Class UnivariateDivision

  • public final class UnivariateDivision
    extends Object
    Division with remainder of univariate polynomials.
    • Method Detail

      • remainderMonomial

        public static <T extends IUnivariatePolynomial<T>> T remainderMonomial​(T dividend,
                                                                               int xDegree,
                                                                               boolean copy)
        Returns the remainder of dividend and monomial x^xDegree
        dividend - the dividend
        xDegree - monomial degree
        copy - whether to clone dividend; if not, the remainder will be placed directly to dividend and dividend data will be lost
        the remainder
      • divideAndRemainder

        public static UnivariatePolynomialZ64[] divideAndRemainder​(UnivariatePolynomialZ64 dividend,
                                                                   UnivariatePolynomialZ64 divider,
                                                                   boolean copy)
        Returns {quotient, remainder} or null if the division is not possible.
        dividend - the dividend
        divider - the divider
        copy - whether to clone dividend; if not, the remainder will be placed directly to dividend and dividend data will be lost
        {quotient, remainder} or null if the division is not possible
      • pseudoDivideAndRemainder

        public static UnivariatePolynomialZ64[] pseudoDivideAndRemainder​(UnivariatePolynomialZ64 dividend,
                                                                         UnivariatePolynomialZ64 divider,
                                                                         boolean copy)
        Returns quotient and remainder using pseudo division.
        dividend - the dividend
        divider - the divider
        copy - whether to clone dividend; if not, the remainder will be placed directly to dividend and dividend data will be lost
        {quotient, remainder}
      • remainder

        public static UnivariatePolynomialZ64 remainder​(UnivariatePolynomialZ64 dividend,
                                                        UnivariatePolynomialZ64 divider,
                                                        boolean copy)
        Returns remainder of dividend and divider or null if division is not possible.
        dividend - the dividend
        divider - the divider
        copy - whether to clone dividend; if not, the remainder will be placed directly to dividend and dividend data will be lost
        the remainder or null if division is not possible
      • quotient

        public static UnivariatePolynomialZ64 quotient​(UnivariatePolynomialZ64 dividend,
                                                       UnivariatePolynomialZ64 divider,
                                                       boolean copy)
        Returns quotient dividend/ divider
        dividend - the dividend
        divider - the divider
        copy - whether to clone dividend; if not, the remainder will be placed directly to dividend and dividend data will be lost
        the quotient
      • divideAndRemainder

        public static UnivariatePolynomialZp64[] divideAndRemainder​(UnivariatePolynomialZp64 dividend,
                                                                    UnivariatePolynomialZp64 divider,
                                                                    boolean copy)
        Returns quotient and remainder.
        dividend - the dividend
        divider - the divider
        copy - whether to clone dividend; if not, the remainder will be placed directly to dividend and dividend data will be lost
        {quotient, remainder}
      • divideAndRemainderClassic

        public static UnivariatePolynomialZp64[] divideAndRemainderClassic​(UnivariatePolynomialZp64 dividend,
                                                                           UnivariatePolynomialZp64 divider,
                                                                           boolean copy)
        Classical algorithm for division with remainder.
        dividend - the dividend
        divider - the divider
        copy - whether to clone dividend; if not, the remainder will be placed directly to dividend and dividend data will be lost
        {quotient, remainder}
      • divideAndRemainder

        public static <E> UnivariatePolynomial<E>[] divideAndRemainder​(UnivariatePolynomial<E> dividend,
                                                                       UnivariatePolynomial<E> divider,
                                                                       boolean copy)
        Returns quotient and remainder.
        dividend - the dividend
        divider - the divider
        copy - whether to clone dividend; if not, the remainder will be placed directly to dividend and dividend data will be lost
        {quotient, remainder}
      • pseudoDivideAndRemainder

        public static <E> UnivariatePolynomial<E>[] pseudoDivideAndRemainder​(UnivariatePolynomial<E> dividend,
                                                                             UnivariatePolynomial<E> divider,
                                                                             boolean copy)
        Returns quotient and remainder using pseudo division.
        dividend - the dividend
        divider - the divider
        copy - whether to clone dividend; if not, the remainder will be placed directly to dividend and dividend data will be lost
        {quotient, remainder}
      • divideAndRemainderClassic

        public static <E> UnivariatePolynomial<E>[] divideAndRemainderClassic​(UnivariatePolynomial<E> dividend,
                                                                              UnivariatePolynomial<E> divider,
                                                                              boolean copy)
        Classical algorithm for division with remainder.
        dividend - the dividend
        divider - the divider
        copy - whether to clone dividend; if not, the remainder will be placed directly to dividend and dividend data will be lost
        {quotient, remainder}
      • fastDivisionPreConditioningWithLCCorrection

        public static <Poly extends IUnivariatePolynomial<Poly>> UnivariateDivision.InverseModMonomial<Poly> fastDivisionPreConditioningWithLCCorrection​(Poly divider)
        Prepares rev(divider)^(-1) mod x^i for fast division.
        divider - the divider
      • divideAndRemainderFast

        public static UnivariatePolynomialZp64[] divideAndRemainderFast​(UnivariatePolynomialZp64 dividend,
                                                                        UnivariatePolynomialZp64 divider,
                                                                        boolean copy)
        Fast algorithm for division with remainder using Newton's iteration.
        dividend - the dividend
        divider - the divider
        copy - whether to clone dividend; if not, the remainder will be placed directly to dividend and dividend data will be lost
        {quotient, remainder}
      • divideAndRemainderFast

        public static <E> UnivariatePolynomial<E>[] divideAndRemainderFast​(UnivariatePolynomial<E> dividend,
                                                                           UnivariatePolynomial<E> divider,
                                                                           boolean copy)
        Fast algorithm for division with remainder using Newton's iteration.
        dividend - the dividend
        divider - the divider
        copy - whether to clone dividend; if not, the remainder will be placed directly to dividend and dividend data will be lost
        {quotient, remainder}
      • divideAndRemainderFast

        public static <E> UnivariatePolynomial<E>[] divideAndRemainderFast​(UnivariatePolynomial<E> dividend,
                                                                           UnivariatePolynomial<E> divider,
                                                                           UnivariateDivision.InverseModMonomial<UnivariatePolynomial<E>> invMod,
                                                                           boolean copy)
        Fast algorithm for division with remainder using Newton's iteration.
        dividend - the dividend
        divider - the divider
        invMod - pre-conditioned divider (fastDivisionPreConditioning(divider))
        copy - whether to clone dividend; if not, the remainder will be placed directly to dividend and dividend data will be lost
        {quotient, remainder}
      • remainder

        public static UnivariatePolynomialZp64 remainder​(UnivariatePolynomialZp64 dividend,
                                                         UnivariatePolynomialZp64 divider,
                                                         boolean copy)
        Returns remainder of dividing dividend by divider.
        dividend - the dividend
        divider - the divider
        copy - whether to clone dividend; if not, the remainder will be placed directly to dividend and dividend data will be lost
        the remainder
      • quotient

        public static UnivariatePolynomialZp64 quotient​(UnivariatePolynomialZp64 dividend,
                                                        UnivariatePolynomialZp64 divider,
                                                        boolean copy)
        Returns quotient of dividing dividend by divider.
        dividend - the dividend
        divider - the divider
        copy - whether to clone dividend; if not, the remainder will be placed directly to dividend and dividend data will be lost
        the quotient
      • remainder

        public static <E> UnivariatePolynomial<E> remainder​(UnivariatePolynomial<E> dividend,
                                                            UnivariatePolynomial<E> divider,
                                                            boolean copy)
        Returns remainder of dividend and divider.
        dividend - the dividend
        divider - the divider
        copy - whether to clone dividend; if not, the remainder will be placed directly to dividend and dividend data will be lost
        the remainder
      • remainderFast

        public static <E> UnivariatePolynomial<E> remainderFast​(UnivariatePolynomial<E> dividend,
                                                                UnivariatePolynomial<E> divider,
                                                                UnivariateDivision.InverseModMonomial<UnivariatePolynomial<E>> invMod,
                                                                boolean copy)
        Fast remainder using Newton's iteration with switch to classical remainder for small polynomials.
        dividend - the dividend
        divider - the divider
        invMod - pre-conditioned divider (fastDivisionPreConditioning(divider))
        copy - whether to clone dividend; if not, the remainder will be placed directly to dividend and dividend data will be lost
        the remainder
      • quotient

        public static <E> UnivariatePolynomial<E> quotient​(UnivariatePolynomial<E> dividend,
                                                           UnivariatePolynomial<E> divider,
                                                           boolean copy)
        Returns quotient of dividend and divider.
        dividend - the dividend
        divider - the divider
        copy - whether to clone dividend; if not, the remainder will be placed directly to dividend and dividend data will be lost
        the quotient
      • pseudoDivideAndRemainder

        public static <Poly extends IUnivariatePolynomial<Poly>> Poly[] pseudoDivideAndRemainder​(Poly dividend,
                                                                                                 Poly divider,
                                                                                                 boolean copy)
        Returns quotient and remainder of dividend and divider using pseudo division.
        dividend - the dividend
        divider - the divider
        copy - whether to clone dividend; if not, the remainder will be placed directly to dividend and dividend data will be lost
        {quotient, remainder}
      • divideAndRemainder

        public static <Poly extends IUnivariatePolynomial<Poly>> Poly[] divideAndRemainder​(Poly dividend,
                                                                                           Poly divider,
                                                                                           boolean copy)
        Returns {quotient, remainder} of dividend and divider or null if the division is not possible.
        dividend - the dividend
        divider - the divider
        copy - whether to clone dividend; if not, the remainder will be placed directly to dividend and dividend data will be lost
        {quotient, remainder} or null if the division is not possible
      • divideAndRemainderFast

        public static <Poly extends IUnivariatePolynomial<Poly>> Poly[] divideAndRemainderFast​(Poly dividend,
                                                                                               Poly divider,
                                                                                               UnivariateDivision.InverseModMonomial<Poly> invMod,
                                                                                               boolean copy)
        Returns {quotient, remainder} of dividend and divider
        dividend - the dividend
        divider - the divider
        copy - whether to clone dividend; if not, the remainder will be placed directly to dividend and dividend data will be lost
        invMod - precomputed Newton inverses
        {quotient, remainder} or null if the division is not possible
      • divideExact

        public static <Poly extends IUnivariatePolynomial<Poly>> Poly divideExact​(Poly dividend,
                                                                                  Poly divider,
                                                                                  boolean copy)
        Divides dividend by divider or throws ArithmeticException if exact division is not possible
        dividend - the dividend
        divider - the divider
        dividend / divider
        ArithmeticException - if exact division is not possible
      • divideOrNull

        public static <Poly extends IUnivariatePolynomial<Poly>> Poly divideOrNull​(Poly dividend,
                                                                                   Poly divider,
                                                                                   boolean copy)
        Divides dividend by divider or returns null if exact division is not possible
        dividend - the dividend
        divider - the divider
        dividend / divider or null if exact division is not possible
      • remainder

        public static <Poly extends IUnivariatePolynomial<Poly>> Poly remainder​(Poly dividend,
                                                                                Poly divider,
                                                                                boolean copy)
        Returns remainder of dividend and divider.
        dividend - the dividend
        divider - the divider
        copy - whether to clone dividend; if not, the remainder will be placed directly to dividend and dividend data will be lost
        the remainder
      • quotient

        public static <Poly extends IUnivariatePolynomial<Poly>> Poly quotient​(Poly dividend,
                                                                               Poly divider,
                                                                               boolean copy)
        Returns quotient dividend/ divider or null if exact division o
        dividend - the dividend
        divider - the divider
        copy - whether to clone dividend; if not, the remainder will be placed directly to dividend and dividend data will be lost
        the quotient
      • remainderFast

        public static <Poly extends IUnivariatePolynomial<Poly>> Poly remainderFast​(Poly dividend,
                                                                                    Poly divider,
                                                                                    UnivariateDivision.InverseModMonomial<Poly> invMod,
                                                                                    boolean copy)
        Fast remainder using Newton's iteration with switch to classical remainder for small polynomials.
        dividend - the dividend
        divider - the divider
        invMod - pre-conditioned divider (fastDivisionPreConditioning(divider))
        copy - whether to clone dividend; if not, the remainder will be placed directly to dividend and dividend data will be lost
        the remainder
      • remainderCoefficientBound

        public static <E> E remainderCoefficientBound​(UnivariatePolynomial<E> dividend,
                                                      UnivariatePolynomial<E> divider)
        Gives an upper bound on the coefficients of remainder of division of dividend by divider
        dividend - the dividend
        divider - the divider
        upper bound on the coefficients of remainder