Annotation Interface BundleContributors

@Retention(CLASS) @Target({ANNOTATION_TYPE,TYPE}) public @interface BundleContributors
Maven defines contributors and developers in the POM. This annotation will generate a (not standardized by OSGi) Bundle-Contributors header.

This annotation can be used directly on a type or it can 'color' an annotation. This coloring allows custom annotations that define a specific contributor. For example:

  @BundleContributor("[email protected]")
 @interface pkriens {} @pkriens public class MyFoo { ... }
Duplicates are removed before the header is generated and the coloring does not create an entry in the header, only an annotation on an actual type is counted. This makes it possible to make a library of contributors without then adding them all to the header.

See Maven POM reference

  • Required Element Summary

    Required Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Required Element
    The email address of the developer.
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    The display name of the developer.
    The name of the organization where the contributor works for.
    The url of the organization where the contributor works for.
    The roles this contributor plays in the development.
    Time offset in hours from UTC without Daylight savings
  • Element Details

    • value

      String value
      The email address of the developer.
    • name

      String name
      The display name of the developer. If not specified, the value() is used.
    • roles

      String[] roles
      The roles this contributor plays in the development.
    • organization

      String organization
      The name of the organization where the contributor works for.
    • organizationUrl

      String organizationUrl
      The url of the organization where the contributor works for.
    • timezone

      int timezone
      Time offset in hours from UTC without Daylight savings