Annotation Interface ServiceConsumer

@Repeatable(ServiceConsumers.class) @Retention(CLASS) @Target({PACKAGE,TYPE}) @Requirement(name="${#value}",namespace="osgi.serviceloader",attribute={"osgi.serviceloader=${#value}","${if;${is;${#cardinality};default};;cardinality:=${#cardinality}}","${if;${is;${#resolution};default};;resolution:=${#resolution}}"}) @Requirement(name="osgi.serviceloader.processor",namespace="osgi.extender",version="1.0.0",attribute="${if;${is;${#resolution};default};;resolution:=${#resolution}}") public @interface ServiceConsumer
Annotation used to generate requirements necessary for supporting the consumer side of the Service Loader Mediator specification.
See Also:
  • Required Element Summary

    Required Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Required Element
    The service type.
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    The cardinality of this requirement.
    The effective time of the osgi.serviceloader and osgi.extender requirements.
    The resolution policy of the osgi.serviceloader and osgi.extender requirements.
  • Element Details

    • value

      Class<?> value
      The service type.
      the service type
    • effective

      @Directive String effective
      The effective time of the osgi.serviceloader and osgi.extender requirements.

      Specifies the time the service loader requirements are available. The OSGi framework resolver only considers requirements without an effective directive or effective:=resolve. Requirements with other values for the effective directive can be considered by an external agent.

      If not specified, the effective directive is omitted from the requirement clause.

    • cardinality

      Cardinality cardinality
      The cardinality of this requirement.

      Indicates if this requirement can be wired a single time or multiple times.

      If not specified, the cardinality directive is omitted from the requirement clause.

    • resolution

      Resolution resolution
      The resolution policy of the osgi.serviceloader and osgi.extender requirements.

      A mandatory requirement forbids the bundle to resolve when this requirement is not satisfied; an optional requirement allows a bundle to resolve even if this requirement is not satisfied.

      If not specified, the resolution directive is omitted from the requirement clause.
