Type Members
case class
ARCContext(jobId: Option[String], jobName: Option[String], environment: String, environmentId: Option[String], configUri: Option[String], isStreaming: Boolean, ignoreEnvironments: Boolean, lifecyclePlugins: List[LifecyclePlugin], disableDependencyValidation: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable
case class
AvroExtract(name: String, description: Option[String], cols: Either[String, List[ExtractColumn]], outputView: String, input: Either[String, String], authentication: Option[Authentication], params: Map[String, String], persist: Boolean, numPartitions: Option[Int], partitionBy: List[String], contiguousIndex: Boolean, basePath: Option[String], avroSchema: Option[Schema], inputField: Option[String]) extends ColumnarExtract with Product with Serializable
case class
AvroLoad(name: String, description: Option[String], inputView: String, outputURI: URI, partitionBy: List[String], numPartitions: Option[Int], authentication: Option[Authentication], saveMode: SaveMode, params: Map[String, String]) extends Load with Product with Serializable
case class
AzureCosmosDBExtract(name: String, description: Option[String], cols: Either[String, List[ExtractColumn]], outputView: String, params: Map[String, String], persist: Boolean, numPartitions: Option[Int], partitionBy: List[String], config: Map[String, String]) extends Extract with Product with Serializable
case class
AzureEventHubsLoad(name: String, description: Option[String], inputView: String, namespaceName: String, eventHubName: String, sharedAccessSignatureKeyName: String, sharedAccessSignatureKey: String, numPartitions: Option[Int], retryMinBackoff: Long, retryMaxBackoff: Long, retryCount: Int, params: Map[String, String]) extends Load with Product with Serializable
case class
BinaryColumn(id: String, name: String, description: Option[String], nullable: Boolean, nullReplacementValue: Option[String], trim: Boolean, nullableValues: List[String], encoding: EncodingType, metadata: Option[String]) extends ExtractColumn with Product with Serializable
case class
BooleanColumn(id: String, name: String, description: Option[String], nullable: Boolean, nullReplacementValue: Option[String], trim: Boolean, nullableValues: List[String], trueValues: List[String], falseValues: List[String], metadata: Option[String]) extends ExtractColumn with Product with Serializable
case class
BytesExtract(name: String, description: Option[String], outputView: String, input: Either[String, String], authentication: Option[Authentication], params: Map[String, String], persist: Boolean, numPartitions: Option[Int], contiguousIndex: Boolean, failMode: FailModeType) extends Extract with Product with Serializable
case class
ConsoleLoad(name: String, description: Option[String], inputView: String, outputMode: OutputModeType, params: Map[String, String]) extends Load with Product with Serializable
case class
CsvReaderOptions(hasHeader: Boolean, ignoreHeader: Boolean, delimiter: Char) extends ExtractReaderOptions with Product with Serializable
case class
CustomStage(name: String, params: Map[String, String], stage: PipelineStagePlugin) extends PipelineStage with Product with Serializable
case class
DatabricksDeltaExtract(name: String, description: Option[String], outputView: String, input: String, params: Map[String, String], persist: Boolean, numPartitions: Option[Int], partitionBy: List[String]) extends Extract with Product with Serializable
case class
DatabricksDeltaLoad(name: String, description: Option[String], inputView: String, outputURI: URI, partitionBy: List[String], numPartitions: Option[Int], saveMode: SaveMode, params: Map[String, String]) extends Load with Product with Serializable
case class
DatabricksSQLDWLoad(name: String, description: Option[String], inputView: String, jdbcURL: String, driver: Driver, tempDir: String, dbTable: String, forwardSparkAzureStorageCredentials: Boolean, tableOptions: Option[String], maxStrLength: Int, authentication: Option[Authentication], params: Map[String, String]) extends Load with Product with Serializable
case class
DateColumn(id: String, name: String, description: Option[String], nullable: Boolean, nullReplacementValue: Option[String], trim: Boolean, nullableValues: List[String], formatters: List[String], metadata: Option[String], strict: Boolean) extends ExtractColumn with Product with Serializable
case class
DecimalColumn(id: String, name: String, description: Option[String], nullable: Boolean, nullReplacementValue: Option[String], trim: Boolean, nullableValues: List[String], precision: Int, scale: Int, metadata: Option[String], formatters: Option[List[String]]) extends ExtractColumn with Product with Serializable
case class
DelimitedExtract(name: String, description: Option[String], cols: Either[String, List[ExtractColumn]], outputView: String, input: Either[String, String], settings: Delimited, authentication: Option[Authentication], params: Map[String, String], persist: Boolean, numPartitions: Option[Int], partitionBy: List[String], contiguousIndex: Boolean, inputField: Option[String], basePath: Option[String]) extends ColumnarExtract with Product with Serializable
case class
DelimitedLoad(name: String, description: Option[String], inputView: String, outputURI: URI, settings: Delimited, partitionBy: List[String], numPartitions: Option[Int], authentication: Option[Authentication], saveMode: SaveMode, params: Map[String, String]) extends Load with Product with Serializable
case class
DiffTransform(name: String, description: Option[String], inputLeftView: String, inputRightView: String, outputIntersectionView: Option[String], outputLeftView: Option[String], outputRightView: Option[String], params: Map[String, String], persist: Boolean) extends PersistableTransform with Product with Serializable
case class
DoubleColumn(id: String, name: String, description: Option[String], nullable: Boolean, nullReplacementValue: Option[String], trim: Boolean, nullableValues: List[String], metadata: Option[String], formatters: Option[List[String]]) extends ExtractColumn with Product with Serializable
case class
ETLPipeline(stages: List[PipelineStage]) extends Product with Serializable
case class
ElasticsearchExtract(name: String, description: Option[String], input: String, outputView: String, params: Map[String, String], persist: Boolean, numPartitions: Option[Int], partitionBy: List[String]) extends Extract with Product with Serializable
case class
ElasticsearchLoad(name: String, description: Option[String], inputView: String, output: String, partitionBy: List[String], numPartitions: Option[Int], saveMode: SaveMode, params: Map[String, String]) extends Load with Product with Serializable
EncodingType extends AnyRef
case class
EqualityValidate(name: String, description: Option[String], leftView: String, rightView: String, params: Map[String, String]) extends Validate with Product with Serializable
case class
ErrorRow(row: String, rowIndex: Long, err: String) extends Product with Serializable
ExtractColumn extends AnyRef
FailModeType extends AnyRef
case class
HTTPExecute(name: String, description: Option[String], uri: URI, headers: Map[String, String], payloads: Map[String, String], validStatusCodes: List[Int], params: Map[String, String]) extends Execute with Product with Serializable
case class
HTTPExtract(name: String, description: Option[String], input: Either[String, URI], method: String, headers: Map[String, String], body: Option[String], validStatusCodes: List[Int], outputView: String, params: Map[String, String], persist: Boolean, numPartitions: Option[Int], partitionBy: List[String], uriField: Option[String], bodyField: Option[String]) extends Extract with Product with Serializable
case class
HTTPLoad(name: String, description: Option[String], inputView: String, outputURI: URI, headers: Map[String, String], validStatusCodes: List[Int], params: Map[String, String]) extends Load with Product with Serializable
case class
HTTPTransform(name: String, description: Option[String], uri: URI, headers: Map[String, String], validStatusCodes: List[Int], inputView: String, outputView: String, inputField: String, params: Map[String, String], persist: Boolean, batchSize: Int, delimiter: String, numPartitions: Option[Int], partitionBy: List[String], failMode: FailModeType) extends PersistableTransform with Product with Serializable
case class
ImageExtract(name: String, description: Option[String], outputView: String, input: String, authentication: Option[Authentication], params: Map[String, String], persist: Boolean, numPartitions: Option[Int], partitionBy: List[String], dropInvalid: Boolean, basePath: Option[String]) extends Extract with Product with Serializable
case class
IntegerColumn(id: String, name: String, description: Option[String], nullable: Boolean, nullReplacementValue: Option[String], trim: Boolean = true, nullableValues: List[String], metadata: Option[String], formatters: Option[List[String]]) extends ExtractColumn with Product with Serializable
case class
JDBCExecute(name: String, description: Option[String], inputURI: URI, jdbcURL: String, user: Option[String], password: Option[String], sql: String, sqlParams: Map[String, String], params: Map[String, String]) extends Execute with Product with Serializable
case class
JDBCExtract(name: String, description: Option[String], cols: Either[String, List[ExtractColumn]], outputView: String, jdbcURL: String, tableName: String, numPartitions: Option[Int], fetchsize: Option[Int], customSchema: Option[String], driver: Driver, partitionColumn: Option[String], params: Map[String, String], persist: Boolean, partitionBy: List[String], predicates: List[String]) extends Extract with Product with Serializable
case class
JDBCLoad(name: String, description: Option[String], inputView: String, jdbcURL: String, tableName: String, partitionBy: List[String], numPartitions: Option[Int], isolationLevel: IsolationLevelType, batchsize: Int, truncate: Boolean, createTableOptions: Option[String], createTableColumnTypes: Option[String], saveMode: SaveMode, driver: Driver, bulkload: Boolean, tablock: Boolean, params: Map[String, String]) extends Load with Product with Serializable
case class
JSONExtract(name: String, description: Option[String], cols: Either[String, List[ExtractColumn]], outputView: String, input: Either[String, String], settings: JSON, authentication: Option[Authentication], params: Map[String, String], persist: Boolean, numPartitions: Option[Int], partitionBy: List[String], contiguousIndex: Boolean, inputField: Option[String], basePath: Option[String]) extends ColumnarExtract with Product with Serializable
case class
JSONLoad(name: String, description: Option[String], inputView: String, outputURI: URI, partitionBy: List[String], numPartitions: Option[Int], authentication: Option[Authentication], saveMode: SaveMode, params: Map[String, String]) extends Load with Product with Serializable
case class
JSONTransform(name: String, description: Option[String], inputView: String, outputView: String, params: Map[String, String], persist: Boolean, numPartitions: Option[Int], partitionBy: List[String]) extends PersistableTransform with Product with Serializable
case class
KafkaCommitExecute(name: String, description: Option[String], inputView: String, bootstrapServers: String, groupID: String, params: Map[String, String]) extends Execute with Product with Serializable
case class
KafkaExtract(name: String, description: Option[String], outputView: String, topic: String, bootstrapServers: String, groupID: String, maxPollRecords: Int, timeout: Long, autoCommit: Boolean, params: Map[String, String], persist: Boolean, numPartitions: Option[Int], partitionBy: List[String]) extends Extract with Product with Serializable
case class
KafkaLoad(name: String, description: Option[String], inputView: String, topic: String, bootstrapServers: String, acks: Int, numPartitions: Option[Int], retries: Int, batchSize: Int, params: Map[String, String]) extends Load with Product with Serializable
case class
LongColumn(id: String, name: String, description: Option[String], nullable: Boolean, nullReplacementValue: Option[String], trim: Boolean, nullableValues: List[String], metadata: Option[String], formatters: Option[List[String]]) extends ExtractColumn with Product with Serializable
case class
MLTransform(name: String, description: Option[String], inputURI: URI, model: Either[PipelineModel, CrossValidatorModel], inputView: String, outputView: String, params: Map[String, String], persist: Boolean, numPartitions: Option[Int], partitionBy: List[String]) extends PersistableTransform with Product with Serializable
case class
MetadataFilterTransform(name: String, description: Option[String], inputView: String, inputURI: URI, sql: String, outputView: String, params: Map[String, String], sqlParams: Map[String, String], persist: Boolean, numPartitions: Option[Int], partitionBy: List[String]) extends PersistableTransform with Product with Serializable
case class
MetadataSchema(name: String, format: MetadataFormat) extends Product with Serializable
case class
ORCExtract(name: String, description: Option[String], cols: Either[String, List[ExtractColumn]], outputView: String, input: String, authentication: Option[Authentication], params: Map[String, String], persist: Boolean, numPartitions: Option[Int], partitionBy: List[String], contiguousIndex: Boolean, basePath: Option[String]) extends ColumnarExtract with Product with Serializable
case class
ORCLoad(name: String, description: Option[String], inputView: String, outputURI: URI, partitionBy: List[String], numPartitions: Option[Int], authentication: Option[Authentication], saveMode: SaveMode, params: Map[String, String]) extends Load with Product with Serializable
case class
ParquetExtract(name: String, description: Option[String], cols: Either[String, List[ExtractColumn]], outputView: String, input: String, authentication: Option[Authentication], params: Map[String, String], persist: Boolean, numPartitions: Option[Int], partitionBy: List[String], contiguousIndex: Boolean, basePath: Option[String]) extends ColumnarExtract with Product with Serializable
case class
ParquetLoad(name: String, description: Option[String], inputView: String, outputURI: URI, partitionBy: List[String], numPartitions: Option[Int], authentication: Option[Authentication], saveMode: SaveMode, params: Map[String, String]) extends Load with Product with Serializable
case class
PipelineExecute(name: String, description: Option[String], uri: URI, pipeline: ETLPipeline) extends Execute with Product with Serializable
PipelineStage extends AnyRef
case class
RateExtract(name: String, description: Option[String], outputView: String, params: Map[String, String], rowsPerSecond: Int, rampUpTime: Int, numPartitions: Int) extends Extract with Product with Serializable
ResponseType extends AnyRef
case class
SQLTransform(name: String, description: Option[String], inputURI: URI, sql: String, outputView: String, params: Map[String, String], sqlParams: Map[String, String], persist: Boolean, numPartitions: Option[Int], partitionBy: List[String]) extends PersistableTransform with Product with Serializable
case class
SQLValidate(name: String, description: Option[String], inputURI: URI, sql: String, sqlParams: Map[String, String], params: Map[String, String]) extends Validate with Product with Serializable
case class
StringColumn(id: String, name: String, description: Option[String], nullable: Boolean, nullReplacementValue: Option[String], trim: Boolean, nullableValues: List[String], metadata: Option[String], minLength: Option[Int], maxLength: Option[Int]) extends ExtractColumn with Product with Serializable
case class
TensorFlowServingTransform(name: String, description: Option[String], inputView: String, outputView: String, uri: URI, signatureName: Option[String], responseType: ResponseType, batchSize: Int, inputField: String, params: Map[String, String], persist: Boolean, numPartitions: Option[Int], partitionBy: List[String]) extends PersistableTransform with Product with Serializable
case class
TextExtract(name: String, description: Option[String], cols: Either[String, List[ExtractColumn]], outputView: String, input: String, authentication: Option[Authentication], params: Map[String, String], persist: Boolean, numPartitions: Option[Int], contiguousIndex: Boolean, multiLine: Boolean, basePath: Option[String]) extends ColumnarExtract with Product with Serializable
case class
TextLoad(name: String, description: Option[String], inputView: String, outputURI: URI, numPartitions: Option[Int], authentication: Option[Authentication], saveMode: SaveMode, params: Map[String, String], singleFile: Boolean, prefix: String, separator: String, suffix: String) extends Load with Product with Serializable
case class
TimeColumn(id: String, name: String, description: Option[String], nullable: Boolean, nullReplacementValue: Option[String], trim: Boolean, nullableValues: List[String], formatters: List[String], metadata: Option[String]) extends ExtractColumn with Product with Serializable
case class
TimestampColumn(id: String, name: String, description: Option[String], nullable: Boolean, nullReplacementValue: Option[String], trim: Boolean, nullableValues: List[String], timezoneId: String, formatters: List[String], time: Option[LocalTime], metadata: Option[String], strict: Boolean) extends ExtractColumn with Product with Serializable
case class
TypingError(field: String, message: String) extends Product with Serializable
case class
TypingTransform(name: String, description: Option[String], cols: Either[String, List[ExtractColumn]], inputView: String, outputView: String, params: Map[String, String], persist: Boolean, failMode: FailModeType, numPartitions: Option[Int], partitionBy: List[String]) extends PersistableTransform with ColumnarExtract with Product with Serializable
case class
XMLExtract(name: String, description: Option[String], cols: Either[String, List[ExtractColumn]], outputView: String, input: Either[String, String], authentication: Option[Authentication], params: Map[String, String], persist: Boolean, numPartitions: Option[Int], partitionBy: List[String], contiguousIndex: Boolean) extends Extract with Product with Serializable
case class
XMLLoad(name: String, description: Option[String], inputView: String, outputURI: URI, partitionBy: List[String], numPartitions: Option[Int], authentication: Option[Authentication], saveMode: SaveMode, params: Map[String, String]) extends Load with Product with Serializable
Value Members
!=(arg0: Any): Boolean
##(): Int
==(arg0: Any): Boolean
TypingError extends Serializable
asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
clone(): AnyRef
eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
equals(arg0: Any): Boolean
finalize(): Unit
getClass(): Class[_]
hashCode(): Int
isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
notify(): Unit
notifyAll(): Unit
synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0
toString(): String
wait(): Unit
wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
wait(arg0: Long): Unit
Inherited from AnyRef
Inherited from Any
The API defines the model for a pipline. It is made up of stages, extract, transform and load with their respective settings.