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addChild(Movable) - Method in interface be.yildizgames.common.gameobject.Movable
addOptionalChild(Movable) - Method in interface be.yildizgames.common.gameobject.Movable
attachTo(Movable) - Method in interface be.yildizgames.common.gameobject.Movable
Attach this object to another, this object will always follow the other moves and rotations.
attachToOptional(Movable) - Method in interface be.yildizgames.common.gameobject.Movable
Attach this object to another, this object will always follow the other moves and rotations, if the other object is deleted, this one will simply be detached.


be.yildizgames.common.gameobject - module be.yildizgames.common.gameobject
be.yildizgames.common.gameobject - package be.yildizgames.common.gameobject
Contains data classes to build game objectq.


CollisionListener - Interface in be.yildizgames.common.gameobject
Listener to notify when 2 object collides or if 2 objects are no longer colliding.
CollisionResult - Class in be.yildizgames.common.gameobject
Contains the result of a collision between 2 objects.
CollisionResult(EntityId, EntityId) - Constructor for class be.yildizgames.common.gameobject.CollisionResult
contains(EntityId) - Method in class be.yildizgames.common.gameobject.CollisionResult
Check if an id is implied in this collision.
contains(EntityIdentifiable) - Method in class be.yildizgames.common.gameobject.CollisionResult
contains(EntityIdentifiable, EntityIdentifiable) - Method in class be.yildizgames.common.gameobject.CollisionResult
contains(EntityId, EntityId) - Method in class be.yildizgames.common.gameobject.CollisionResult
containsAndNot(EntityIdentifiable, EntityIdentifiable) - Method in class be.yildizgames.common.gameobject.CollisionResult
containsAndNot(EntityId, EntityId) - Method in class be.yildizgames.common.gameobject.CollisionResult


Deletable - Interface in be.yildizgames.common.gameobject
This object must be manually deleted.
delete() - Method in interface be.yildizgames.common.gameobject.Deletable
Delete this object.
delete() - Method in interface be.yildizgames.common.gameobject.GameMaterialization
Delete the graphic/physic object.
detachFromParent() - Method in interface be.yildizgames.common.gameobject.Movable


equals(Object) - Method in class be.yildizgames.common.gameobject.CollisionResult


GameMaterialization - Interface in be.yildizgames.common.gameobject
Common part for the ClientGameEntity and the ServerGameEntity, this interface is not meant to be used but to be extended by usable client and server interfaces.
getAbsoluteDirection() - Method in interface be.yildizgames.common.gameobject.Movable
getAbsolutePosition() - Method in interface be.yildizgames.common.gameobject.Movable
getDirection() - Method in interface be.yildizgames.common.gameobject.Movable
getId() - Method in interface be.yildizgames.common.gameobject.GameMaterialization
getInternal() - Method in interface be.yildizgames.common.gameobject.Movable
getPosition() - Method in interface be.yildizgames.common.gameobject.Movable
getScaleSize() - Method in interface be.yildizgames.common.gameobject.GameMaterialization


hashCode() - Method in class be.yildizgames.common.gameobject.CollisionResult


lostCollision(CollisionResult) - Method in interface be.yildizgames.common.gameobject.CollisionListener
Two objects witch were colliding are no longer in collision state.


Movable - Interface in be.yildizgames.common.gameobject
Common interface for all movable objects.


newCollision(CollisionResult) - Method in interface be.yildizgames.common.gameobject.CollisionListener
A new collision between two objects happened.


object1 - Variable in class be.yildizgames.common.gameobject.CollisionResult
Collided object Id.
object2 - Variable in class be.yildizgames.common.gameobject.CollisionResult
Collided object Id.


removeChild(Movable) - Method in interface be.yildizgames.common.gameobject.Movable
resetScale() - Method in interface be.yildizgames.common.gameobject.GameMaterialization
rotate(float, float, float, float) - Method in interface be.yildizgames.common.gameobject.GameMaterialization
Rotate the object.


scale(float) - Method in interface be.yildizgames.common.gameobject.GameMaterialization
Scale the object.
scale(float, float, float) - Method in interface be.yildizgames.common.gameobject.GameMaterialization
Scale the object, scale is relative to latest size(scale to 0.5f to remove 50% of the size, then 0.5f again to remove 50 additional percent to the 50% of the original, size will then be 25% of the original size).
setDirection(float, float, float) - Method in interface be.yildizgames.common.gameobject.Movable
Set the object direction.
setDirection(Point3D) - Method in interface be.yildizgames.common.gameobject.Movable
Set the object direction.
setPosition(float, float, float) - Method in interface be.yildizgames.common.gameobject.Movable
Set the object position.
setPosition(Point3D) - Method in interface be.yildizgames.common.gameobject.Movable
Set the object position.
sleep(boolean) - Method in interface be.yildizgames.common.gameobject.GameMaterialization


toString() - Method in class be.yildizgames.common.gameobject.CollisionResult
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