Class EnhancedTTSP

  • public class EnhancedTTSP
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class provides a search graph generator for an augmented version of the timed TSP (TTSP) problem. In TTSP, the original route graph has not only one cost per edge (u,v) but a list of costs where each position in the list represents an hour of departure from u. That is, depending on the time when leaving u, the cost to reach v may vary. The intended time measure is hours. That is, the length of the lists of all edges should be identical and reflect the number of hours considered. Typically, this is 24 or a multiple of that, e.g. 7 * 24. Time is considered cyclic. That is, if you consider 24 hours and the current time is 25.5, then it is automatically set to 1.5. The TTSP is enhanced by the consideration of blocking times for the streets, e.g. on Sundays (as in Germany) or during nights (as in Austria or Switzerland). Blocking times are stored in a separated list of Booleans. Also, the TTSP is enhanced in that driving pauses need to be considered. That is, the driver must only drive x hours in a row and then make a break of duration y. In addition, there must be an uninterrupted break of z hours every day. IT IS ASSUMED THAT BREAKS CAN ONLY BE MADE AT LOCATIONS AND NOT "ON THE ROAD"!
    • Constructor Detail

      • EnhancedTTSP

        public EnhancedTTSP​(java.util.List<Location> locations,
                            short startLocation,
                            java.util.List<java.lang.Boolean> blockedHours,
                            double hourOfDeparture,
                            double maxConsecutiveDrivingTime,
                            double durationOfShortBreak,
                            double durationOfLongBreak)
    • Method Detail

      • getLocations

        public java.util.List<Location> getLocations()
      • getStartLocation

        public short getStartLocation()
      • getNumberOfConsideredHours

        public int getNumberOfConsideredHours()
      • getBlockedHours

        public java.util.List<java.lang.Boolean> getBlockedHours()
      • getHourOfDeparture

        public double getHourOfDeparture()
      • getDurationOfShortBreak

        public double getDurationOfShortBreak()
      • getDurationOfLongBreak

        public double getDurationOfLongBreak()
      • getMaxConsecutiveDrivingTime

        public double getMaxConsecutiveDrivingTime()
      • getMaxDrivingTimeBetweenLongBreaks

        public double getMaxDrivingTimeBetweenLongBreaks()
      • getPossibleDestinations

        public it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.shorts.ShortList getPossibleDestinations()
      • computeSuccessorState

        public EnhancedTTSPState computeSuccessorState​(EnhancedTTSPState n,
                                                       short destination)
                                                throws java.lang.InterruptedException
      • getPossibleRemainingDestinationsInState

        public it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.shorts.ShortList getPossibleRemainingDestinationsInState​(EnhancedTTSPState n)
      • getActualDrivingTimeWithoutBreak

        public double getActualDrivingTimeWithoutBreak​(double minTravelTime,
                                                       double departure,
                                                       double shareOfTheTripDone)
      • getShareOfTripWhenDrivingOverEdgeAtAGivenTimeForAGivenTimeWithoutDoingABreak

        public double getShareOfTripWhenDrivingOverEdgeAtAGivenTimeForAGivenTimeWithoutDoingABreak​(double minTravelTime,
                                                                                                   double departureOfCurrentPoint,
                                                                                                   double shareOfTripDone,
                                                                                                   double drivingTime)
      • getMinTravelTimeBetweenLocations

        public double getMinTravelTimeBetweenLocations​(short a,
                                                       short b)
      • getLongestMinTravelTimeBetweenTwoLocations

        public double getLongestMinTravelTimeBetweenTwoLocations()
      • getUpperBoundForAnyTour

        public double getUpperBoundForAnyTour()
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object