


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def anonDecrypt(recipientKidsKeys: Seq[(VerificationMethodReferenced, PrivateKey)], msg: EncryptedMessage): IO[DidFail, Array[Byte]]
override def anonEncrypt(recipientKidsKeys: Seq[(VerificationMethodReferenced, PublicKey)], data: Array[Byte]): IO[CryptoFailed, EncryptedMessage]

anoncrypt - Guarantees confidentiality and integrity without revealing the identity of the sender.

anoncrypt - Guarantees confidentiality and integrity without revealing the identity of the sender.


Definition Classes
def anoncryptEC(ecRecipientsKeys: Seq[(VerificationMethodReferenced, ECKey)], clearText: Array[Byte]): IO[CryptoFailed, EncryptedMessage]
def anoncryptOKP(okpRecipientKeys: Seq[(VerificationMethodReferenced, OKPKey)], clearText: Array[Byte]): IO[CryptoFailed, EncryptedMessage]
def authDecrypt(senderKey: PublicKey, recipientKidsKeys: Seq[(VerificationMethodReferenced, PrivateKey)], msg: EncryptedMessage): IO[DidFail, Array[Byte]]
override def authEncrypt(senderKidKey: (VerificationMethodReferenced, PrivateKey), recipientKidsKeys: Seq[(VerificationMethodReferenced, PublicKey)], data: Array[Byte]): IO[CryptoFailed, EncryptedMessage]

authcrypt - Guarantees confidentiality and integrity. Also proves the identity of the sender – but in a way that only the recipient can verify. This is the default wrapping choice, and SHOULD be used unless a different goal is clearly identified. By design, this combination and all other combinations that use encryption in their outermost layer share an identical IANA media type, because only the recipient should care about the difference.

authcrypt - Guarantees confidentiality and integrity. Also proves the identity of the sender – but in a way that only the recipient can verify. This is the default wrapping choice, and SHOULD be used unless a different goal is clearly identified. By design, this combination and all other combinations that use encryption in their outermost layer share an identical IANA media type, because only the recipient should care about the difference.


Definition Classes
def authcryptEC(senderKidKey: (VerificationMethodReferenced, ECKey), recipientKeys: Seq[VerificationMethodReferencedWithKey[ECPublicKey]], clearText: Array[Byte]): IO[CryptoFailed, EncryptedMessage]
def authcryptOKP(senderKidKey: (VerificationMethodReferenced, OKPKey), recipientKeys: Seq[VerificationMethodReferencedWithKey[OKPPublicKey]], clearText: Array[Byte]): IO[CryptoFailed, EncryptedMessage]
override def sign(key: PrivateKey, plaintext: PlaintextMessage): IO[CryptoFailed, SignedMessage]


Definition Classes
override def verify(key: PublicKey, jwm: SignedMessage): IO[CryptoFailed, Boolean]


Definition Classes