

package javascript

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  2. By inheritance
  1. javascript
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. type $[+T <: JsAny] = JsExp[T]

    A type alias for JsExp

  2. type =|>[-P <: JsAny, +R <: JsAny] = JsFunction1[P, R]

    A type alias for JsFunction1

  3. case class Apply[+R <: JsAny](f: JsExp[_ <: JsAny], args: JsExp[_ <: JsAny]*) extends JsStatement with JsExp[R] with Product with Serializable

  4. class ApplyProxyMethod[R <: JsAny] extends JsStatement with Assignable[R]

  5. trait Array[J <: JsAny] extends JsStub

    Adds javascript Array API to JsExp[JsArray[J]]

  6. trait Assignable[T <: JsAny] extends JsExp[T]

  7. class Assignment[T <: JsAny, +A <: Assignable[T]] extends JsStatement

  8. class Break extends JsStatement

  9. trait CanAmpLow extends AnyRef

  10. class CanApply[-T <: JsAny, -P, +R <: JsAny] extends AnyRef

  11. trait CanBarLow extends AnyRef

  12. class CanDivide[-L <: JsAny, -R <: JsAny, +T <: JsAny] extends CanOp[L, R, T]

  13. trait CanForwardJs[-T, V <: JsAny] extends AnyRef

    Typeclass for types that values can be forwarded to via javascript.

  14. class CanGet[-T <: JsAny, -I <: JsAny, R <: JsAny] extends AnyRef

  15. class CanMinus[-L <: JsAny, -R <: JsAny, +T <: JsAny] extends CanOp[L, R, T]

  16. class CanMod[-L <: JsAny, -R <: JsAny, +T <: JsAny] extends CanOp[L, R, T]

  17. class CanOp[-L <: JsAny, -R <: JsAny, +T <: JsAny] extends ($[L], $[R]) ⇒ $[T]

  18. class CanOrder[-L <: JsAny, -R <: JsAny, +T <: JsAny] extends (String) ⇒ ($[L], $[R]) ⇒ $[T]

  19. class CanPlus[-L <: JsAny, -R <: JsAny, +T <: JsAny] extends CanOp[L, R, T]

  20. trait CanPlusLow extends AnyRef

  21. class CanSelect[-T <: JsAny, T2 <: JsAny] extends AnyRef

  22. class CanTimes[-L <: JsAny, -R <: JsAny, +T <: JsAny] extends CanOp[L, R, T]

  23. class Can_&[-L <: JsAny, -R <: JsAny, +T <: JsAny] extends CanOp[L, R, T]

  24. class Can_|[-L <: JsAny, -R <: JsAny, +T <: JsAny] extends CanOp[L, R, T]

  25. class Extend[Old <: JsExp[_], New <: JsStub] extends (Old) ⇒ New

    A function that converts one JsStub type to another.

  26. case class ForEachInable[T <: JsAny](exp: JsExp[JsArray[T]]) extends Product with Serializable

  27. case class ForInable[T <: JsAny](exp: JsExp[JsArray[T]]) extends Product with Serializable

  28. class FromJs[-J <: JsAny, S] extends AnyRef

    A typeclass to convert a JsExp to a scala value

  29. class Func0Lit[+R <: JsAny] extends FuncXLit[R, JsFunction0[R]]

  30. class Func1Lit[-P <: JsAny, +R <: JsAny] extends FuncXLit[R, =|>[P, R]]

  31. class Func2Lit[-P1 <: JsAny, -P2 <: JsAny, +R <: JsAny] extends FuncXLit[R, JsFunction2[P1, P2, R]]

  32. abstract class FuncXLit[+R <: JsAny, +J <: JsAny] extends JsLiteral[J]

  33. class Function[P <: JsAny] extends NamedIdent[=|>[P, JsAny]] with JsStatement

  34. sealed class HasBody extends AnyRef

  35. class JsEventStream[T <: JsAny] extends JsExp[JsObj] with JsForwardable[T]

    Proxies an event stream implemented in javascript.

  36. trait JsExp[+T <: JsAny] extends AnyRef

    A Scala representation of a javscript expression.

  37. class JsExpMethods[+T <: JsAny] extends AnyRef

  38. trait JsForwardable[T <: JsAny] extends AnyRef

    The client-side complement to Forwardable.

  39. trait JsIdent[+T <: JsAny] extends JsExp[T]

    A JsExp that represents a reference to an existing, named identifier

  40. case class JsIdentable(symbol: Symbol) extends Product with Serializable

  41. case class JsLiterable[T](x: T) extends Product with Serializable

  42. trait JsLiteral[+T <: JsAny] extends JsExp[T]

    A JsExp that represents a literal value

  43. class JsOp[-L <: JsAny, -R <: JsAny, +T <: JsAny] extends $[T]

  44. class JsProp extends AnyRef

  45. class JsRaw[T <: JsAny] extends JsExp[T]

    A JsExp whose javascript representation is specified directly

  46. sealed trait JsStatement extends AnyRef

    A scala representation of a javascript statement.

  47. trait JsStub extends NamedIdent[JsObj]

    Traits that extends JsStub can have proxy instances vended whose methods result in calls to javascript methods

  48. class JsVar[T <: JsAny] extends NamedIdent[T] with Assignable[T] with JsStatement

  49. sealed trait Match[+T <: JsAny] extends AnyRef

  50. class Matchable[+T <: JsAny] extends AnyRef

  51. trait NamedIdent[+T <: JsAny] extends JsIdent[T]

    A JsIdent whose javascript name is the scala type

  52. class ProxyField[R <: JsAny] extends Assignable[R]

  53. class ProxyName[T] extends AnyRef

  54. case class Return[T <: JsAny](exp: JsExp[T] = JsRaw.apply[Nothing]("")) extends JsStatement with Product with Serializable

  55. case class Throw[T <: JsAny](exp: JsExp[T]) extends JsStatement with Product with Serializable

  56. trait ToJs[-S, J <: JsAny, +E[K <: JsAny] <: JsExp[K]] extends (S) ⇒ E[J]

    A typeclass to convert a scala value to a JsExp

  57. class ToJsExp[-S, J <: JsAny] extends ToJs[S, J, JsExp]

  58. trait ToJsHigh extends ToJsMedium

    Contains implicit conversions from scala values to javascript literals.

  59. class ToJsLit[-S, J <: JsAny] extends ToJs[S, J, JsLiteral]

  60. trait ToJsLow extends AnyRef

  61. trait ToJsMedium extends ToJsLow

  62. sealed trait Window extends JsStub

    Defines the interface of the browser's window object.

Value Members

  1. def $[T <: JsAny](name: Symbol): JsIdent[T]

    Returns a JsIdent with the specified name

  2. object Ajax

    Wrap a scala function in Ajax(.

  3. object Array

  4. def Break: Break

  5. object CanApply

  6. object CanDivide

  7. object CanForwardJs

  8. object CanGet

  9. object CanMinus

  10. object CanMod

  11. object CanOrder

  12. object CanPlus extends CanPlusLow

  13. object CanSelect

  14. object CanTimes

  15. object Can_& extends CanAmpLow

  16. object Can_| extends CanBarLow

  17. object Do

  18. def Each[T <: JsAny](exp: $[JsArray[T]]): ForEachInable[T]

  19. object For

  20. object FromJs

  21. object Function

  22. object If

  23. object Javascript

    Statements written with the JsStatement DSL, within a Javascript { .

  24. object JsEventStream

  25. object JsExp extends ToJsHigh

  26. object JsIdent

  27. object JsLiteral

  28. object JsOp

  29. object JsProp

  30. object JsRaw

  31. object JsStatement

    Maintains a thread-local stack of statement blocks

  32. object JsTypes

    Contains types that model javascript types.

  33. object JsVar

  34. object Object

    DSL to create a JsExp[JsObj]

  35. object ProxyName

  36. object Switch

  37. object ToJs

    Defines type projections as alternative syntax to construct a ToJs type.

  38. object Try

  39. object While

  40. implicit def jsExpMethods[T <: JsAny](exp: JsExp[T]): JsExpMethods[T]

  41. def jsProxy[MyStub](default: Unit): MyStub

    [use case]

    [use case]
    Full Signature

    def jsProxy[T <: JsStub](ident: ProxyName[T], toReplace: List[JsStatement])(implicit arg0: ClassTag[T]): T

  42. def jsProxy[MyStub](symbol: Symbol): MyStub

    [use case]

    [use case]
    Full Signature

    def jsProxy[T <: JsStub](ident: ProxyName[T], toReplace: List[JsStatement])(implicit arg0: ClassTag[T]): T

  43. def jsProxy[MyStub](string: String): MyStub

    [use case]

    [use case]
    Full Signature

    def jsProxy[T <: JsStub](ident: ProxyName[T], toReplace: List[JsStatement])(implicit arg0: ClassTag[T]): T

  44. implicit def toForInable[T <: JsAny](exp: JsExp[JsArray[T]]): ForInable[T]

  45. implicit def toJsIdentable(s: Symbol): JsIdentable

  46. implicit def toJsLiterable[T](x: T)(implicit c: ToJsLit[T, _]): JsLiterable[T]

  47. implicit def toMatchable[T <: JsAny](against: $[T]): Matchable[T]

  48. val window: Window

    A proxy to the browser's window object

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
