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activation() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.ClientWrapper
activation() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.RequestHandler
ActivationController<T extends Subject> - Class in be.cylab.mark.activation
The activation controller uses the micro batching principle: https://streaml.io/resources/tutorials/concepts/understanding-batch- microbatch-streaming Events are continuously collected (with notifyRawData and notifyEvidence).In a separate thread, every few secondes (defined by Config.update_interval), analysis jobs are triggered.
ActivationController(Config, ExecutorInterface) - Constructor for class be.cylab.mark.activation.ActivationController
ActivationControllerInterface<T extends Subject> - Interface in be.cylab.mark.activation
addEvidence(Evidence) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.ClientWrapper
addEvidence(Evidence) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.RequestHandler
addFile(byte[], String) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.ClientWrapper
addFile(byte[], String) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.RequestHandler
addProfile(DetectionAgentProfile) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.ActivationController
Add the profile for a new detector.
addRawData(RawData) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.ClientWrapper
addRawData(RawData) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.RequestHandler
analyze(Event, DetectionAgentProfile, ServerInterface) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.detection.Average
analyze(Event, DetectionAgentProfile, ServerInterface) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.detection.Counter
analyze(Event, DetectionAgentProfile, ServerInterface) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.detection.Frequency
Analyze function inherited from the DetectionAgentInterface.
analyze(Event, DetectionAgentProfile, ServerInterface) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.detection.Max
analyze(Event, DetectionAgentProfile, ServerInterface) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.detection.OWAverage
analyze(Event, DetectionAgentProfile, ServerInterface) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.detection.Run
analyze(Event, DetectionAgentProfile, ServerInterface) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.detection.Threshold
analyze(Event, DetectionAgentProfile, ServerInterface) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.detection.TimeAverage
analyze(Event, DetectionAgentProfile, ServerInterface) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.detection.WOWAgregation
Average - Class in be.cylab.mark.detection
Average() - Constructor for class be.cylab.mark.detection.Average
awaitTermination() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.ActivationController
Ask executor to shutdown then wait for tasks to finish.
awaitTermination() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Server


be.cylab.mark.activation - package be.cylab.mark.activation
be.cylab.mark.data - package be.cylab.mark.data
be.cylab.mark.datastore - package be.cylab.mark.datastore
be.cylab.mark.detection - package be.cylab.mark.detection
be.cylab.mark.server - package be.cylab.mark.server
BillingModule - Class in be.cylab.mark.server
Used for dependency injection, and avoid the utilization of "new".
BillingModule(File) - Constructor for class be.cylab.mark.server.BillingModule
Constructor of BillingModule.


ClientWrapper<T extends Subject> - Class in be.cylab.mark.activation
A wrapper around the datastore client code that performs some additional tasks before reading / writing data or evidences to the datastore.
ClientWrapper(URL, SubjectAdapter, DetectionAgentProfile) - Constructor for class be.cylab.mark.activation.ClientWrapper
compareAndSwapInCache(String, Object, Object) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.ClientWrapper
compareAndSwapInCache(String, Object, Object) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.RequestHandler
synchronized block because multiple agents can acces to the cache at the same time.
Config - Class in be.cylab.mark.server
Config() - Constructor for class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
Instantiate a new default configuration.
configure() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.BillingModule
convert(Evidence) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.MongoParser
Convert from Evidence to MongoDB document.
convert(RawData) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.MongoParser
Convert from RawData to MongoDB document.
convert(Map) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.MongoParser
convert(Document) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.MongoParser
Convert from MongoDB document to RawData.
convertEvidence(Document) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.MongoParser
convertToMap(Document) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.MongoParser
Counter - Class in be.cylab.mark.detection
Counter() - Constructor for class be.cylab.mark.detection.Counter


DATA - Static variable in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.MongoParser
DATA field.
DataAgentContainer - Class in be.cylab.mark.data
DataAgentContainer(DataAgentProfile, Config) - Constructor for class be.cylab.mark.data.DataAgentContainer
Datastore - Class in be.cylab.mark.datastore
Datastore(Config, ActivationControllerInterface) - Constructor for class be.cylab.mark.datastore.Datastore
DatastoreFactory - Interface in be.cylab.mark.activation
DefaultDatastoreFactory - Class in be.cylab.mark.activation
DefaultDatastoreFactory(SubjectAdapter) - Constructor for class be.cylab.mark.activation.DefaultDatastoreFactory
deserialize(JsonNode) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.DummySubjectAdapter
DetectionAgentContainer<T extends Subject> - Class in be.cylab.mark.activation
Container for running a detection agent.
DetectionAgentContainer(Event<T>, URL, SubjectAdapter<T>, DetectionAgentProfile, DetectionAgentInterface<T>) - Constructor for class be.cylab.mark.activation.DetectionAgentContainer
determineMembership(double) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.detection.FuzzyLogic
Compute the membership functions given two points.
doRun() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.ActivationController
doRun() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.SafeThread
DummySubject - Class in be.cylab.mark.server
DummySubject(String) - Constructor for class be.cylab.mark.server.DummySubject
DummySubjectAdapter - Class in be.cylab.mark.server
DummySubjectAdapter() - Constructor for class be.cylab.mark.server.DummySubjectAdapter


ENV_MONGO_HOST - Static variable in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
Env variable for setting mongodb host.
equals(Object) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.DummySubject
ExecutorInterface - Interface in be.cylab.mark.activation
The actual detection jobs can be executed by any platform that implements this interface.


findData(Document) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.ClientWrapper
findData(Document) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.RequestHandler
findData(Document, int) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.RequestHandler
findDistinctEntries(String) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.RequestHandler
findEvidence(String) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.ClientWrapper
findEvidence(String) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.RequestHandler
findEvidence(String, int) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.ClientWrapper
findEvidence(String, int) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.RequestHandler
Keep only one evidence per subject: the most recent one.
findEvidence(String, Subject) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.ClientWrapper
findEvidence(String, Subject) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.RequestHandler
findEvidenceById(String) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.ClientWrapper
findEvidenceById(String) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.RequestHandler
Get a single evidence by id, or throw an exception if id is not valid.
findEvidenceSince(String, Subject, long) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.ClientWrapper
findEvidenceSince(String, Subject, long) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.RequestHandler
findFile(ObjectId) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.ClientWrapper
findFile(ObjectId) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.RequestHandler
findLastEvidences(String, Subject) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.ClientWrapper
findLastEvidences(String, Subject) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.RequestHandler
findRawData(String, Subject, long, long) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.ClientWrapper
findRawData(String, Subject, long, long) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.RequestHandler
findUniqueSubjects(Document) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.RequestHandler
Get the number of unique subjects(Client Server couples) in the database.
Frequency - Class in be.cylab.mark.detection
Perform a frequency analysis over the data regarding this subject.
Frequency() - Constructor for class be.cylab.mark.detection.Frequency
fromFile(File) - Static method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
Build a configuration from a file.
fromInputStream(InputStream) - Static method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
Build configuration from input stream (usually a resource packed with the jar).
fuzzyAnd(double[]) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.detection.FuzzyLogic
Method for determining the min() of an array of values.
FuzzyLogic - Class in be.cylab.mark.detection
Implements fuzzy logic membership function.
FuzzyLogic(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class be.cylab.mark.detection.FuzzyLogic
fuzzyOr(double[]) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.detection.FuzzyLogic


getAdapterClass() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
getConfiguration(LoggerContext, String, URI) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Log4JConfig
getConfiguration(LoggerContext, ConfigurationSource) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Log4JConfig
getDatastoreUrl() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
getExecutorClass() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
getExecutorStatus() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.ActivationController
getExecutorStatus() - Method in interface be.cylab.mark.activation.ActivationControllerInterface
getFromCache(String) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.ClientWrapper
getFromCache(String) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.RequestHandler
getIdleTimeout() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
getInstance(String) - Method in interface be.cylab.mark.activation.DatastoreFactory
getInstance(String) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.DefaultDatastoreFactory
getLastRequest() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.JsonRequestListener
getLogDirectory() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
getMaxPendingRequests() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
getMaxThreads() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
getMinThreads() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
getModules() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
getModulesDirectory() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
getMongodb() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.Datastore
getMongoDb() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
getMongoHost() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
getMongoPort() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
getName() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.DummySubject
getProfiles() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.ActivationController
getProfiles() - Method in interface be.cylab.mark.activation.ActivationControllerInterface
getRequestHandler() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.Datastore
getServerBind() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
getServerHost() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
getServerPort() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
getStatus() - Method in interface be.cylab.mark.activation.ExecutorInterface
Get the status of the backend executor.
getStatus() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.IgniteExecutor
getStatus() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.ThreadsExecutor
getSubjectAdapter() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
getSupportedTypes() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Log4JConfig
getTestConfig() - Static method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
Instantiate a config for tests: updated interval = 1s, clean db at startup.
getThrown() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.SafeThread
Will be used by the server to check if the underlying thread has suffered an exception.
getUpdateInterval() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
getURL() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.ClientWrapper
getURL() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.RequestHandler


hashCode() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.DummySubject
history() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.ClientWrapper
history() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.RequestHandler


IgniteExecutor - Class in be.cylab.mark.activation
Allows to run our detection jobs using an Apache Ignite cluster.
IgniteExecutor(Config) - Constructor for class be.cylab.mark.activation.IgniteExecutor
isIgniteAutodiscovery() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
isIgniteStartServer() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
isMongoClean() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
isRunning() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.ActivationController
isRunning() - Method in interface be.cylab.mark.activation.ActivationControllerInterface
Check if running.


JsonRequestListener - Class in be.cylab.mark.activation
Used to track requests performed by the client, so we can keep track of data used by the different detection algorithms.
JsonRequestListener() - Constructor for class be.cylab.mark.activation.JsonRequestListener


LABEL - Static variable in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.MongoParser
LABEL field.
Log4JConfig - Class in be.cylab.mark.server
Log4JConfig() - Constructor for class be.cylab.mark.server.Log4JConfig


main(String[]) - Static method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Main
Main - Class in be.cylab.mark.server
Max - Class in be.cylab.mark.detection
This operator keeps the highest score produced by a detector during specified time window.
Max() - Constructor for class be.cylab.mark.detection.Max
MongoParser - Class in be.cylab.mark.datastore
Parses RawData and Evidence to Mongo documents.
MongoParser(SubjectAdapter) - Constructor for class be.cylab.mark.datastore.MongoParser
Monitor - Class in be.cylab.mark.server
Monitor(Datastore) - Constructor for class be.cylab.mark.server.Monitor


notifyEvidence(Evidence<T>) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.ActivationController
notifyEvidence(Evidence<T>) - Method in interface be.cylab.mark.activation.ActivationControllerInterface
notifyRawData(RawData<T>) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.ActivationController
Trigger required tasks for this new RawData.
notifyRawData(RawData<T>) - Method in interface be.cylab.mark.activation.ActivationControllerInterface
Trigger required tasks for this new RawData.


onBeforeRequestSent(JsonRpcClient, ObjectNode) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.JsonRequestListener
onBeforeResponseProcessed(JsonRpcClient, ObjectNode) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.JsonRequestListener
OWAverage - Class in be.cylab.mark.detection
OWAverage() - Constructor for class be.cylab.mark.detection.OWAverage


pause() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.ClientWrapper
pause() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.RequestHandler
pauseExecution() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.ActivationController
pauseExecution() - Method in interface be.cylab.mark.activation.ActivationControllerInterface
Pause execution.


readFromMongo(Document) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.DummySubjectAdapter
REFERENCES - Static variable in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.MongoParser
reload() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.ActivationController
reload() - Method in interface be.cylab.mark.activation.ActivationControllerInterface
Reload configuration files for detection agent profiles.
reload() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.ClientWrapper
reload() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.RequestHandler
REPORT - Static variable in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.MongoParser
REPORT field.
RequestHandler - Class in be.cylab.mark.datastore
RequestHandler(MongoDatabase, ActivationControllerInterface, SubjectAdapter, MongoParser) - Constructor for class be.cylab.mark.datastore.RequestHandler
resume() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.ClientWrapper
resume() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.RequestHandler
resumeExecution() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.ActivationController
resumeExecution() - Method in interface be.cylab.mark.activation.ActivationControllerInterface
Resume execution.
run() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.DetectionAgentContainer
run() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.data.DataAgentContainer
run() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Monitor
run() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.SafeThread
Run - Class in be.cylab.mark.detection
Detection agent that runs an external command.
Run() - Constructor for class be.cylab.mark.detection.Run


SafeThread - Class in be.cylab.mark.server
SafeThread() - Constructor for class be.cylab.mark.server.SafeThread
SCORE - Static variable in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.MongoParser
SCORE field.
Server - Class in be.cylab.mark.server
Represents a MARK server.
Server(Config, ActivationController, Datastore) - Constructor for class be.cylab.mark.server.Server
Initialize a server with default configuration, dummy subject adapter, no data agents and no detection agents.
setAdapterClass(String) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
setExecutorClass(String) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
setIdleTimeout(int) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
setIgniteAutodiscovery(boolean) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
setIgniteStartServer(boolean) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
setLogDirectory(String) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
setMaxPendingRequests(int) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
setMaxThreads(int) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
setMinThreads(int) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
setModules(String) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
setMongoClean(boolean) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
setMongoDb(String) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
setMongoHost(String) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
setMongoPort(int) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
setServerBind(String) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
setServerHost(String) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
setServerPort(int) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
setUpdateInterval(int) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
shutdown() - Method in interface be.cylab.mark.activation.ExecutorInterface
shutdown() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.IgniteExecutor
shutdown() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.ThreadsExecutor
start() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.Datastore
Start the datastore.This will start the json-rpc server in a separate thread and return when the server is ready.
start() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Server
Non-blocking start the datastore and data agents (sources) in separate threads.
status() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.ClientWrapper
status() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.RequestHandler
stop() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.Datastore
Stop the datastore.
stop() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Server
Stop the data agents, wait for all detection agents to complete and eventually stop the datastore.
storeInCache(String, Object) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.ClientWrapper
storeInCache(String, Object) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.RequestHandler
submit(Runnable) - Method in interface be.cylab.mark.activation.ExecutorInterface
Run this job.
submit(Runnable) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.IgniteExecutor
submit(Runnable) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.ThreadsExecutor


test() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.ClientWrapper
test() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.RequestHandler
Should return the string 1.
testProfiles() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.ActivationController
Test the profiles: instantiate (without running) one of each task defined in the profiles.
testString(String) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.activation.ClientWrapper
testString(String) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.RequestHandler
Test RPC method that accepts a single string parameter.
ThreadsExecutor - Class in be.cylab.mark.activation
ThreadsExecutor() - Constructor for class be.cylab.mark.activation.ThreadsExecutor
Threshold - Class in be.cylab.mark.detection
This operator keeps the highest score produced by a detector during specified time window.
Threshold() - Constructor for class be.cylab.mark.detection.Threshold
TIME - Static variable in class be.cylab.mark.datastore.MongoParser
TIME field.
TimeAverage - Class in be.cylab.mark.detection
TimeAverage() - Constructor for class be.cylab.mark.detection.TimeAverage
toString() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
toString() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.DummySubject


validate() - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.Config
Check that this configuration is valid.


WOWAgregation - Class in be.cylab.mark.detection
WOWAgregation() - Constructor for class be.cylab.mark.detection.WOWAgregation
writeToMongo(DummySubject, Document) - Method in class be.cylab.mark.server.DummySubjectAdapter
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