All Classes and Interfaces

Represents a artifact that should be uploaded from the agent to the server.
Specifies how a stage should be triggered.
Represents a list of artifacts.
Represents an environment in GoCD.
Represents a collection of Environment.
Represents a task that represents the semantics of the Runtime.exec(String[]) system call.
The Filter element specifies files in changesets that should not trigger a pipeline automatically.
Represents a git material config.
Represents the top level GoCD configuration consisting of pipelines and environments.
Represents a hg material config.
Represents a job.
Represents a list of Jobs
Represents a material that a pipeline polls on.
NamedNode<T extends Node>
Node<T extends Node>
Represents a p4 material config.
Represents a pipeline config object.
Represents a collection of Pipeline
Represents an artifact managed by a plugin.
Executes a shell script.
Represents a stage.
Represents a svn material config.
A tab displayed on the job detail page.
Task<T extends Node>
Represents a collection of tasks.
Represents a tfs material config.
Represents a timer specification to perform cron-like trigggers of pipelines.
Represents an issue tracker.