizes(List<List<Float>>) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.ssd.SingleShotDetection.Builder
Sets the list of sizes of generated anchor boxes.
SimpleTextDecoder - Class in ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.nlp
SimpleTextDecoder implements a Decoder that employs a RecurrentBlock to decode text input.
SimpleTextDecoder(TrainableTextEmbedding, RecurrentBlock, long) - Constructor for class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.nlp.SimpleTextDecoder
Contructs a new instance of SimpleTextDecoder with the given RecurrentBlock.
SimpleTextDecoder(RecurrentBlock, int) - Constructor for class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.nlp.SimpleTextDecoder
Contructs a new instance of SimpleTextDecoder with the given RecurrentBlock.
SimpleTextEncoder - Class in ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.nlp
SimpleTextEncoder implements a Encoder that employs a RecurrentBlock to encode text input.
SimpleTextEncoder(TrainableTextEmbedding, RecurrentBlock) - Constructor for class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.nlp.SimpleTextEncoder
Contructs a new instance of SimpleTextEncoder with the given RecurrentBlock and TrainableTextEmbedding.
SimpleTextEncoder(RecurrentBlock) - Constructor for class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.nlp.SimpleTextEncoder
Contructs a new instance of SimpleTextEncoder with the given RecurrentBlock.
SingleShotDetection - Class in ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.ssd
SingleShotDetection is an implementation of Block that implements a Single Shot Detection (SSD) model for object detection.
SingleShotDetection.Builder - Class in ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.ssd
The Builder to construct a SingleShotDetection.
squeezenet(int) - Static method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.SqueezeNet
Construct squeezenet v1.1.
SqueezeNet - Class in ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification
SqueezeNet contains a generic implementation of Squeezenet adapted from [torchvision implmentation](https://github.com/pytorch/vision/blob/master/torchvision/models/squeezenet.py)
SsdBlockFactory - Class in ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.ssd
A BlockFactory class that creates SingleShotDetection block.
SsdBlockFactory() - Constructor for class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.ssd.SsdBlockFactory
STRIDELENGTH - Static variable in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.MobileNetV2


TabNet - Class in ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.tabular
TabNet contains a generic implementation of TabNet adapted from https://towardsdatascience.com/implementing-tabnet-in-pytorch-fc977c383279 (Original author Samrat Thapa)
TabNet.AttentionTransformer - Class in ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.tabular
AttentionTransformer is where the tabNet models learn the relationship between relevant features, and decides which features to pass on to the feature transformer of the current decision step.
TabNet.Builder - Class in ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.tabular
The Builder to construct a TabNet object.
TabNet.DecisionStep - Class in ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.tabular
DecisionStep is just combining featureTransformer and attentionTransformer together.
tabNetGLU(NDArray, int) - Static method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.tabular.TabNet
Applies tabNetGLU activation(which is mostly used in tabNet) on the input NDArray.
tabNetGLU(NDList, int) - Static method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.tabular.TabNet
Applies tabNetGLU activation(which is mostly used in tabNet) on the input singleton NDList.
tabNetGLUBlock(int) - Static method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.tabular.TabNet
Creates a LambdaBlock that applies the TabNet.tabNetGLU(NDArray, int) activation function in its forward function.


upSampleBlockNearest() - Static method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.yolo.YOLOV3
Builds a Block that represents an upSampleLayer(the nearest mode) for yolov3.


vgg(VGG.Builder) - Static method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.VGG
Creates a VGG block with the help of the VGG Builder.
VGG - Class in ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification
VGG model from the "Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition" https://arxiv.org/abs/1409.1556 paper.
VGG.Builder - Class in ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification
The Builder to construct a VGG object.
vggBlock(int, int) - Method in class ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.classification.VGG
Creates a constituent VGG block that becomes a part of the whole VGG model.


YOLOV3 - Class in ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.yolo
YOLOV3 contains a generic implementation of yolov3 (Original author bubbliiiing).
YOLOV3.Builder - Class in ai.djl.basicmodelzoo.cv.object_detection.yolo
The Builder to construct a YOLOV3 object.
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