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addFrameListener(FrameListener) - Method in interface be.yildizgames.common.frame.FrameManager


BaseFrameListener - Class in be.yildizgames.common.frame
Listen when a frame starts and finishes, the frame end method provide the time since the last frame.
BaseFrameListener() - Constructor for class be.yildizgames.common.frame.BaseFrameListener
Simple constructor.
be.yildizgames.common.frame - module be.yildizgames.common.frame
be.yildizgames.common.frame - package be.yildizgames.common.frame
This package contains all the classes necessary to handle properly frame.


EndFrameListener - Class in be.yildizgames.common.frame
The listener will be notified when the frame finishes and will provide the time since the last frame.
EndFrameListener() - Constructor for class be.yildizgames.common.frame.EndFrameListener


frameEnded() - Method in class be.yildizgames.common.frame.BaseFrameListener
Called when a frame ends.
frameEnded() - Method in interface be.yildizgames.common.frame.FrameListener
Called when a frame ends, if you need the time used in this frame, use frameEnded(long time) instead.
frameEnded() - Method in class be.yildizgames.common.frame.StartFrameListener
Does nothing.
frameEnded(long) - Method in interface be.yildizgames.common.frame.FrameListener
Called when a frame ends.
frameEnded(long) - Method in class be.yildizgames.common.frame.StartFrameListener
Does nothing.
FrameListener - Interface in be.yildizgames.common.frame
A FrameListener is a listener fired in every frame, it will be invoked at the start, and at the end.
FrameManager - Interface in be.yildizgames.common.frame
The manager is able to add and invoke the frame listeners.
frameStarted() - Method in class be.yildizgames.common.frame.EndFrameListener
Does nothing.
frameStarted() - Method in interface be.yildizgames.common.frame.FrameListener
Called when a frame begins.


StartFrameListener - Class in be.yildizgames.common.frame
The listener will be notified only when the frame starts.
StartFrameListener() - Constructor for class be.yildizgames.common.frame.StartFrameListener
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