Class Frequency

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Frequency
    extends Object
    implements DetectionAgentInterface
    Perform a frequency analysis over the data regarding this subject. It will trigger an alert if a frequency peak is largely above the average.

    The threshold for producing an alert is computed as average + threshold_coeficient * standard deviation.

    The score is computed using the relative_peak_value = peak_value / threshold:

    • score = 0 if relative_peak_value is less than relative_value_0
    • score = 1 if relative_peak_value is more than relative_value_1
    • perform linear regression between these values


    • time_window in seconds (default 604800 - 1 week)
    • sampling_interval in seconds (default 60 seconds)
    • min_raw_data (default 50)
    • threshold_coeficient (default 6.0)
    • relative_value_0 (default 1)
    • relative_value_1 (default 3)
    Thibault Debatty