coefficient ring
Type of coefficients
Type of coefficients
Element type
Element type
The type of monomials
The type of monomials
Type of polynomials
Type of polynomials
Add coefficient ring element
Add coefficient ring element
Constant coefficient
Constant coefficient
The coefficient ring
The coefficient ring
Value of integer in coefficient ring
Value of integer in coefficient ring
String from/to conversion for ring elements
String from/to conversion for ring elements
coefficient ring
Shortcut for /% operation
Shortcut for /% operation
Divide by coefficient ring element
Divide by coefficient ring element
Divide by coefficient ring element
Divide by coefficient ring element
Casts e to element of this
Casts e to element of this
Evaluate poly for given variable
Evaluate poly for given variable
Constant polynomial with specified value
Constant polynomial with specified value
Index of variable with specified string representation
Index of variable with specified string representation
Reflection: determines whether is element of this
Reflection: determines whether is element of this
Leading coefficient
Leading coefficient
Multiply by coefficient ring element
Multiply by coefficient ring element
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
Set names of variables (new ring will be created)
Set names of variables (new ring will be created)
Convert element to string
Convert element to string
Convert element to string
Convert element to string
Convert element to string
Convert element to string
Subtract coefficient ring element
Subtract coefficient ring element
the IPolynomialRing
the IPolynomialRing
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
Index of variable with specified string representation
Index of variable with specified string representation
String representation of i-th variable
String representation of i-th variable
The first variable
The first variable
The second variable
The second variable
The third variable
The third variable
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
Pretty toString
Pretty toString
use stringify
Zp[variables] with specified modulus
coefficient ring