
Related Doc: package ast

object untpd extends Instance[Untyped] with UntypedTreeInfo

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. untpd
  2. UntypedTreeInfo
  3. TreeInfo
  4. Instance
  5. DotClass
  6. AnyRef
  7. Any
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Type Members

  1. type Alternative = Trees.Alternative[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  2. type AndTypeTree = Trees.AndTypeTree[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  3. type Annotated = Trees.Annotated[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  4. type AppliedTypeTree = Trees.AppliedTypeTree[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  5. type Apply = Trees.Apply[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  6. type Assign = Trees.Assign[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  7. type BackquotedIdent = Trees.BackquotedIdent[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  8. type Bind = Trees.Bind[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  9. type Block = Trees.Block[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  10. type ByNameTypeTree = Trees.ByNameTypeTree[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  11. type CaseDef = Trees.CaseDef[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  12. type Closure = Trees.Closure[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  13. case class ContextBounds(bounds: untpd.TypeBoundsTree, cxBounds: List[untpd.Tree]) extends Trees.Tree[Untyped] with TypTree with Product with Serializable

  14. class DeepFolder[X] extends TreeAccumulator[X]

    Fold f over all tree nodes, in depth-first, prefix order

    Fold f over all tree nodes, in depth-first, prefix order

    Definition Classes
  15. type DefDef = Trees.DefDef[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  16. type DefTree = Trees.DefTree[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  17. type DenotingTree = Trees.DenotingTree[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  18. abstract class DerivedTypeTree extends TypeTree

    A type tree that gets its type from some other tree's symbol.

    A type tree that gets its type from some other tree's symbol. Enters the type tree in the References attachment of the from tree as a side effect.

  19. case class DoWhile(body: untpd.Tree, cond: untpd.Tree) extends Trees.Tree[Untyped] with TermTree with Product with Serializable

  20. case class ForDo(enums: List[untpd.Tree], body: untpd.Tree) extends Trees.Tree[Untyped] with TermTree with Product with Serializable

  21. case class ForYield(enums: List[untpd.Tree], expr: untpd.Tree) extends Trees.Tree[Untyped] with TermTree with Product with Serializable

  22. case class Function(args: List[untpd.Tree], body: untpd.Tree) extends Tree with Product with Serializable

  23. case class GenAlias(pat: untpd.Tree, expr: untpd.Tree) extends Tree with Product with Serializable

  24. case class GenFrom(pat: untpd.Tree, expr: untpd.Tree) extends Tree with Product with Serializable

  25. type Ident = Trees.Ident[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  26. type If = Trees.If[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  27. type Import = Trees.Import[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  28. case class InfixOp(left: untpd.Tree, op: Name, right: untpd.Tree) extends Tree with OpTree with Product with Serializable

  29. class InfixOpBlock extends Block

    A block arising from a right-associative infix operation, where, e.g.

    A block arising from a right-associative infix operation, where, e.g.

    a +: b

    is expanded to

    { val x = a; b.+:(x) }

  30. case class InterpolatedString(id: TermName, segments: List[untpd.Tree]) extends Trees.Tree[Untyped] with TermTree with Product with Serializable

    An interpolated string

    An interpolated string


    a list of two element tickets consisting of string literal and argument tree, possibly with a simple string literal as last element of the list

  31. type JavaSeqLiteral = Trees.JavaSeqLiteral[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  32. type Literal = Trees.Literal[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  33. type Match = Trees.Match[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  34. class MatchingArgs extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  35. type MemberDef = Trees.MemberDef[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  36. case class Modifiers(flags: FlagSet = EmptyFlags, privateWithin: TypeName = tpnme.EMPTY, annotations: List[untpd.Tree] = Nil) extends Positioned with Cloneable with Product with Serializable

    Modifiers and annotations for definitions

    Modifiers and annotations for definitions


    The set flags


    If a private or protected has is followed by a qualifier [q], the name q, "" as a typename otherwise.


    The annotations preceding the modifiers

  37. abstract class ModsDecorator extends AnyRef

  38. case class ModuleDef(name: TermName, impl: untpd.Template) extends MemberDef with Product with Serializable

    mods object name impl

  39. type NameTree = Trees.NameTree[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  40. type NamedArg = Trees.NamedArg[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  41. type New = Trees.New[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  42. trait OpTree extends Tree

  43. type OrTypeTree = Trees.OrTypeTree[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  44. type PackageDef = Trees.PackageDef[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  45. case class Parens(t: untpd.Tree) extends ProxyTree with Product with Serializable

  46. case class ParsedTry(expr: untpd.Tree, handler: untpd.Tree, finalizer: untpd.Tree) extends Trees.Tree[Untyped] with TermTree with Product with Serializable

  47. case class PatDef(mods: Modifiers, pats: List[untpd.Tree], tpt: untpd.Tree, rhs: untpd.Tree) extends Trees.DenotingTree[Untyped] with DefTree with Product with Serializable

  48. type PatternTree = Trees.PatternTree[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  49. class PolyTypeDef extends TypeDef

  50. case class PostfixOp(od: untpd.Tree, op: Name) extends Tree with OpTree with Product with Serializable

  51. case class PrefixOp(op: Name, od: untpd.Tree) extends Tree with OpTree with Product with Serializable

  52. type ProxyTree = Trees.ProxyTree[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  53. type RefTree = Trees.RefTree[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  54. type RefinedTypeTree = Trees.RefinedTypeTree[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  55. type Return = Trees.Return[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  56. type Select = Trees.Select[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  57. type SelectWithSig = Trees.SelectWithSig[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  58. type SeqLiteral = Trees.SeqLiteral[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  59. class ShallowFolder[X] extends TreeAccumulator[X]

    Fold f over all tree nodes, in depth-first, prefix order, but don't visit subtrees where f returns a different result for the root, i.e.

    Fold f over all tree nodes, in depth-first, prefix order, but don't visit subtrees where f returns a different result for the root, i.e. f(x, root) ne x.

    Definition Classes
  60. type SingletonTypeTree = Trees.SingletonTypeTree[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  61. type Super = Trees.Super[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  62. case class SymbolLit(str: String) extends Trees.Tree[Untyped] with TermTree with Product with Serializable

  63. type Template = Trees.Template[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  64. type TermTree = Trees.TermTree[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  65. type Thicket = Trees.Thicket[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  66. type This = Trees.This[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  67. case class Throw(expr: untpd.Tree) extends Trees.Tree[Untyped] with TermTree with Product with Serializable

  68. type Tree = Trees.Tree[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  69. abstract class TreeAccumulator[X] extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  70. abstract class TreeCopier extends AnyRef

    A class for copying trees.

    A class for copying trees. The copy methods avid creating a new tree If all arguments stay the same.

    Note: Some of the copy methods take a context. These are exactly those methods that are overridden in TypedTreeCopier so that they selectively retype themselves. Retyping needs a context.

    Definition Classes
  71. abstract class TreeMap extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  72. abstract class TreeTraverser extends TreeAccumulator[Unit]

    Definition Classes
  73. type Try = Trees.Try[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  74. case class Tuple(trees: List[untpd.Tree]) extends Tree with Product with Serializable

  75. type TypTree = Trees.TypTree[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  76. type TypeApply = Trees.TypeApply[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  77. type TypeBoundsTree = Trees.TypeBoundsTree[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  78. type TypeDef = Trees.TypeDef[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  79. type TypeLambdaTree = Trees.TypeLambdaTree[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  80. type TypeTree = Trees.TypeTree[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  81. type Typed = Trees.Typed[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  82. case class TypedSplice(tree: tpd.Tree) extends ProxyTree with Product with Serializable

    A typed subtree of an untyped tree needs to be wrapped in a TypedSlice

  83. type UnApply = Trees.UnApply[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  84. class UntypedDeepFolder[X] extends UntypedTreeAccumulator[X]

    Fold f over all tree nodes, in depth-first, prefix order

  85. abstract class UntypedTreeAccumulator[X] extends TreeAccumulator[X]

  86. class UntypedTreeCopier extends TreeCopier

  87. abstract class UntypedTreeMap extends TreeMap

  88. type ValDef = Trees.ValDef[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  89. type ValOrDefDef = Trees.ValOrDefDef[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  90. case class WhileDo(cond: untpd.Tree, body: untpd.Tree) extends Trees.Tree[Untyped] with TermTree with Product with Serializable

  91. class WildcardFunction extends Function

    A function created from a wildcard expression

  92. implicit class modsDeco extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. def Alternative(trees: List[Tree]): Alternative

  5. def AndTypeTree(left: Tree, right: Tree): AndTypeTree

  6. def Annotated(arg: Tree, annot: Tree): Annotated

  7. def AppliedTypeTree(tpt: Tree, arg: Tree): AppliedTypeTree

  8. def AppliedTypeTree(tpt: Tree, args: List[Tree]): AppliedTypeTree

  9. def Apply(fn: Tree, arg: Tree): Apply

  10. def Apply(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]): Apply

  11. def Assign(lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree): Assign

  12. def BackquotedIdent(name: Name): BackquotedIdent

  13. def Bind(name: Name, body: Tree): Bind

  14. def Block(stat: Tree, expr: Tree): Block

  15. def Block(stats: List[Tree], expr: Tree): Block

  16. def ByNameTypeTree(result: Tree): ByNameTypeTree

  17. def CaseDef(pat: Tree, guard: Tree, body: Tree): CaseDef

  18. def Closure(env: List[Tree], meth: Tree, tpt: Tree): Closure

  19. def DefDef(name: TermName, tparams: List[TypeDef], vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], tpt: Tree, rhs: LazyTree): DefDef

  20. val EmptyModifiers: Modifiers

  21. val EmptyTree: Thicket

    Definition Classes
  22. val EmptyValDef: ValDef

    Definition Classes
  23. def Ident(name: Name): Ident

  24. def If(cond: Tree, thenp: Tree, elsep: Tree): If

  25. def Import(expr: Tree, selectors: List[Tree]): Import

  26. def JavaSeqLiteral(elems: List[Tree], elemtpt: Tree): JavaSeqLiteral

  27. def Literal(const: Constant): Literal

  28. def Match(selector: Tree, cases: List[CaseDef]): Match

  29. def NamedArg(name: Name, arg: Tree): NamedArg

  30. def New(tpt: Tree, argss: List[List[Tree]])(implicit ctx: Context): Tree

    new pre.C[Ts](args1)...(args_n)

    new pre.C[Ts](args1)...(args_n)

    > (new pre.C).<init>[Ts](args1)...(args_n)

  31. def New(tpt: Tree): New

  32. def OrTypeTree(left: Tree, right: Tree): OrTypeTree

  33. val OriginalSymbol: Key[Symbol]

    Attachment key for TypeTrees marked with TypeRefOfSym or InfoOfSym which contains the symbol of the original tree from which this TypeTree is derived.

  34. def PackageDef(pid: RefTree, stats: List[Tree]): PackageDef

  35. val References: Key[List[Tree]]

    Attachment key containing TypeTrees whose type is computed from the symbol in this type.

    Attachment key containing TypeTrees whose type is computed from the symbol in this type. These type trees have marker trees TypeRefOfSym or InfoOfSym as their originals.

  36. def RefinedTypeTree(tpt: Tree, refinements: List[Tree]): RefinedTypeTree

  37. def Return(expr: Tree, from: Tree): Return

  38. def Select(qualifier: Tree, name: Name): Select

  39. def SelectWithSig(qualifier: Tree, name: Name, sig: Signature): Select

  40. def SeqLiteral(elems: List[Tree], elemtpt: Tree): SeqLiteral

  41. def SingletonTypeTree(ref: Tree): SingletonTypeTree

  42. def Super(qual: Tree, mix: TypeName): Super

  43. def Template(constr: DefDef, parents: List[Tree], self: ValDef, body: LazyTreeList): Template

  44. def Thicket(x1: Tree, x2: Tree, x3: Tree): Thicket

    Definition Classes
  45. def Thicket(x1: Tree, x2: Tree): Thicket

    Definition Classes
  46. def Thicket(): Thicket

    Definition Classes
  47. def Thicket(trees: List[Tree]): Thicket

    Definition Classes
  48. def This(qual: TypeName): This

  49. def Try(expr: Tree, cases: List[CaseDef], finalizer: Tree): Try

  50. def TypeApply(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]): TypeApply

  51. def TypeBoundsTree(lo: Tree, hi: Tree): TypeBoundsTree

  52. def TypeDef(name: TypeName, tparams: List[TypeDef], rhs: Tree): TypeDef

  53. def TypeDef(name: TypeName, rhs: Tree): TypeDef

  54. def TypeLambdaTree(tparams: List[TypeDef], body: Tree): TypeLambdaTree

  55. def TypeTree(tpe: Type): TypedSplice

  56. def TypeTree(): Trees.TypeTree[Untyped]

  57. def TypeTree(original: Tree): TypeTree

  58. def Typed(expr: Tree, tpt: Tree): Typed

  59. def UnApply(fun: Tree, implicits: List[Tree], patterns: List[Tree]): UnApply

  60. def ValDef(name: TermName, tpt: Tree, rhs: LazyTree): ValDef

  61. def arguments(tree: Tree): List[Tree]

    The (last) list of arguments of an application

    The (last) list of arguments of an application

    Definition Classes
  62. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  63. def catchesAllOf(cdef: CaseDef, threshold: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean

    Does this CaseDef catch everything of a certain Type?

    Does this CaseDef catch everything of a certain Type?

    Definition Classes
  64. def catchesThrowable(cdef: CaseDef)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean

    Does this CaseDef catch Throwable?

    Does this CaseDef catch Throwable?

    Definition Classes
  65. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  66. def closureBody(tree: tpd.Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): tpd.Tree

    If tree is a closure, it's body, otherwise tree itself

    If tree is a closure, it's body, otherwise tree itself

    Definition Classes
  67. val cpy: UntypedTreeCopier

    Definition Classes
  68. def defKind(tree: Tree): FlagSet

    The largest subset of {NoInits, PureInterface} that a trait enclosing this statement can have as flags.

    The largest subset of {NoInits, PureInterface} that a trait enclosing this statement can have as flags. Does tree contain an initialization part when seen as a member of a class or trait?

    Definition Classes
  69. def emptyConstructor(implicit ctx: Context): DefDef

  70. def ensureApplied(tpt: Tree): Tree

  71. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  72. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  73. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  74. def firstConstructor(stats: List[Tree]): Tree

    The first constructor definition in stats

    The first constructor definition in stats

    Definition Classes
  75. def firstConstructorArgs(stats: List[Tree]): List[Tree]

    The arguments to the first constructor in stats.

    The arguments to the first constructor in stats.

    Definition Classes
  76. def flatTree(xs: List[Tree]): Tree

    Definition Classes
  77. def forallResults(tree: Tree, p: (Tree) ⇒ Boolean): Boolean

    Checks whether predicate p is true for all result parts of this expression, where we zoom into Ifs, Matches, and Blocks.

    Checks whether predicate p is true for all result parts of this expression, where we zoom into Ifs, Matches, and Blocks.

    Definition Classes
  78. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  79. def hasNamedArg(args: List[Any]): Boolean

    Does this list contain a named argument tree?

    Does this list contain a named argument tree?

    Definition Classes
  80. def hashCode(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  81. def isDeclarationOrTypeDef(tree: Tree): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  82. def isDefaultCase(cdef: CaseDef): Boolean

    Is this pattern node a catch-all (wildcard or variable) pattern?

    Is this pattern node a catch-all (wildcard or variable) pattern?

    Definition Classes
  83. def isFunctionWithUnknownParamType(tree: Tree): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  84. def isGuardedCase(cdef: CaseDef): Boolean

    Is this case guarded?

    Is this case guarded?

    Definition Classes
  85. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  86. def isLeftAssoc(operator: Name): Boolean

    Is name a left-associative operator?

    Is name a left-associative operator?

    Definition Classes
  87. val isNamedArg: (Any) ⇒ Boolean

    Definition Classes
  88. def isOpAssign(tree: Tree): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  89. def isRepeatedParamType(tpt: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean

    Is tpt a vararg type of the form T* or => T*?

    Is tpt a vararg type of the form T* or => T*?

    Definition Classes
  90. def isSelfConstrCall(tree: Tree): Boolean

    Is tree a self constructor call this(...)? I.e.

    Is tree a self constructor call this(...)? I.e. a call to a constructor of the same object?

    Definition Classes
  91. def isSelfOrSuperConstrCall(tree: Tree): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  92. def isSuperConstrCall(tree: Tree): Boolean

    Is tree a super constructor call?

    Is tree a super constructor call?

    Definition Classes
  93. def isSuperSelection(tree: Tree): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  94. def isSyntheticDefaultCase(cdef: CaseDef): Boolean

    Is this pattern node a synthetic catch-all case, added during PartialFuction synthesis before we know whether the user provided cases are exhaustive.

    Is this pattern node a synthetic catch-all case, added during PartialFuction synthesis before we know whether the user provided cases are exhaustive.

    Definition Classes
  95. def isVarPattern(pat: Tree): Boolean

    Is tree a variable pattern?

    Is tree a variable pattern?

    Definition Classes
  96. def isWildcardArg(tree: Tree): Boolean

    Is the argument a wildcard argument of the form _ or x @ _?

    Is the argument a wildcard argument of the form _ or x @ _?

    Definition Classes
  97. def isWildcardStarArg(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean

    Is this argument node of the form <expr> : _* ?

    Is this argument node of the form <expr> : _* ?

    Definition Classes
  98. def isWildcardStarArgList(trees: List[Tree])(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean

    Does this argument list end with an argument of the form <expr> : _* ?

    Does this argument list end with an argument of the form <expr> : _* ?

    Definition Classes
  99. def lacksDefinition(mdef: MemberDef)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean

    True iff definition is a val or def with no right-hand-side, or it is an abstract typoe declaration

    True iff definition is a val or def with no right-hand-side, or it is an abstract typoe declaration

    Definition Classes
  100. def makeConstructor(tparams: List[TypeDef], vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], rhs: Tree = EmptyTree)(implicit ctx: Context): DefDef

  101. def makeParameter(pname: TermName, tpe: Tree, mods: Modifiers = EmptyModifiers)(implicit ctx: Context): ValDef

  102. def makeSelfDef(name: TermName, tpt: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Trees.ValDef[Null]

  103. def makeSyntheticParameter(n: Int = 1, tpt: Tree = TypeTree())(implicit ctx: Context): ValDef

  104. def makeTuple(ts: List[Tree])(implicit ctx: Context): Tree

  105. def makeTupleOrParens(ts: List[Tree])(implicit ctx: Context): Trees.Tree[Untyped] with Serializable

  106. def mayBeTypePat(tree: Tree): Boolean

    can this type be a type pattern?

    can this type be a type pattern?

    Definition Classes
  107. def methPart(tree: Tree): Tree

    The method part of an application node, possibly enclosed in a block with only valdefs as statements.

    The method part of an application node, possibly enclosed in a block with only valdefs as statements. the reason for also considering blocks is that named arguments can transform a call into a block, e.g. <init>(b = foo, a = bar) is transformed to { val x$1 = foo val x$2 = bar <init>(x$2, x$1) }

    Definition Classes
  108. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  109. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  110. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  111. def numArgs(tree: Tree): Int

    The number of arguments in an application

    The number of arguments in an application

    Definition Classes
  112. def ref(tp: NamedType)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree

  113. def refOfDef(tree: MemberDef)(implicit ctx: Context): Trees.Tree[Untyped] with Serializable

    A reference to given definition.

    A reference to given definition. If definition is a repeated parameter, the reference will be a repeated argument.

  114. def rename(tree: NameTree, newName: Name)(implicit ctx: Context): ThisTree[Untyped]

    Definition Classes
  115. def repeated(arg: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Typed

    A repeated argument such as arg: _*

  116. def rootDot(name: Name): Select

  117. def scalaAny: Select

  118. def scalaDot(name: Name): Select

  119. def scalaUnit: Select

  120. def stripApply(tree: Tree): Tree

    If this is an application, its function part, stripping all Apply nodes (but leaving TypeApply nodes in).

    If this is an application, its function part, stripping all Apply nodes (but leaving TypeApply nodes in). Otherwise the tree itself.

    Definition Classes
  121. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  122. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  123. def unbind(x: Tree): Tree

    The underlying pattern ignoring any bindings

    The underlying pattern ignoring any bindings

    Definition Classes
  124. def unitLiteral: Literal

  125. def unsplice[T >: Untyped](tree: Trees.Tree[T]): Trees.Tree[T]

    Definition Classes
  126. def unsupported(methodName: String): Nothing

    Throws an UnsupportedOperationException with the given method name.

    Throws an UnsupportedOperationException with the given method name.

    Definition Classes
  127. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  128. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  129. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )

Inherited from UntypedTreeInfo

Inherited from TreeInfo[Untyped]

Inherited from Instance[Untyped]

Inherited from DotClass

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
