
package reactive

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  2. By inheritance
  1. reactive
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. case class Batch[+A, +B](messages: SeqDelta[A, B]*) extends SeqDelta[A, B] with Product with Serializable

    Represents a batch of SeqDeltas.

  2. trait Batchable[A, B] extends EventSource[SeqDelta[A, B]]

    This EventStream fires SeqDeltas (Seq deltas) and can batch them up.

  3. class BufferSignal[T] extends SeqSignal[T]

    This SeqSignal contains a Buffer which you can modify directly, causing deltas to be fired.

  4. trait CanFlatMapSignal[-Parent[_], -FunRet, +Ret] extends AnyRef

  5. trait CanForwardTo[-Target, Value] extends AnyRef

    This typeclass witness the ability of a target to have values forwarded to it.

  6. trait CanMapSignal[-U, S] extends AnyRef

  7. abstract class ChildSignal[T, U, S] extends Signal[U]

  8. trait DeltaSeq[+T] extends Seq[T] with GenericTraversableTemplate[T, DeltaSeq] with SeqLike[T, DeltaSeq[T]]

  9. class DistinctSignal[T] extends ChildSignal[T, T, Unit]

  10. class EventSource[T] extends EventStream[T] with Logger

    A basic implementation of EventStream, adds fire method.

  11. trait EventStream[+T] extends Foreachable[T]

    An EventStream is a source of events (arbitrary values sent to listener functions).

  12. trait EventStreamProxy[T] extends EventStream[T]

    An EventStream that is implemented by delegating everything to another EventStream

  13. class FlatMappedSignal[T, U] extends ChildSignal[T, U, Signal[U]]

  14. trait Foreachable[+A] extends AnyRef

  15. implicit final class ForeachableForwardable[V, S <: Foreachable[V]] extends AnyVal with Forwardable[V, S]

  16. trait Forwardable[+T, +Self] extends Any

    Something from which values can be forwarded

  17. case class Include[+B](index: Int, elem: B) extends IncludeOrRemove[Nothing, B] with Product with Serializable

    Represents an insertion at an index

  18. sealed trait IncludeOrRemove[+A, +B] extends SingleDelta[A, B]

  19. trait Logger extends AnyRef

    This trait supplies semantic logging capabilities.

  20. trait LowPriorityCanFlatMapSignalImplicits extends AnyRef

  21. trait LowPriorityCanMapSignalImplicits extends AnyRef

  22. class MappedSignal[T, U] extends ChildSignal[T, U, Unit]

  23. class NamedFunction[-T, +R] extends (T) ⇒ R

  24. class NonBlockingSignal[T] extends ChildSignal[T, T, Unit]

  25. class NonrecursiveSignal[T] extends ChildSignal[T, T, Unit]

  26. class ObservableBuffer[T] extends ArrayBuffer[T]

    A Buffer that contains an EventStream which fires SeqDelta events after every time the Buffer is updated.

  27. trait Observing extends AnyRef

    Keeps a list of strong references.

  28. trait ObservingGroup extends Observing

    An Observing that, rather than maintaining references itself, maintains a List of Observings that all maintain all references.

  29. class RefreshingVar[T] extends Var[T]

    A Var that updates itself based on the supplied call-by-name regularly, at a given interval, on a java.

  30. case class Remove[+A](index: Int, old: A) extends IncludeOrRemove[A, Nothing] with Product with Serializable

    Represents an element being removed at an index

  31. sealed trait SeqDelta[+A, +B] extends AnyRef

  32. trait SeqSignal[+A] extends Signal[DeltaSeq[A]]

    This trait provides special behavior implementations for signals of sequences, preserving the transformation relationship of derived signals by propagating deltas (SeqDeltas).

  33. class SeqVar[A] extends Var[DeltaSeq[A] { ... /* 2 definitions in type refinement */ }] with SeqSignal[A]

    Convenience class for a Var that is a SeqSignal.

  34. trait Signal[+T] extends Foreachable[T]

    A Signal in FRP represents a continuous value.

  35. sealed trait SingleDelta[+A, +B] extends SeqDelta[A, B]

  36. trait Suppressable[T] extends EventSource[T]

    This EventStream allows one to block events from within a certain scope.

  37. class Timer extends EventSource[Long]

    An EventStream that fires events at the given interval.

  38. trait TracksAlive[T] extends EventSource[T]

    This trait adds the ability to an event stream to fire an event when the first listener is added.

  39. case class Update[+A, +B](index: Int, old: A, elem: B) extends SingleDelta[A, B] with Product with Serializable

    Represents an element being replaced at an index.

  40. case class Val[T](now: T) extends Signal[T] with Product with Serializable

    A signal representing a value that never changes (and hence never fires change events)

  41. class Var[T] extends Signal[T]

    A signal whose value can be changed directly

Value Members

  1. object BufferSignal

  2. object CanFlatMapSignal extends LowPriorityCanFlatMapSignalImplicits

  3. object CanForwardTo

  4. object CanMapSignal extends LowPriorityCanMapSignalImplicits

  5. object DeltaSeq extends SeqFactory[DeltaSeq]

  6. object EventStream

  7. object LCS

    Based on Java code by Neil Jones at http://bix.

  8. object Logger

    This singleton manages reactive's semantic logging.

  9. object NamedFunction

  10. object SeqDelta

    Represents the delta of a change to a Seq (such as a Buffer)

  11. object SeqSignal

  12. object Signal

  13. object Util

  14. object Var

    Defines a factory and extractor for Vars

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
