

package backends

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait JsonDerefer extends AnyRef

  2. case class JsonOutOpts(onlyBigLongsAsStrings: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable

  3. class SerAstIn extends SerInput

  4. class SerAstOut extends SerOutput

  5. class SerJsonIn extends SerInput

    This class with read in values from jackson root nodes.

    This class with read in values from jackson root nodes.

    derefer, a special trait that is used when we are deserializing json data that might contain refs. This will allow proper reconstruction of the data.

  6. class SerJsonOut extends SerOutput

  7. class SerOutputPrinter extends SerOutput

  8. class SerPennyDynamicIn extends AnyRef

  9. class SerPennyIn extends SerInput

    File format:

    File format:

    Structs: WStruct fid 0 is reserved, that is the stop field. so don't use it, ever! foreach field of struct x with fid => field.ordinal, wtBytes => wt(field.type), and encoded=> enc(field.value) ((uvar(fid)<<3) | wtBytes) ~ encoded SVarInt: WSVarInt svar(x) Fixed64: WFixed64 fixed64(x) OneOf: WOneOf uvar(keyId) ~ uvar(wt) ~ encoded(x) Strings: WByteArray uvar(len(x)) ~ bytes(x) Lists: WList if len(xs) == 0 uvar(0) else uvar(len(xs)) ~ wt(xs.elem) ~ rep1(for( x <- xs) yield encoded(x)) Options: WList, same as list but it's length is 0 or 1 only

  10. class SerPennyOut extends SerOutput

    The ultimate of speed and space.

  11. class SerPennyUnparsed extends AnyRef

    This class just slurps an inputstream and sticks it into an outputstream.

Value Members

  1. object JsonDerefer

  2. object JsonOutOpts extends Serializable

  3. object SerAstIn

  4. object SerAstNodes

  5. object SerAstOut

  6. object SerJsonIn

  7. object SerJsonOut

  8. object SerPenny

  9. object SerPennyDynamicIn

  10. object SerPennyIn

  11. object SerPennyOut
